


  • The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland

    前几天我们接待了几位来自 瑞士的参观者。

  • Sweden was first followed by Singapore Finland and Switzerland .

    瑞典第一名,接下来是新加坡,芬兰和 瑞士

  • In Switzerland a number of tunnels and bridges have had cathodic protection applied .


  • I have a surprise for you : We are moving to Switzerland !

    我有一个惊喜的消息要告诉你:我们要搬去 瑞士了!

  • That is why I have chosen to visit Switzerland .

    因此,我选择了来 瑞士访问。

  • Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland

    与描述的疑犯样子相符的两名男子试图进入 瑞士

  • It 's a color of both Switzerland and Turkey .

    它是 瑞士和土耳其双方的颜色。

  • This group includes Belgium Switzerland Lesotho Luxembourg and Iceland .

    这一类包括比利时、 瑞士、莱索托、卢森堡以及冰岛。

  • Several countries have no seacoast & for example Switzerland and Austria .

    有几个国家没有海岸线,如 瑞士和奥地利。

  • One July we crossed Spain France and Switzerland .

    有一年7月,我们去了西班牙、法国和 瑞士

  • Switzerland is a landlocked federal republic in Europe bordering Germany France Italy Austria and Liechtenstein .


  • Ms Highsmith has made Switzerland her home

    海史密斯女士已经在 瑞士安了家。

  • The most expensive are Iceland Denmark Switzerland Norway and Ireland .

    而物价最高的国家是冰岛,随后是丹麦、 瑞士、挪威和爱尔兰。

  • Today there are only four : Germany Austria Switzerland and Liechtenstein .

    可现在只剩四个:德国、奥地利、 瑞士和列支敦士登。

  • I traveled around Switzerland first then Italy then Spain followed by France and Germany .

    我先后游历了 瑞士、意大利,然后是西班牙,还有德国和法国。

  • In yesterday 's games Switzerland beat the United States two-one

    在昨天的比赛中, 瑞士以2比1击败美国。

  • Ireland was followed by Switzerland Norway and Luxembourg .

    排在爱尔兰之后的依次是 瑞士、挪威和卢森堡。

  • The River Rhine rises in Switzerland .

    莱茵河发源于 瑞士

  • Switzerland 's national carrier Swissair has been having a hard time recently .


  • The story of the bravery of William Tell and his son quickly got round throughout switzerland .

    威廉·泰尔和他儿子的勇敢的故事很快就传遍了全 瑞士

  • The action took place in switzerland .

    事情发生在 瑞士

  • Montse and I watched the World Cup game between Ukraine and Switzerland which Ukraine won on penalty kicks .

    我和Montse一起看了世界杯乌克兰对 瑞士的比赛,最后乌克兰点球赢了。

  • Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree .


  • The criminal was caught by the British police and extradited to switzerland .

    罪犯被英国警方抓获,并被引渡回 瑞士

  • I work with tax advisers in the UK Portugal and in Switzerland where I am based .

    我在我所驻的英国、葡萄牙和 瑞士都有税务顾问。

  • When war broke out between France and other countries Switzerland found itself invaded by Austria and Russia .

    当法国和其他国家的战争爆发时, 瑞士被奥地利和俄国侵略。

  • Rail systems in Germany Austria Switzerland Sweden and Norway all use electrical power at low frequency .

    在德国,奥地利, 瑞士,瑞典和挪威的铁路系统都使用低频电力。

  • France borders on switzerland .

    法国和 瑞士接壤。

  • He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland

    他包了架喷气式飞机把她从加利福尼亚送回 瑞士家里。