white pepper

[hwaɪt ˈpɛpɚ][hwait ˈpepə]


  • Marinate the prawns with white pepper and cooking wine for15 min. roll every prawn with corn starch ;

    虾件加入 胡椒 和厨酒腌15分钟,再滚上粟粉;

  • Add baking powder cumin powder salt and white pepper powder keep for30 minutes before using .

    加入孜然粉,食盐, 胡椒粉和泡打粉拌匀,静置30分钟。

  • Under the dragging good beans and eggplant strips add appropriate amount of salt a little sugar stir well sprinkle a little chicken white pepper pot .

    下捞好的豆角和茄条,加适量盐,少许白糖,翻匀,撒少许鸡精, 胡椒 起锅 即可

  • Step 5 : add the sauces and seasonadd the oyster and soy sauces and season with salt and white pepper .

    第五步:加入调味料加入蚝油、酱油等调味料,并适量加入盐和 胡椒

  • Derived from pepper ( especially black pepper ); source of the hotness of black and white pepper .

    来源于胡椒(尤其是黑胡椒),是黑 胡椒 胡椒的辣味源。

  • In conclusion the combination of both extraction methods can help obtain a more comprehensive composition analysis for white pepper essential oil .

    将这两种提取方法相结合,可以更加全面地检测出 胡椒挥发油中的化学成分。

  • On the nose it has juicy blueberry Satsuma plum and some underlying white pepper nuances .

    可以闻到蓝莓,蜜桔和李子并带有一点 胡椒的味道。

  • In the digital imaging equipment Gaussian white noise and salt & pepper noise are both common noise source .

    在数字成像设备中,高斯 噪声和 椒盐噪声是两种常见的噪声源,对图像质量均有较大的影响。

  • Many people like adding white pepper to their dishes .

    很多人喜欢往菜 里加白 胡椒

  • Buy : vanillin spice white pepper many ingredients .

    采购:香草香料, 胡椒,配料。

  • I 'd like to add some white pepper to the bean curd .

    我想在豆腐里加一点 胡椒

  • Law also known as white beans pepper fruit thin long handles light fragrance .

    豆椒又名 ,果实皮薄,柄较长,香味淡。

  • The aromas of black cherry cola and a hint of white pepper unfold to a luscious palate of ripe red fruit flavors molasses and caramel .

    此款酒呈现出黑莓,可乐和 白梨的芳香。入口能感觉到红水果,糖浆和焦糖的味道。

  • Season with salt lemon juice olive oil cumin powder and white pepper powder .

    用食盐,柠檬汁,孜然粉,橄榄油和 胡椒 调味

  • Seasonings : 1 / 2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Cornstarch 1 tbsp Egg white a little Pepper & Sesame oil .

    调味:盐1/2茶匙、 粟粉1茶匙、蛋白1汤匙、 胡椒 及麻油少许。

  • Salt and freshly mulled white pepper

    适量食盐和鲜磨 胡椒

  • The results indicated that it was able to abate hot taste and keep vitamin C well to soak hot pepper in ethyl alcohol solution and to add β - CD and white sugar to hot pepper juice .

    结果表明:乙醇溶液浸泡、加入β-CD、 砂糖能较好地减轻 辣椒汁辣味,并保留维生素C含量。

  • A fine sauce with smoked Salmon chopped onions white wine crushed black pepper tomato sauce and cream .

    山珍海味调制而成的酱料,口味独特。黑 胡椒蟹肉和蘑菇拌 葡萄酒、蕃茄和奶油。

  • Morphological observation of semen areca and white pepper against cysticercus cellulosae in vitro

    槟榔与 胡椒对猪囊尾蚴形态学改变的影响

  • The sauce is made with cream butter parmesan cheese and white pepper .

    酱汁是用奶油、油、脂奶酪和 辣椒 做的。

  • Eluate collected and concentrated to use anhydrous ether re-crystallization by white pepper alkali crystal the process of recovery Pepper bases of about 85 percent and the system in the crystal capsaicin content of 94.8 % achieved . 3 .

    分别收集洗脱液,浓缩;用无水乙醚进行重结晶得到 白色 辣椒碱晶体,该工艺中辣椒碱类化合物的回收率88%左右,且制得的晶体中辣椒碱总含量达到96.2%。

  • White pepper is made from the same berry the outer husk being removed before grinding . It is less irritating than black pepper to the coating of the stomach .


  • Showing savoury aromas of coffee liquorice and dark chocolate combined with rich rune and a secondary layer of sweet coconut and white pepper .

    散发着另人食欲大增的香气,前味犹如水果味的咖啡与甘草还有黑巧克力的结合带出甜如椰果和 胡椒的第二层味道。

  • Simulation results by MATLAB software have verified the superior performances of the modified algorithm especially under attacks of Gaussian white noise salt and pepper noise and JPEG compression noise by comparison to basis algorithm .

    论文中通过matlab进行仿真,验证了改进后的算法比基本算法在经受高斯 噪声攻击、 椒盐噪声攻击、JPEG压缩攻击和低通滤波时的性能都有了很大的提高。

  • Mix sliced chicken fillet with salt white pepper cornflour and oil .

    将鸡柳与盐、 胡椒 、生粉和油拌匀。

  • AROMA : Typical of McLaren Vale Shiraz the aroma displays lifted blackberries mulberries cooked rhubarb white pepper and spice .

    香:典型的麦克罗伦谷穗乐仙香味,混合了黑莓、桑葚、熟大黄、 胡椒和香料的味道。

  • Mix minced pork with light soya sauce white pepper sesame oil and egg together .

    将猪肉碎,酱清, 胡椒 ,麻油,和鸡蛋混合搅拌。

  • Authentic white pepper powder an excellent seasoning .

    正宗 胡椒粉,调味之佳品。

  • Seasonings : Salt & White pepper to taste .

    调味:盐、 胡椒 各适量。

  • Seasonings : 3 / 4tsp Salt White pepper to taste Sesame oil to taste .

    调味料:盐3/4茶匙、 胡椒粉适量、麻油适量。