
[ˈhwaɪtˈhɑt, ˈwaɪt-][ˈwaitˈhɔt]


  • Her hair is a burning corona her eyes are white-hot flakes .

    他的头发如燃烧的皇冠,他的眼中 放射 白炽的火花。

  • It had become white-hot everywhere . a real inferno .

    到处被 白热。一场真正的大火。

  • Allowing funds that invest internationally is viewed as providing a source of diversification away from the white-hot stock market in China and perhaps a counter-weight in the argument to allow the Chinese renminbi to appreciate more quickly .

    人们认为,允许基金投资海外提供了一个将资金分散出中国 白热 股市的渠道,或许也可以缓和允许中国人民币更快升值的争论。

  • Frank white-hot with the cry of a man wounded to death bursting from him . The murmur has swollen into a roar .


  • Nowadays competition between every country has become increasingly white-hot .

    现在世界各国之间的竞争愈益 白热

  • The trade war Between the two countries is growing to be white-hot

    两国间的贸易战 趋于 白热

  • With an unmistakable bellowing roar dragon fire burst from the exhaust white-hot and blue and the motorbike shot forward like a bullet with a sound of wrenching metal .

    随着一阵绝对震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,排气管中喷出了 白热的蓝色龙火,摩托车像子弹一样冲向前去,发现金属扭曲的声音。

  • The white-hot enthusiasm for social gaming has cooled considerably .

    人们对社交游戏的 狂热已经大大降温。

  • White-hot spring basin is a partial sodium silicate-chuenNo sulphur content .


  • The impact 's explosive power would have created a white-hot fireball expanding at10 km or more per second .

    撞击所引发的爆炸会形成一个 白热的火球,并且以每秒钟10千米或者更高的速度向外扩散。

  • It was just more than two months ago that the same white-hot markets suffered as part of a global sell-off initially sparked by a 9 per cent plunge in China 's mainland stock market .

    仅仅两个多月前,在中国内地股市下挫9%引发的全球性抛售中,这些 白热 的市场曾遭到重击。

  • The once white-hot growth enjoyed by the hard luxury industry appears to be over – but the news is not all bad .

    硬奢侈品行业 一度享受的 强劲增长似乎已经结束,但消息面上并非全都是坏消息。

  • The first ( and far more preferable of the two ) is white-hot in the zone seat-of-the-pants firing on all cylinders creative mode .

    第一个(两个之中更为可取的)是 白热 区,“中区”的凭经验和感觉做事,所有创意处于气缸的点火模式。

  • He had seen them shape the knives from white-hot metal temper them in cold water then hone them to glistening sharpness .

    他见到过他们把 白热的金属做成刀,在冷水 淬火,然后再把它们磨得锋利锃亮。

  • The rapid loan growth has led to growing concern that asset price bubbles have already formed in the economy particularly in the white-hot property sector which saw average prices in the largest 70 Chinese cities rise 7.8 per cent in December from a year earlier .

    贷款迅速增长使得人们日益担忧,中国经济中已出现资产价格泡沫,尤其是在 狂热的房地产领域。去年12月份,中国最大的70个城市的房地产均价同比上涨7.8%。

  • Lotus Photography Competition has been in the second day today which has entered the white-hot stage .

    拍荷花比赛已经进行到第二天,比赛的 热度也开始进入到 白热 的地步。

  • The debate became white-hot .

    争论 达到白热 程度

  • But a white-hot idea came flaming through my head and I gripped my jaws together and calmed myself down till I was as cold as a capitalist .

    可是, 这时我脑子 电光石火闪出一个念头来,我咬紧牙关,极力让自己冷静下来,直到冷静得像一个资本家。

  • English is spoken from pole to pole . Nowadays competition between every country has become increasingly white-hot .

    英语在世界各国都通用。现在世界各国之间的竞争愈益 白热

  • With the economic development of retail competition into the white-hot stage the retail industry is facing unprecedented challenges .

    随着经济的发展零售业进入 白热 的竞争阶段,零售企业面临前所未有的挑战。

  • Silicon Valley turned white-hot on the world money map .

    硅谷在世界圈钱地图上变得 白热

  • The white-hot centre of the bonfire .

    篝火 炽热的中心部位。

  • The white-hot trail of Jaws I was over in Kentucky .

    《大 白鲨 时候我住在肯德基。

  • Young Chinese people returning from studying overseas and lacking in work experience are likely to earn a starting salary similar to those of graduates from domestic universities because of white-hot competition in the job market a recent survey showed .

    近期一份调查表明,由于市场竞争的 日趋 白热 ,中国具有海外留学经历但是却没有工作经历的年轻海归派和本地大学毕业生的薪金相差无几。

  • The old scar on his forehead which was shaped like a bolt of lightning was burning beneath his fingers as though someone had just pressed a white-hot wire to his skin .

    在他的手指下面,那道闪电形的伤疤火辣 着,仿佛有人刚将一根 白热的金属丝按压在他的皮肤上。

  • Competition in the media industry into the white-hot stage sum up combing the western part of Yunnan Province represented by the mass media industry has a strong practical significance .

    在传媒业竞争进入 白热 阶段,总结、梳理以云南为代表的西部大众传媒业有较强的现实意义。

  • In the white-hot luxury residential sector Shanghai prices are double those in Beijing the capital .


  • It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking .

    很重要的一点是要把煤块烧到 白热 再开始做饭。

  • Groupon would just be the latest in a long line of Western companies like eBay Yahoo and Google to make a spectacular troubled exit from the white-hot Chinese Internet scene .

    eBay、雅虎以及谷歌等一 大批西方公司纷纷艰难地撤离 炙手可热的中国互联网 市场,景象可谓壮观;在那一长串名字中,Groupon顶多不过是最新的一个 罢了