



  • I do not want to swelter through another hot and humid summer .

    我可不想 背地 度过另外一个潮湿闷热的夏天了。

  • He says it is unfair that girls can change into skirts during the hot weather while boys have to swelter in long trousers .

    他说,在炎热的天气里,女孩子们可以换上短裙,然而男孩子们却必须 穿着 死人的长裤,这样不公平。

  • He was taking stand against a rule at Impington Village College near Cambridge which allowed girls to change into skirts during hot weather while boys had to swelter in long trousers .

    小男孩就读于英国剑桥附近的平顿乡村学院,该学校规定天气炎热时女生可以将制服换成短裙,而男生则 只能穿着 长裤汗流浃背

  • The swelter in G summer and subtropical high in 1978

    1978年 酷暑与副高活动

  • The problem of weak ventilation and strong swelter caused by high-density urban is increasingly serious in hot and humid area in summer .

    城市高密度化所导致的 居住 外部 空间通风不 拥挤 闷热等问题,在夏季高温高湿地区变得日益严重。

  • They sweltered in temperatures rising to a hundred degrees

    接近 华氏100度的高温 他们 感觉 酷热 难耐

  • Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy crowded cabins .

    弗雷德和 博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。

  • My teacher more than the provisional license is divided into seven types dialectical therapy : the spleen and stomach Deficiency stomach yang type of stomach yin deficiency qi stagnation liver and stomach swelter type gastrointestinal accumulated heat type the stomach meridian stasis type .

    临证时吾师多将其分为七型进行辩证施治:脾胃气虚型、脾胃阳虚型、脾胃阴虚型、肝气郁结型、肝胃 郁热型、胃肠积热型、胃络瘀阻型。

  • After Massachusetts a semester in Ohio ; and a return to Washington only to sell up take a last swim and drive north in the early September swelter in our lumbering U-Haul .

    继马萨诸塞之后,我们在俄亥俄州住了一学期;然后回到华盛顿,只是为了卖掉房产,游了最后一次泳,而后,在 闷热的九月上旬,开着从搬家公司 U-Haul租来的笨拙卡车北上。

  • You who swelter in your clothes when the land lies hushed under the south wind .

    南风 使地寂静 你的衣服就如火热 你知道

  • No one is suggesting that people should stop taking their prescriptions keep smoking or swelter in the July sun according to the researcher Allison .

    据研究人员艾利森介绍,这项研究并不是建议人们停止使用药方,继续吸烟或 忍受 炎暑 折磨

  • He often work in a swelter .

    他经常在 酷热 工作。