



  • The white of the bride 's dress is meant to symbolize virginity .

    新娘服装的白色 象征 处女贞洁。

  • In Slavic and related tradition dragons symbolize evil .

    在斯拉夫以及其相关的文化中,龙 象征 邪恶。

  • The earth element is the Hakka woman who I use to symbolize as Mother Nature or Earth Mother .

    在中间的土元素是客家女性,我用来 自然之母或大地之母。

  • To represent with or as if with an emblem ; symbolize .

    象征用或好象用象征物来表示; 标志

  • Both the olive branch and the colorful flag round the Goddess symbolize the great unity of the whole world .

    橄榄枝和国旗环绕在女神的周围, 象征 世界各国的大团结。

  • The yidams symbolize and actually represent the character qualities attributes and powers of Enlightened Beings .

    本尊 象征 、实际上代表了佛的特性、品质、属性和力量。

  • Drivers can also symbolize a fun and happy life and the family always together always happy !

    并且 寓意司机能有开心和快乐的生活,能和家人在永远在一起,永远都幸福!

  • Images of fruits and flowers are also used to symbolize happiness and prosperity associated with harvest festival .

    水果和鲜花的图像也用来 象征幸福和繁荣与收获节有关。

  • The French regards edible snail as all the time modern and symbolize richly .

    法国人一直将食用蜗牛视为时髦和 富裕 象征

  • Dostoevsky uses this relationship to symbolize God 's love for fallen humanity .

    陀思妥耶夫斯基使用这种关系来 象征上帝对堕落的人类的爱。

  • White Roses : Pure white roses symbolize truth and innocence .

    白玫瑰:白玫瑰 象征纯洁和真理清白。

  • But on a positive note they can symbolize diligence foresight and teamwork .

    但一个积极的注意,他们可以 象征 勤劳的远见和团队精神。

  • They symbolize immortality and longevity .

    它们 象征 不朽和长寿。

  • The feathered and blanketed figure of the American Indian has come to symbolize the American continent .

    羽毛和毯子装扮的印第安美国人形象已经成为美洲大陆的 标志

  • The children here symbolize the proletariat and the masses .

    孺子”在这里就是 无产阶级和人民大众。

  • Could symbolize such a great lie .

    居然 暗示了一个巨大的谎言。

  • The handicrafts gourd of pyrographic Symbolize good luck will bring riches for you .

    烫花的手工艺葫芦, 象征吉祥,会为你带来好运气。

  • In addition symbolize slaves by painting their bodies in burnt oil and bright paints and dragging chains .

    另外, 象征奴隶 经由描画他们的身体用油烧和明亮的颜料和牵引链。

  • The pines and cranes symbolize long gerity .

    松树和仙鹤 象征长寿即松鹤延年。

  • In many cases the dragon is combined with the phoenix to symbolize long life and prosperity .

    多数情形下龙与凤凰组合 象征长寿和富贵。

  • Their performance and courage symbolize the true spirit .

    英雄们的表现和勇气 象征 真正的体育精神。

  • Instead of a star can symbolize reunion but the moon is done .

    不是没一颗星都能 象征团圆,但是月亮做到了。

  • The rings are thought to symbolize the five continents : Europe Asia Africa Australia and America .

    这五个圆环被认为 了五大洲:欧洲,亚洲,非洲,澳洲以及美洲。

  • Colors and designs are chosen to symbolize Kyrgyz traditions and rural life .

    颜色和图案都具有 吉尔吉斯斯坦传统文化和乡村生活的色彩。

  • Just as turkeys symbolize Thanksgiving Day mooncakes symbolize China 's Mid-Autumn Festival .

    就像火鸡 象征西方感恩节一样,月饼象征着中国中秋节。

  • The business logo should symbolize your business be expertly designed and show your expertise in the market .

    公司标志应该 你公司的 象征,专业设计,并在市场上展示你的专业性。

  • They symbolize the color of sky and that of plants .

    他们 代表 天的颜色和植物的颜色。

  • The thing that most clearly symbolize ( s ) marriage for me is probably the exchange of rings .

    对我来说,最清楚地 象征婚姻的事也许是戒指的交换了。

  • This book publication will symbolize the genuine humanism birth !

    本书的出版将 标志 真正人类主义的诞生!

  • The gavel has a frog 's head as frogs symbolize change in Japanese culture .

    这把木槌上有一个青蛙头雕饰,因为在日本文化中青蛙 象征 改变。