white sugar

[hwaɪt ˈʃʊɡɚ][hwait ˈʃuɡə]


  • White sugar content ;


  • What 's the price for1000 kilos of white sugar ?

    1000公斤 白糖的价格是多少?

  • Natural sugar or white sugar ?

    天然糖还是 砂糖

  • Over a short period however diets have remarkably shifted to white bread white rice white sugar sugary beverages and highly processed foods including canned luncheon meats .

    然而没过多久,餐桌上瞬间变成了白面包,白米饭, 白糖,含糖饮料和午餐肉之类的精加工食品。

  • Among the ' bad ' varieties are white bread white sugar biscuits cakes crisps and other packet snacks carbonated soft drinks ice cream and corn syrup used in processed foods .

    列入不健康的碳水化合物名单中的有白面包, 白糖,饼干,蛋糕,薯片和其他零食,碳酸饮料,冰激淋和用在加工食品中的玉米糖浆等。

  • As his mother scolded him about it he shook his head and said Brown sugar or white sugar aren 't they about the same ?

    他妈骂他,他摇摇头说:红糖 白糖不是差不多吗?

  • White sugar jumped to a 26-year high .


  • This method has been used to analyze the starch content in white sugar samples from different regions or production techniques ( sulfite and carbonation ) .

    并用该方法分析了我国不同产区和不同生产工艺(亚法与碳法) 白糖样品中的淀粉含量。

  • Color is an important quality index of the white sugar .

    色值是 转化 糖浆的一个重要质量指标,它直接影响到 白糖的质量。

  • In a bowl cream the butter together with brown and white sugar .

    在碗把黄油和红糖和 白糖搅拌直到平稳和乳脂状。

  • Chung Rong into Ciba with the veil put up hot . 2 the sesame powder honey osmanthus white sugar food coloring mix pink made of sesame candy .

    舂茸成糍粑,用热的帕子搭盖。2、把芝麻粉、蜜桂花、 白糖、食用桃红色素拌匀,制成芝麻糖。

  • So it is coarser than white sugar and is brownish in color .

    因此,它比 白糖粗,是褐色的颜色。

  • The flower of multicoloured and tropical vegetation are all round villa it is lapidary like tropics became the beautiful ornament of white sugar lubricious beach and blue-black sea .

    别墅四周是五颜六色的花朵和热带植物,它就像热带宝石,成了 白糖色沙滩和深蓝色大海的漂亮点缀。

  • Traders seemed happy with the start made by the white sugar ~ s contract .

    商人们似乎对 白糖期货合同的启动感到高兴。

  • The effects of the amount of tea powder white sugar inoculum and stabilizer on yogurt quality were investigated by orthogonal experiment design .

    通过正交实验考察了杜仲茶粉添加量、 糖量、接种量和稳定剂的添加量对酸奶品质的影响。

  • Added sugar ( refined white sugar or honey ) has no nutritional benefit . The NHS says added sugar can safely make up 10 per cent of a daily calorie intake .

    另外,添加糖(无论是精制 砂糖还是蜂蜜)都没有任何营养价值。英国国民保健服务称添加糖在日常卡路里增加值中占10%。

  • Roll the dough into 1 inch ( 2.54 cm ) balls roll them in granulated white sugar and place on the prepared baking sheet about 3 inches ( 7 cm ) apart .

    把混合好的面团搓成2.5厘米左右的圆球,在 糖粉里滚一下,放在烤盘上,间隔7厘米。

  • Remove from the fire add white sugar ready to serve .

    熄火、加入适量 白糖、可以吃了!

  • One day when he was a child his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar but he returned with some white sugar instead .

    他小的时候,有一次,他妈叫他去买红糖,他买了 白糖回来。

  • Commercial brown sugar is made by treating white sugar crystals with molasses to leave a coating of desired thickness .

    商业红塘是用糖蜜处理 白糖晶体制得一定稠度的一层。

  • Influences on the content of nitrite in fermented cabbage with soft white sugar


  • She says any food with white sugar or white flour is bad for health .

    她说任何含有 白糖和白色面粉的食物对健康都是有害的。

  • White sugar will make a crisper cookie than brown sugar or honey .


  • Cookies made with all butter and a high amount of white sugar will also crisp up quite nicely .

    全部使用奶油的饼乾如果使用高量的 白糖饼乾的口感也还是会带点脆脆的。

  • This paper deals with the hydrodynamic characteristics of fluidization for white sugar .

    本文研究了 砂糖在流化床中的流体力学特性。

  • Microporous Filter Analysis Method for Determining Starch Content in White Sugar

    测定 白糖中淀粉含量的微孔过滤分析方法

  • The happy Bride and Groom cut the wedding cake next to the dolphin pool and themed with pink and white sugar roses the cake matches the bride 's lovely pink and white wedding bouquet .

    幸福的新娘和新郎在海豚池旁切婚礼蛋糕,以粉红色和 白色 玫瑰为主题布置的蛋糕与新娘可爱的粉红色和白色捧花互相辉映。

  • This paper analyses the causes of coloring and massing of the white sugar crystals during its storage .

    本文分析了 砂糖贮存期间增色和结块的原因。

  • Sale of Chinese white sugar Purchase of molasses agency on international sugar futures trading .

    中国 白糖出口,糖蜜进口,代理食糖期货业务。