
[ ˈswɪndlɚ]['swɪndlə(r)]


  • This alone stamps him as a swindler .

    这一 就表明他是一个 骗子

  • Go to your father taking him aside and tip him off that the man is a swindler .

    到你父亲那里,把他带到一边,悄悄 告诉他那人是个 骗子

  • The swindler let him in for nearly $ 100 .

    骗子 了他近一百美元。

  • The swindler 's offer was in bad faith as he never expected to honor the agreement .

    那个 骗子的提议是不守信义的,因为他压根儿就没想 协议办。

  • The swindler tricked the old lady out of her necklace .

    那个 骗子把老妇人的项链骗走了。

  • The dream is the trickery which the swindler most likes using I already did not have the dream right all were away from me to be too remote .

    梦想是 骗子最爱使用的诈术,我已经没有梦想的权利了,一切距离我太遥远了。

  • The swindler had been caught in flagrante delicto .

    那个 骗子当场被捕。

  • You call him a swindler ; you have overstated your point .

    你称他 骗子;你言重了。

  • People saw through the swindler .

    大家识破了 这个 江湖骗子 诡计

  • The swindler allured her by hopes .


  • When the detectives came in the swindler knew that he had reckoned without his host .

    等到侦探们进来时,那 骗子才知道自己估计错了。

  • Bernard Madoff history 's biggest swindler faces life behind bars .

    历史上最 有名 骗子,将面临牢狱生活。

  • The swindler sold the house with intent to cheat her .

    骗子出售 房子企图向她存心要诈骗。

  • A swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim .

    利用受害人的信心来 骗的 骗子

  • The swindler beguiled her out of all her savings .

    那个 诈骗 骗走了她的全部存款。

  • They suspected him to be a political swindler .

    他们怀疑他是一个政治 骗子

  • What are you a swindler ?

    你现在 变成 诈骗 了吗?

  • I was so blind that I did not recognize he was a swindler .

    我真是瞎了眼,没看出他是个 骗子

  • Therefore swindler defrauding money is also increasing .

    因此 骗子骗取的钱也越来越多。

  • Have you seen a swindler admit he 's tricking you ?

    你见过一个 骗子承认他在骗你的么?

  • Clive is a clever swindler but the police will catch him napping sooner or later .

    克莱夫是个有技巧的 骗子,但警察迟早会出其意地抓住他的。

  • Here a judge and there a swindler ;

    这里既有法官,又有 骗子

  • You cheat ! You magnificent swindler !

    这个骗子!你 完全 骗子

  • I feel guilty like a swindler who has won your gratitude without doing anything to earn it .

    我像个 骗子,没干什么就获得了你的感谢,这使我感到内疚。

  • The swindler gave himself away when he was asked to establish his identity .

    在被要求证明其身分时, 那个 骗子 了马脚。

  • He was mulcted of his life savings by a swindler .

    他被 骗子骗走了毕生的储蓄。

  • He foolishly embarked much money in the swindler 's scheme and so lost it all .

    他愚蠢地把许多钱投资于那 骗子 骗局中,因而完全失去那笔钱。

  • He was very successful as a financial swindler because he was able to persuade people to believe in him .

    他是一个很有本事的金融 骗子,因为他总能说服人们相信他。

  • In The Good Bargain a Jewish man is likewise portrayed as a penny-pinching swindler .

    在《好交易》中,一个犹太男人被描绘为守财吝啬的 骗子

  • He was a known swindler and bankrupt .

    他是出名的 骗子和债鬼。