


  • Using Constellation InSAR System to Reconstruct Three-Dimensional Topography with Wide Swath High Resolution and High Precision

    利用分布式小卫星InSAR系统获取宽 、高分辨率、高精度三维地形

  • This puts a large swath of young people at a disadvantage .

    这使得一 大批年轻人处于劣势。

  • Maneuvering Board Manual Research on the Motions in Waves and Stability of the Motions for Swath Ship

    《船舶运动图手册》 水线 双体船在波浪上的运动和运动稳定性研究

  • Present situation and progress of wide swath SAR for Monitoring Crustal Deformation


  • It looks more like a systemic problem afflicting a broad swath of the industry .

    看样子,这是个大 面积困扰银行业的系统性问题。

  • Seakeeping Model Test Method of SWATH

    水线 双体船的耐波性模型试验方法研究

  • Motion compensation of UWB SAR in wide swath

    超宽带SAR大 测绘 成像的运动补偿技术研究

  • Research on the Motions in Waves and Stability of the Motions for Swath Ship

    水线 双体船在波浪上的运动和运动稳定性研究

  • Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spain 's Canary Islands .

    在西班牙 加那利群岛上的戈梅拉,海浪在黑色的海滩上卷起层层的泡沫。

  • High resolution and wide swath Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) imaging increases severely data transmission and storage load .

    高分辨大 场景合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像给数据存储和传输系统带来沉重负担。

  • The flood cut a wide swath in this area .

    洪水 席卷了这一地区, 满目 疮痍

  • The two beautiful sisters cut a wide swath through our little town .

    这对漂亮的姐妹在我们这个小镇上广 关注

  • His affable style and dedication to both Groovy and Grails has resonated with a broad swath of readers .

    他和蔼的风格以及对Groovy和 Grails的奉献精神吸引了广泛的读者。

  • Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers ;

    让镰刀歇在下一畦庄稼和 田垄的花丛旁;

  • More than half the workers in a huge swath of occupations think they are overqualified research commissioned by the financial times shows .

    英国《金融时报》委托进行的一项研究显示,英国大量职业中超过半数的员工都认为自己被 大材小用了。

  • But across a swath of the US it 's turning out to be a white Easter .

    但是从美国横带 地区看,却呈现出一个白色复活节。

  • She 's part of an interdenominational prayer circle that covers a great swath of Western washington .

    她是有各教派参加的祈祷者圈内的人物之一,他们这个圈子覆盖华盛顿西部很长的 一溜

  • Analyzing the Influences of Swath width of Multibeam Echo Sounding System on Circumstance Factors

    影响多波束测量系统 覆盖宽度的环境因素分析

  • The storm cut a swath through the town .

    暴风雨 严重 破坏了这个城镇。

  • Apple also would instantly get access to a huge swath of TV and movie content .

    苹果还可以 立刻获得大量电视和电影内容。

  • Their work will cover the Hindu Kush-Himalayas ( HKH ) a swath of mountain ranges stretching from Afghanistan to Myanmar and covering Bangladesh Bhutan China India Pakistan and Nepal .

    他们的工作将涵盖兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区( HKH),这是从阿富汗延伸到缅甸的绵长的山脉,覆盖了孟加拉国、不丹、中国、印度、巴基斯坦和尼泊尔。

  • To obtain bistatic space-borne SAR wide swath images a method is proposed based on multiple elevation receivers which combines digital beamforming technology and the bistatic SAR imaging algorithm .

    为了实现星载双站SAR宽 测绘 成像,提出了利用俯仰向多个接收波束、将数字波束形成技术与星载双站SAR成像算法相结合的成像方法。

  • The multi-beam sounding system is used for swath surveying which can survey sea bottom with total coverage and no missing out .

    多波束测深系统采用 测量方式,可对水底进行全覆盖无遗漏测量,具有 精度、 高效率 质量优点

  • The agreement has been expanded to include the Black Sea and a swath of the Arctic bigger than Texas .

    这一协议已拓展至黑海和 北冰洋一块 面积比德克萨斯州还大的海域。

  • The automatic boom control and the planter swath control also use the global positioning system and saves inputs by avoiding overlap when spraying insecticides herbicides and foliar chemicals .

    自动 播种 收割控制都使用全球定位系统,节省了投入的成本,避免了喷洒杀虫剂和除草剂等化学物质的重复使用。

  • She also saw an obvious gap in the current swath of entrepreneur-centric opportunities .


  • The new route involves expanding a rail track that runs through a large swath of residential areas .

    新线路需要扩建一条穿过 大片居民区的轨道。

  • Violent thunderstorms cut a swath of destruction through the area blowing down trees and damaging houses .

    剧烈的风暴摧毁整个地区, 掀翻了树木和房屋。

  • That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town .

    那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出 风头

  • Over the course of my professional career I have had the opportunity to observe and assess hundreds of software projects across a wide swath of industries and applications .

    在我的职业生涯中,我有机会观察并评估了上百个软件项目,它们广泛 覆盖了各种工业和应用。