switching stage


  • A Novel High Power Factor Switching Converter with Single Stage Structure

    一种单 的高功率因数 开关变换器

  • Comparing with the traditional single stage video switching network the number of crosspoints and switching units used in the three stage network is reduced substantially and the whole switching system is simplified greatly ;

    与传统的单 视频切换结构相比,大大减少了网络中交叉点开关数和 交换模块数,简化了交换系统;

  • To design and realize a large scale video frequency switching network which is rearrangeable and nonblocking taking the video crosspoint switch as the basic switching unit a three stage nonblocking Clos network was constructed and the signal route was selected by a route table .

    设计和实现一个可重排无阻塞的大规模视频矩阵切换网络.基于多级互连网络,以视频交叉点开关作为基本的 交换模块,组成一个三 非对称Clos网络。

  • Point through which the incoming traffic flow enters a switching stage .

    输入通信量流进入 交换站( )所通过的地方。

  • Experiment on switching prerequisite in single - double stage mixed heat pump systems

    单、双 混合式热泵系统 切换条件的实验研究

  • We have developed a new device for testing the electric capacity of sealed Ni cd batteries ( below 3AH ) by use of the design of switching power and last stage constant current power .

    采用 开关电源及 末级恒流源方案,研制成3AH及以下密封镉镍电池容量的检测设备。

  • Through analyzing the operating process of the main switch and the auxiliary switch during a switching period the equivalent circuit for each working stage was obtained and the restrain conditions for choosing key parameter were derived .

    在分析主、辅开关管一个 开关周期中工作过程的基础上,得到了变换器各工作 阶段的等效电路,并推导了电路关键参数优化选择的约束条件。

  • A novel ATM photonic switching module has been proposed . The module is made of a single stage CMOS-SEED hybrid integrated circuit chip and a few optical elements featuring high throughput high stability and ease of alignment .

    这种ATM 交换模块采用了单 CMOS-SEED混合集成电路芯片及少量的光学元件,具有吞吐量大、稳定性高、封装调试容易等特点。

  • The use for a single call of two circuits in tandem between a remote switching stage and its controlling entity .

    在远程 交换 及其控制实体间,串接的两条电路的一次呼叫的使用。

  • All optical packet switching networks are still in their experimental stage because we lack optical random access memory and mature all optical processing technologies nowadays .

    由于目前缺乏光随机存储器和成熟的全光处理技术,光分组 交换网络技术还处于研究 阶段

  • A novel switching converter with high input power factor is put forward . This type of converter with a single stage structure and single duty ratio PWM control mode can implement a dual function of power factor correction and output voltage regulation .

    提出一种新的高功率因数的 开关变换器,该变换器采用单 结构、单一占空比PWM控制模式,完成功率因数校正和输出电压调节双重功能;

  • To dissolve the switching power supply electro magnetism pollution towards environment soft-switching PWM mode has been used instead of hard-switching PWM mode and a PFC stage has been added normally .

    消除 开关电源对环境的电磁污染,一是要采用软开关的PWM调节方式,二是在输入端增加功率因数 校正器,这是目前一般采用的办法。

  • The simulation results analyze the effect of practical antenna array patterns and the impact of beamforming and beam switching on coverage planning and performance right at the design and implementation stage .

    仿真的结果从设计和实现两个 层面上分析了实际天线阵列模式和波束形成以及波束 转换对覆盖规划和性的影响。

  • The realization of all-optical packet switching network is an effective solution for this problem . However all-optical network technology has yet to achieve practical stage due to all-optical signal processing devices such as the optical buffer and all-optical logic are not mature .

    全光分组 交换网络的实现是解决上述问题的一个有效方案,然而由于全光缓存和全光逻辑等信号处理器件的不成熟,全光网络技术还未能达到实用的 阶段

  • The deployment of such a multi-service switching platform as the edge stage of ATM / IP backbone will be beneficial to the interworking of PSTN and different new types of networks .

    这种多业务 交换平台用在ATM/IP骨干网的边缘 ,将有利于PSTN与各种新型网络互通。

  • Point through which the outgoing traffic flow leaves a switching stage or device .

    输出通信流离开 交换 )或装置的点。