table description

[ˈtebəl dɪˈskrɪpʃən][ˈteibl disˈkripʃən]


  • This table provides a summary description of each lecture .

    列出了各节课 概述

  • This paper introduced an idea to design general table system and concentrated on the presentation of three problems to be solved : table storage description of data relation automatic generation of output horizontal table .

    介绍通用报表系统的主要设计思想,并着重叙述了需解决好的三个问题: 表格存储;数据关系 描述

  • Here though there 's a problem : A search for model and year must use the Assembly table but the part number and part description can only be found in the Inventory table .

    但这里存在一个问题:搜索型号和年份必须使用Assembly ,但是零件号和零件 描述只能在Inventory表中找到。

  • The following table contains a brief description of each template .

    包含每个模板的简短 说明

  • The following table provides a brief description of each publish application as well as their command-line arguments .

    提供了每个发布应用程序的简短 描述及其命令行参数。

  • This system developed print control with technology of . NET using XML as report table description language .

    本系统使用XML作为 报表 描述语言,利用.NET技术编写打印控件。

  • The following table provides the description of these resources .

    提供了这些资源的 说明

  • This paper presents an approach for decentralized Web services publication and discovery based on distributed Hash table by combining peer to peer ( P2P ) networks and semantic description of Web services .

    结合P2P与Web服务语义 描述技术,提出了一种基于分布式哈希 的非集中式Web服务发布与发现方法。

  • The following table provides description of some required APIs

    提供了对某些必需API的 描述

  • A general table structure description is introduced and a method of automatic perfor-mance evaluation of table structure recognition based on the lines of table is proposed .

    在定义通用 表格结构 描述的基础上,提出了基于表格线的表格结构识别的性能评估方法。

  • Rotating table for experiments of geophysical fluid dynamics ── a brief description of No. 2 rotating table of the physical oceanography Laboratory of the Ocean University of Qingdao

    地球流体力学实验旋转 平台&物理海洋实验室2号转台 简介

  • The functions of blanking die CAD / CAM system are introduced and the method of transmitting design information by link table in die structure design system is described . Part based parametric description model is adopted is adopted . The description object is part .

    介绍冲裁模CAD/CAM系统(HPC2.0)的功能,阐述了模具结构设计系统通过 链表来传递设计信息的方法,采用了基于零件的参数化 描述模型,描述对象是零件。

  • The following table contains a description of the primary components of this test assertion .

    包含了对这个测试断言中主要组件的 描述

  • DM_GETCLUSTERS that returns a table of the clusters in the model together with a short text description about the field distribution in this cluster .

    该函数返回一个 ,其中包含模型中的集群,以及关于这个集群中字段分布的简短文本 描述

  • The product table contains product information in an XML column named DESCRIPTION as well as the unique identifier for that product

    product 在名为 DESCRIPTION的列中包含产品信息以及该产品的唯一标识符

  • This paper also discusses the differences between the Picto-phonetic characters and other words that have sound after the text we accompanied the word table of the Picto-phonetic characters in oracle-bone inscriptions and give a brief description of the word Example .

    论文也讨论了形声字与其他有声字的区别,正文后附有甲骨文形声字 总表,并对字例作了简要 说明

  • JOBS : The table containing the complete job description .

    JOBS:包含完整职位 描述

  • Each row in the table displays the data related to a given podcast : its title duration description and a link to the download of the MP3 file .

    的每行显示与特定podcast相关的数据:它的标题、长度、 描述和MP3文件的下载链接。

  • But in the research of comprehensive description transformation of traditional class table such as Chinese Library Classification with the perfect design of concept frame some details and characteristics of class table cannot realize the semantic description transformation with lowest loss .

    但在《中图法》等传统类表的SKOS语言全描述转化研究中,伴随概念框架完美设计的同时,类 的一些细节和一些特性却无法实现语义最低损耗的 描述转换。

  • Modernization Reform of Chinese Library Classification insist on the principle of few alterations of class table structure coinciding to the orientation of SKOS it is description without alteration .

    KOS的现代化改革一直坚持以类 结构少改动的原则,这与SKOS的定位完全吻合,即只 描述不改动。

  • The following table illustrates the icons displayed and gives a description for each one .

    对显示的图标进行说明,并对每个图标进行 描述

  • Firstly this paper acquires and analyses the needs of system in detail in the way of using table and text description to describe needs . For the analysis of the demand use case diagram and use case description table are used to do detailed requirement analysis .

    本论文首先对于系统的需求进行详细的获取与分析,采用 表格以及文字 描述的方式对于需求进行阐述,在对于需求进行分析的时候采用用例图以及用例描述表进行详细的需求分析。

  • Because it has only the table description from the DCLGEN as a reference .

    因为它仅仅从DCLGEN获取 描述作为参考。

  • The table has five fields : name description ingredients instructions and a fifth field that is a unique identifier that the Rails infrastructure automatically maintains .

    包含五个字段:name、 descriptioningredients、instructions,还有一个字段是Rails基础设施自动维护的唯一标识符。

  • The item names can be added with a name mapping table which contains the item ids and a corresponding description .

    商品的名称可以通过一个名称映射 添加,该 包含商品id及相应的 描述

  • In that database you have a table with records containing headline link and description fields which you will request to put into your XML response .

    在此数据库中有一个具有包含标题、链接和 描述字段的记录的 ,您将请求把这些内容放入您的XML响应中。

  • The following table contains a brief description of the data that is stored in the manufacturing tables .

    简要 说明了生产表中存储的数据。

  • The following a Java program inserts a mixed character string that contains both English and Chinese characters into the DESCRIPTION column of TEST_TABLE and to display the result on screen

    以下Java程序将一个混合字符串(包含英语和中文字符 插入 TEST TABLE DESCRIPTION ,并在屏幕上显示结果

  • Note that the description and comments column of the product table are of type XML ( in other words the description and the comments XML documents are stored natively in the database ) .

    注意,“product” 的“description”和“comments”列是XML类型的(换句话说,“ description”和“comments”XML文档原生存储在数据库中)。