wholesale cost

[ˈholˌsel kɔst][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl kɔst]


  • This paper makes the Agricultural Wholesale Market lifecycle theory transaction cost theory and asymmetry information theory as the basic theory combines standard with practice as the main method and studies on the developing strategy of Xinjiang Agricultural Wholesale Market .

    本文以农产品 批发市场生命周期理论、交易 成本理论、信息不对称理论作为研究的理论基础,主要采用规范与实证相结合的方法,研究了新疆农产品批发市场发展战略问题。

  • Restaurants do not reprint their menus nor wholesale companies their catalogues if the cost of their inputs changes by a penny .

    如果原材料 成本发生一分钱的变化,餐馆不会重新印制菜单, 批发公司也不会修改商品目录。

  • Wholesale US petrol prices yesterday hit the key $ 2 a gallon mark for the first time since October having risen 80.4 per cent this year and heralding an increase in petrol cost which could hit consumer confidence .

    美国 批发汽油价格昨日触及每加仑2美元,这是自去年10月份以来首次达到这一关键价位。美国 批发汽油 价格今年已上涨80.4%,引发汽油零售 上升,有可能打击消费者信心。

  • For T1 rates the wholesale cost would be $ 100 per business passed .

    对于T1价格, 批发 成本为每个企业100美元。

  • The wholesale construction of new transmission corridors is not always the best option due to a combination of environmental land-use permit-granting and cost considerations .

    新的输电走廊的 大规模建设往往不是最佳的选择,因为要综合考虑环境、占地、审批和 造价等因素。

  • Currently scholars analyze the price difference of various aspects from full chain perspective ignoring last mile problem and they focus on prices difference between wholesale and retail ignoring depth deconstruction about the specific project cost structure and profit situation .

    目前学者基本都从全产业链角度解读了各环节的差价,很少对最后一公里问题进行解读,并且研究对象主要是 蔬菜 批发零售价格,没有深入到具体 成本构成项目和利润情况进行深度解构。

  • Inflation figures Produce Price Index ( PPI ) and the Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) will in short inform us of the changes in wholesale prices cost of consumer ( retail ) goods and services respectively .

    价格相同的一批货物通胀方面,生产物价指数和消费物价指数分别让我们知道物品和服务的 批发和消费 价格的变动。

  • Despite a recent increase in the wholesale tax on cigarette sales the cost of smoking remains very low on the mainland & with some packs selling for less than $ 1 .

    尽管香烟的 批发销售税近来有所提高,但在中国大陆的吸烟 成本仍非常低&有些香烟每盒售价不到1美元。

  • Caffeine addicts face higher prices for their daily fix as the wholesale cost of both coffee and sugar rise sharply because of poor crops and robust demand .

    咖啡上瘾者将要为每天必喝咖啡的 习惯付出更高价格了由于收成欠佳,需求强劲,咖啡和糖的 批发 价格大幅上涨。

  • A report by the Asian Development Bank Institute in 2010 found that of the estimated $ 178.96 wholesale cost of an iPhone the value of assembly work in China accounted for only $ 6.50 .

    亚洲开发银行研究所(AsianDevelopmentBankInstitute)2010年的一份报告发现,一只iPhone手机的 批发 成本估计为178.96美元,而中国的装配工作在其中仅占6.5美元。

  • Retail petrol and heating oil prices are falling fast in reaction to lower wholesale cost bringing some relief to indebted households particularly in the US .

    随着 批发 成本下降,汽油和取暖油零售价格快速下跌,部分减轻了负债家庭的压力,尤其是在美国。

  • Meanwhile the wholesale warehousing network model reducing cost and maximizes the benefit of makers and consumers .

    同时,仓储式网络 批发模式,降低 经营 成本,最大限度地让利于商家和消费者。

  • Several supermarkets and wholesale markets have been circled out to purchase vegetables directly from farmers to reduce the cost .

    几个超市和 批发市场一起直接从农民那里买蔬菜来减少农民 费用