whole set of products

[经] 成套产品

  • A : The Federal Food and Drug Administration or the FDA as we call it for short imposes a whole set of regulations on the import of food products to the United States .

    联邦食物药品管理局,或者简称FDA,在向美国的 食品进口上强加了一 整套规章制度。

  • This text analyses change products of occupation rate of market explain through instance Markov analytic approach using for predict and whole course of decision set up and shift probability matrix predict the competitiveness of the enterprise products on the market .

    分析了产品市场占有率的变化,通过实例阐述马尔可夫分析法用于预测和决策的 过程, 建立转移概率矩阵,预测企业 产品在市场上的竞争力。

  • This paper argues that although the broker set of financial products in the development process there are still many problems now it seems the whole set of financial products broker performed well in the future there is still much room for development .

    本文认为,虽然券商集合理财产品在发展过程中仍存在许多问题,但现在看来券商 集合理财 产品 总体表现不错,未来仍有很大发展空间。