white rat

[hwaɪt ræt][hwait ræt]


  • Objective : To study the influence of medicinal cornel extract by alcoholic extraction on intrinsic protein glycosylation without enzyme catalysis and aldose reductase ( AR ) in ageing white rat caused by D-galactose .

    目的:研究山茱萸醇提液对D-半乳糖致 体内非酶糖化和醛糖还原酶活性(AR)的影响。

  • My cat gets along well with that little white rat .

    我家的猫和那只 小白 和睦相处

  • Influence of Acusector on Whole Blood of Multiple Mycoplasma Infection in White Rat with Compound Kidney Deficiency

    电针对肾虚型复合应激 全血多重支原体感染的影响

  • Study on the Effects of Experiment with the Compound Dissolution Cystoid Powder on the Immunologic Function of White Rat

    复方溶囊散对 小白 免疫功能影响的实验研究

  • The 66 representative strains with the least biochemical variation were selected for challenge test and drug sensitive test on white rat . The results indicated 50 of the strains ( 83.3 % ) induced the rat to be ill 20 of which could make the rats onto death .

    选取60个生化变异最小的代表菌株做 小白 攻毒试验和药敏试验,结果有50个菌株(83.3%)引起小白鼠发病,其中有20个菌株(33.3%)可致小白鼠死亡;

  • Under the action of H2S gas of 30 ppm it can cause obvious anomaly response of the white rat behavior activity .

    在30ppm的H2S气体作用下,可引起 白鼠行为活动的明显异常反应。

  • Test of Insulin Poisoning of Small White Rat with 0.1 % Hydrochloric Acid Adrenal Gland

    0.1%盐酸肾上腺素对 小白 胰岛素中毒的试验

  • In this study an11-month-old boy was conditioned to fear a white rat in the laboratory .

    在这项研究中,一名11个月大的男孩被调教成去害怕实验室的 小白

  • Objective To determine the regular parameters of blood cells in Wister white rat and BABL / c white mouse .

    目的:探讨Wister 白鼠和BABL/c小白鼠血细胞正常参考数值。

  • Effect of ″ Hepatitis 1 ″ to Chronic Hepatitis Injury of White Rat

    肝炎1号对 白鼠慢性肝损伤的作用

  • The chromosome differs from that of the laboratory animals white rat and mouse both of which have only terminal centromere and can be divided into 5 groups . A B C D and XY .

    在进行染色体检查和非显带技术条件配对过程中,经分析与实验 白鼠、小白鼠均为端着丝粒不同,可分为A、B、C、D和XY5组。

  • Influence of Different Growing Conditions on the Memorial and Learning Ability of White Rat

    不同环境的培养对 小白 学习记忆能力的影响

  • The LYM of BABL / c white rat was higher than that of Wister mouse .

    BABL/c 小白 淋巴细胞(LYM)高于Wister 白鼠。

  • Methods Using the method of ligation both common carotid arteries creating white rat partly cerebral ischemic model .

    方法采用结扎双侧颈总动脉法,造成 急性不完全性脑缺血模型。

  • Observation on Blood Collection from the Heart of Big white Rat


  • Methods : Talcum Powder and silica gel were put in SD white rat lateral breast abdominal subcutaneous part to observe the morphological changes at different times .

    方法:SD 白鼠侧胸腹部皮下分别埋置滑石粉、硅胶膜,术后不同时期进行形态学观察。

  • I wish he had been a white rat said Nibs .

    我希望他是只 老鼠。尼布斯说。

  • Study on the Effect of Areca Nut Extracts on Gastrointestinal Function in White Rat

    槟榔提取物对 小白 胃肠功能的影响研究

  • Erythrocytes of cock guinea pig rabbit big white rat small white mouse andgoatcan be agglomerated by the isolates while erythrocytes of cattle and pig can not be agglomerated .

    均能凝集公鸡、豚鼠、兔、大 白鼠、山羊等动物红细胞,对小白鼠红细胞的凝集性有所不同,均不凝集牛和猪红细胞;

  • The Study on Creep Behavior of Simulated Weightlessness Female White Rat L5 Vertebrae

    模拟失重雌性 L5椎骨蠕变特性的研究

  • Study on the Complementing Effect on White Rat of Bio-Active Iodine

    生物活性碘( DIT)对 补碘功能的研究

  • Ejecting the volatile oil of flowers bud of lily magnolia ( 50 100mg / kg ) into the abdominal cavity could obviously antagonize the auricular swell of mouse caused by dimethylbenzene and the soft tissues swell of foot metatarsus of white rat caused by egg white .

    辛夷挥发油腹腔注射(50100mg/kg)能明显对抗二甲苯所致小鼠耳廓肿和 蛋清所致的 足跖肿。

  • That 's a fine specimen of a pig it 's no bigger than a white rat .

    它可真是猪的好样本,绝不比一只 老鼠

  • White mouse big white rat gopher guineapig and rabbit for laboratory are not infected with the disease .

    实验动物中小白鼠、 白鼠、鼠和家兔对本病不感染。

  • Experimental study on the arteriography of liver in white rat Walker-256 hepatocellular carcinoma model


  • Histological observe of esophagus of the rabbit the guinea-pig the white rat and the white mouse

    家兔、豚鼠、大 白鼠、小白鼠食管的组织学观察

  • Abdominal inject small white rat with the dosage 0.1 0.3ml/10g seven days one time everyday and check up the avoirdupois haematology index and pathology variety .

    以每天分别应用0.1的剂量腹腔注射 小白 ,连续应用7d,并于第3时检查 动物的体重、血液学指标以及病理学观察。

  • We also measured the rate of bile flow of the spleen-asthenia white rat . Results : Gallbladder of spleen-asthenia rabbits has the characteristics of small transverse diameter reduced tension thin and long in shape and the contraction rate of spleen-asthenia white rat become little .

    结果:脾虚兔之胆囊呈现横径小、 张力差、体细长及收缩率低的特征,脾虚 胆汁流量少。

  • The metabolic distributive experiments of ⅰ marked with ~ 3H in the body of little white rat shows that it is not adsorbed into blood stream .

    ~3H标记覆醛氧化淀粉在 小白 体内的代谢分布实验表明它不会被吸收入血。