symbol rate

[ˈsɪmbəl ret][ˈsimbəl reit]


  • Researched on the preprocessing part of modulation recognition which mainly included the carrier frequency estimation and symbol rate estimation of digital modulation signals . Then several commonly used preprocessing methods are presented . 4 .

    对调制识别预处理部分进行了研究,主要包括调制信号载波频率估计和数字调制信号 符号 速率估计两个部分,给出了实现预处理的几种常用方法。

  • A new algorithm is proposed for symbol rate estimation of digital communication signals .

    提出了一种数字通信信号 码元 速率的估计算法。

  • Experiments prove that the extracted features under the condition of different carrier frequency and symbol rate are relatively stable .

    实验证明提取的特征在不同的载频和 码元 速率情况下是比较稳定的。

  • Selection and Simulation of Band-pass Sampling Rate with Symbol Rate Correlation

    符号 速率相关的带通采样速率选取及其仿真

  • Research on the symbol rate and modulation level controllable adaptive modulation system

    符号 及调制参数可控的自适应调制系统研究

  • Simulation and Analysis on Symbol Rate Estimation for Digital Modulated Signals Based on HWT

    基于HWT的 码元 速率估计仿真分析

  • It is implemented that TS is mapped into invariant symbol rate under multi-constellation mapping mode .

    实现了在多星座映射下,保证输出恒定的映射 符号

  • The scheme can keep frequency bandwidth and symbol rate as the uncoded MFSK system .

    该方案可保证频带宽度和 符号 速率同未编码的MFSK系统一样。

  • So the symbol rate estimation algorithm based on the wavelet transform is popularized for the bandpass digital signals .

    将基于小波的 速率估计算法推广到了带通数字信号。

  • A Symbol Rate Estimation Algorithm for MFSK Signal Based on Wavelet Transform

    基于小波变换的MFSK信号 符号 估计算法

  • In this paper an adaptive modulation system controlled by changing the symbol rate and modulation level is proposed .

    本文研究了通过改变 符号 及调制电平的方法实现的自适应调制系统。

  • Code Element Symbol Rate Detection of Digital Signal Based on Wavelet Transform

    数字信号基于小波变换的 码元 符号 检测

  • Research on Symbol Rate Blind Estimation Algorithms in Communication Countermeasures

    通信对抗中 码元 速率的盲估计算法研究

  • Then a planar blind search algorithm based on frequency domain and time domain which can autoscan all the frequency point and symbol rate .

    接着提出了一种基于频域和时域的二维盲扫算法,可以实现全频段的高速高效频点及 符号 的自动搜索。

  • Outage probability and error symbol rate ( SER ) are two mostly used performance metrics for wireless communication systems .

    中断率和误 符号 (SER)是无线通信系统最为常用的两种性能度量。

  • For symbol rate estimation power spectral characteristic of delay product is used to estimate the symbol rate of QPSK signal .

    码速率估计算法主要研究了针对QPSK信号估计算法,利用延时乘积功率谱特征对 速率进行估计。

  • 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth . TDM is able to synthesize two or more signals to make sufficient use of transmission channel .

    以每秒1M个 码元的字符 速率传输,充分利用信道的最大有效带宽。时分复用实现对两路或者两路以上信号的合成,旨在提高信道的利用

  • An improved method of phase fitting is proposed to estimate the carrier frequency and a method based on STFT time-frequency energy distribution and wavelet analysis is given for estimating the symbol rate of modulation signal in non-cooperative communication environment .

    给出了一种改进的相位拟合载频估计方法;并给出了一种基于STFT时频能量分布和小波变换的 速率估计方法,解决了非协作通信条件下调制信号的 速率估计精度问题。

  • For the symbol rate estimation of the DSSS / BPSK signal the time autocorrelation method is introduced by analyzing the autocorrelation of the spreading sequence and the minimum distance between the correlation peaks is the symbol period to be estimated . 4 .

    针对DSSS/BPSK信号 符号 速率估计,通过分析扩频序列的自相关性,介绍了时域自相关法,通过计算相关峰之间的最小距离来估计符号周期。

  • Symbol rate estimation based on the modified Morlet wavelet

    基于改进Morlet小波的信号 符号 估计

  • New model for frequency hopping wideband Rayleigh fading channels 1Ms / s symbol rate exploits maximum available channel bandwidth .

    一种新的跳频宽带瑞利衰落信道模型以每秒1M个 码元的字符 速率传输,充分利用信道的最大有效带宽。

  • At first the dissertation studies feature extraction based on wavelet transform carrier frequency estimation and symbol rate estimation etc. It lays the groundwork for future signal identification .

    本文首先研究了基于小波变换的特征提取、载波频率和 符号 估计等问题,为信号识别奠定了基础。

  • Symbol rate estimation of MPSK based on many wavelets

    基于多种小波基的MPSK信号 符号 速率估计

  • Method for Symbol Rate Estimation of Single-Channel Time-Frequency Overlapped Two-Signal

    单信道时频重叠双信号的 速率估计方法彩色同步信号去加重

  • This paper considers the problem of blind symbol rate estimation of signals linearly modulated by a sequence of unknown symbols .

    本文阐述了未知符号序列经线性调制后,在接收端利用循环相关理论对 符号 速率进行盲估计的问题。

  • Analysis of the problems arising from radar receivers with no synchronization circuit including the carriers is not synchronous and the sampling rate with the symbol rate is not synchronized and made a number of solutions . 4 .

    分析了雷达接收机没有同步电路所带来的问题,包括载波不同步和采样率与 符号 不同步,并提出了一些解决办法。

  • Paper some of the symbols is as follows : Fc is carrier frequency Fd for the symbol rate Fs is sampling frequency .

    文中部分符号如下:Fc为载波频率,Fd为 符号 ,Fs为信号采样频率。-。

  • To investigate the blind estimation of the symbol rate of a long code direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS ) signal an algorithm based on autocorrelation processing is proposed .

    针对长码直接序列扩频(DSSS)信号的 符号 速率估计的难题,提出了基于相关处理的方法。

  • This dissertation also does research on the application in estimation of communication signals ' carrier offset and symbol rate with the parametric statistical method .

    本文还研究了参数统计方法在估计通信信号的载波频偏和 码元 速率中的应用。