swap data

[swɑp ˈdetə][swɔp ˈdeitə]


  • Now for classes that store large amounts of data this method may not be the most efficient way to swap data because swap involves one copy construction and two assignments .

    现在,对于存储大量数据的类,此方法可能不是 交换 数据的最有效方法,因为swap涉及到一个copyconstruction和两次赋值。

  • The parameters in the SWAP were calibrated with the data of irrigation experiment The calibrated model represented preferably the field soil water movement . ( 3 ) The result calculated By SWAP shows irrigation is key on field evapotranspiration in winter wheat period .

    应用土壤水分实测 数据SWAP模型参数进行了率定,结果表明率定后的模型能够较好的反映出当地农田实际水分的动态变化过程。

  • Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

    根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测 资料,运用 SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

  • Consider the situation in which a Java EE application needs to access credit default swap data from a specific trade .

    考虑这样一个场景,即一个JavaEE应用程序需要访问一项特定交易的信用违约 掉期 数据

  • Once the appropriate credit default swap data is retrieved from the database the application can further manipulate the data as desired .

    一旦从数据库检索到了适当的信用违约 掉期 数据,在需要时应用程序就可以进一步操纵此数据。

  • To make these examples realistic a sample database is used that contains FpML ( derivatives trading ) information based on the XML schema and sample data supplied by the International Swap and Derivatives Association ( ISDA ) .

    为了让这些示例更加真实,本文使用的示例数据库包含基于XML模式的FpML(金融衍生产品交易)信息,示例 数据是由International SwapandDerivativesAssociation(ISDA)提供的。