symmetry number

[ˈsɪmɪtri ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈsimitri ˈnʌmbə]


  • This habit of thinking is reflected in the aesthetic symmetry balance and order symmetry balance and order is a simple geometric relationship between the number and determined .

    这种思维习惯表现在审美上就是对称、均衡和秩序,而 对称、均衡和秩序是可以用简单的 和几何关系来确定的。

  • Moreover DOP becomes lower if the symmetry of spectrum is well and the number of relative large longitudinal mode increases . for super-higher degree myopia the reliability becomes lower .

    DOP决定于光源的谱特征,光谱越 对称,强度相对大的纵模数 越多,DOP越小。对超高度近视误差较大,可靠性稍差;对散光轴轴向的测量准确性高,可靠性强。

  • Then by establishing the mapping between sets it presents the solutions to such counting problems as alternate sum tree good subset and symmetry number etc. . Finally it emphasizes the role of mathematical concepts played in solving the theoretical and practical problems .

    剖析了映射与函数概念的内涵,通过建立集合间映射的技巧,给出了交替和,树,好子集, 对称 等计数问题的求解方法,强调了数学概念在解决理论和实际问题中的作用。

  • The characteristics of ascospore such as size shape symmetry structure pigmentation presence position and number of germ pores are the most important classified criteria of species .

    对于种的划分,因子囊孢子的形态结构稳定,其大小、形状、 萌发孔的 数量及着生位置都比较恒定,应作为划分种的最重要的标准。

  • The results indicated that the deforming mode of foam-filled tube and empty tube was symmetry folding mode but the number of folds was more than that of empty tube .

    结果表明:纵向压缩时,泡沫铝填充管和铝管的变形模式相同,都是 对称叠缩变形模式,但是填充管产生的折叠比空铝管

  • It primarily uses the symmetry algorithm to estimate the quantity locate the vertexes in hyperbolic curves reflected by the rebar and then optimize them by genetic algorithm . The rebar quantity can be estimated via counting the number of minimal value in the symmetric function at last .

    主要基于对称 算法进行,利用 对称 算法定位钢筋反射双曲线顶点,再用遗传算法作优化处理,最后计算对称度函数的极小值个 数以估计钢筋数量。

  • A new criterion of matching for orbital symmetry & rule of magnetic quantum number

    轨道 对称匹配的新判据&磁量子 规则

  • The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry and the projection of the single particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number .

    推转项的引入破坏了时间反演 对称 ,单粒子角动量在内禀对称轴上的投影量子数已不再是好量子

  • Purified virus was nonenveloped icosahedral symmetry with a triangulation number of 3 and 33 ~ 37nm in diameter .

    该病毒粒子无囊膜,呈20面体 对称,直径一般为33~ 37nm

  • Due to the properties of hypercubes such as symmetry recursive construction logarithm level diameter compared to the number of nodes in systems etc. many efficient algorithms can be devised by utilizing them .

    由于超立方体具有很多优秀的性质( 对称 ,可递归构建 ,泛圈 ,相对于结点个 的对数级直径,等等),我们就可以通过利用这些 性质来设计高效率的算法。

  • Based on the NLO experimental results it can be drawn that the symmetry of skeleton the number of heavy atoms and the rigidity of structures are the main reasons for the differences in NLO properties .

    与已报道金属簇合物的三阶非线性光学性质进行对比,推测骨架结构的 对称 、重金属原子的个 以及结构的刚性应当是造成非线性光学性质出现差异的主要原因。

  • The distribution of raster diffraction stripe is studied in this paper . Contrasted parallel light inclined incidence with upright incidence which shows that inclined incidence only changes the symmetry of diffraction stripe and not increase the number of the main greatest stripe on the screen .

    本文阐述了光栅衍射条纹的分布,将平行光斜入射与垂直入射的情况做了对比,说明斜入射只能改变衍射条纹的 对称 ,并不能增加光屏上主极大条纹的条

  • The running rate is guaranteed by using digital signature and symmetry encryption in the case of employing the ID event number .

    协议采用数字签名和 对称加密机制,以保证协议在使用事件ID 的情况下的运行速度。

  • Then according to characteristic of four kinds of butterfly operation in real number signal integer FFT transform keeping modulus conjugating with symmetry different lifting matrixes has been got and real number signal integer FFT transform keeping modulus conjugating with symmetry can been achieved .

    然后,根据实信号保持共轭 对称 的FFT整数变换中的四类蝶形运算特点分别构造不同的提升矩阵,从而实现实信号保持共轭对称性的FFT 整数变换。

  • Simulation analysis shows that direction vector will converted to real matrix as long as arrays meet to symmetry regardless of the number of array is odd or even .

    通过仿真分析可知不论阵元 是奇数还是偶数只要阵列满足 对称的条件就能将方向向量转化为实矩阵。

  • It was seen from further analysis that the decay rate of temperature ( velocity ) in the symmetry plane would decrease with the increase of dens metric Froude number at the same relative depth of submergence .

    进一步地分析表明,在相同的淹没深度下, 对称面上温度(速度)衰减速度随密度弗劳德 的增加而减慢;