
[ˈtæbləˌtʃʊr, -tʃɚ][ˈtæblətʃə(r)]


  • Posts stamping shelf protection mask safe institution and produces homework safety tablature increasing and secures that number of persons produce homework safety .

    配置冲压机台防护罩安全设施,增加生产作业安全 标识 ,确保人员生产作业安全。

  • By arranging the history of fingering notation system this paper makes comparative analysis of the tablature and notation system available and then makes further efforts to raise its own proposal .

    本文将对指法符号的历史进行梳理,对已有的 与符号系统的关系进行比较分析,并在此基础上提出自己的建议。

  • Rather than denoting pitch values Chiang 's tablature notation appears to refer to fingerings on the Chinese flute and is of limited value in restoring the original music of a larger body of songs .

    相较于定调价值,姜夔的音乐符号 系统看起来涉及到中国笛箫的指法,其于恢复大量宋词的原始音乐价值有限。

  • The first chapter is a general discussion on dynamic including its physical features its absoluteness and relativity in music its tablature its meaning in music and the history of its application .

    第一章为力度的概述,包括力度的物理特性、音乐中力度的绝对性和相对性、 力度 、力度在音乐中的意义、力度运用的历史概况。

  • Tablature Music An early system of notation that used letters and symbols to indicate playing directions rather than tones .

    符号 ,一种早期的音乐符号系统,使用字母和符号而非音调来指示演奏的说明。