symbolic programming

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈproˌɡræmɪŋ][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈprəuɡræmiŋ]


  • Then intron and convergence of genetic programming are studied by means of symbolic regression and formula discovery in genetic programming . False convergence is analyzed and for its reason and the way to minimizing its effects are proposed .

    结合 符号回归和公式发现对遗传 规划的收敛性和基因内区等进行了研究,分析了伪收敛现象产生的原因,并提出了一些抑制方法。

  • This paper explains the characteristics of the symbolic differentiation programs system its functions the idea of its design and the technique of its programming .

    本文说明了 符号微分程序系统的一些特征、功能、设计思想和 程序 设计技术。

  • Solving of multi-objective linear programming with interval-valued symbolic coefficient Firstly method of solving single-objective linear programming with interval-valued symbolic coefficient is discussed .

    具区间型 符号数据系数的多目标线性规划(简称区间多目标线性规划)问题的求解。首先讨论具区间系数的单目标线性 规划问题的求解。

  • By using the symbolic mathematics tools control system tools and optimisation design tools in MATLAB software it make the design ease and last . The efficiency of programming is enhanced .

    该方法利用了MAT-LAB软件中的 符号数学工具箱、控制系统工具箱和优化设计工具箱,使设计简单、快捷,提高了 编程效率。

  • Moreover with the help of the symbolic regression ability of GP the paper also bring forward a kind of integer linear programming method based on GP method .

    此外,借助遗传规划的 符号回归功能,本文还提出了一种基于遗传规划的整数线性 规划问题的求解方法。

  • The platform selects the function block diagram ( FED ) language in IEC 61131-3 as the programming language adopts the modularized design idea and replaces symbolic language with principle chart for programming .

    该平台选用IEC61131-3中的功能块图(FBD)语言作为平台的编程语言,采用模块化的设计思想,用原理图代替 符号语言进行 程序 设计

  • Research on symbolic regression based on genetic programming

    基于遗传 规划 符号回归研究

  • It has a distinguished lineage and supports not only numerical capabilities but also symbolic computation with inline Lisp programming .

    它不但在数学计算能力方面具有很好的支持,而且在使用内嵌的Lisp语言进行 编程来实现 符号处理方面也非常杰出。

  • Condition of the Extremal Existance of a Symbolic Geometric Programming

    符号几何 规划极值存在的条件