Widal's reaction


  • Dot-ELISA was ten times more sensitive than Widal 's reaction moreover it had no cross-reaction .

    Dot-ELISA 法比 反应敏感10倍以上,且无交叉反应。

  • Result The sera from 21 patients with typhoid fever were detected 8 samples showed posi-tive by Widal 's reaction but 21 were positive by immunoblot assay .

    结果:共检测确诊早期伤寒病人血清21例, 反应Hd阳性8例,免疫印迹酶联试验Hd阳性21例。

  • Methods A Dot-ELISA method was used to determine the specific antibodies of envelope antigen O antigen and H d antigen in Salmonella . Then the results were compared with the results of Widal 's reaction .

    方法采用Dot-ELISA测定伤寒沙门菌包膜抗原 V、菌体抗原O和鞭毛抗原Hd的特异性抗体,并与 反应相比较。