symbol name

[ˈsɪmbəl nem][ˈsimbəl neim]

[计] 符号名字

  • Specify only the e-mail alias not the @ symbol or domain name .

    仅指定电子邮件别名,而不是@ 符号域名

  • This use of the method symbol name is referred to as the method signature and for the purposes of overloading the return type is ignored .

    这种方法 符号 名称被称作方法签名,为了便于重载,返回类型被省略。

  • If we get this symbol after an N_SOL symbol ( file name ) it means a function is encountered for the above file name .

    如果我们从NSOL 符号(文件 )后获得该符号,则意味着以上文件名遇到一个函数。

  • Firstly according to the feature of the symbol name and scope in Java bytecode file an adaptive extensible symbol table is presented in this thesis .

    首先,本文针对字节 文件 符号和作用域的特点,设计了适用于Java字节码文件的符号表。

  • The drum embrace of Dong autonomous which is a socialism with Dong household building and the stabd lofty of the Brum embrace is symbol about the name of the Dong autonomous and unite as Dong people .

    侗族鼓楼,是侗家又一彼具特色的建筑,巍然屹立的鼓楼是侗家族 象征,是侗族人民团结象征。

  • Each Stock has three properties symbol name and price and convenience methods to convert itself into either an XML string or a JSON string .

    每个Stock都有三个属性 symbolname和price和几个便捷的方法,以便将其自己转换成XML字符串或JSON字符串。

  • In the search string field on the object browser toolbar select a previous search string or enter all or part of a symbol name .

    在“对象浏览器”工具栏上的“搜索字符串”字段中,选择以前的搜索字符串或输入某个 符号 名称的全部或部分内容。

  • Address to symbol name mapping is then performed by the a2n shared library with the help of the jprof tool for Java code .

    在用于Java代码的jprof工具的帮助下,a2n共享库可以完成地址到 符号 的映射。

  • In this case the linker fails reporting only the symbol name and the name of the second obj file where the type was defined .

    在此情况下,链接器将失败,仅报告 符号 名称和第二个obj文件(其中定义了该类型)的名称。

  • Think of a symbol as a name for some abstract concept .

    可抽象地把 symbol视为 名称

  • The address to symbol name mapping allows Tprof to assign ticks by module and subroutine .

    地址到 符号 的映射使得Tprof可以按模块和子例程分配节拍。

  • Not by some very arcane numeric address inside my computer 's memory but by a symbol by a name .

    不是通过一些在我电脑内存中的神秘的数字地址,而是通过一个 符号,一个 名字

  • When N_SOL is found it represents the name of the file that is included in this binary and from this symbol the file name can be stored .

    如果找到NSOL,则表示二进制文件中包含该文件的名称,并且文件 可以存储到该 符号中。

  • The function returns information in XHTML format about the stock symbol company name high sales price and currency for all firms referenced in the credit default swaps returned from DB2 .

    函数以XHTML格式返回关于从DB2返回的信用违约掉期中引用的所有公司的股票 代号、公司 名称、最高售价和币种的信息。

  • The neck ring usually is identified by the owner 's symbol or name .

    通常通过所有者的 标志名字来鉴别颈环。

  • A search returns all symbol names in the current browsing scope where the search string matches any part of the symbol name .

    搜索将返回当前浏览范围中满足以下条件的所有符号名:搜索字符串与该 符号 的任意部分匹配。

  • The other types of code units which you will see in later sections are TID for kernel thread MOD for module and SYM for symbol ( subroutine name ) .

    在后面的部分您将看到的其他类型的代码单元是表示内核线程的TID,表示模块的MOD,以及表示 符号(子例程 )的SYM。