synthetic latex

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈleˌtɛks][sinˈθetik ˈleiteks]


  • Testing methods for synthetic rubber nbr latex

    合成橡胶丁腈 乳胶的试验方法

  • Development of high-new technology synthetic latex

    高新 合成 胶乳技术的进展

  • The influence of synthetic factors on the emulsion polymerization and the complex latex size were discussed .

    探讨了各种 合成因素对乳液聚合反应的影响,并对复合 胶乳粒径影响因素进行了考察。

  • Tire 、 industrial rubber goods 、 shoesand synthetic latex goods have become the four key products in the value of rubber commodity .

    轮胎、工业橡胶制品、鞋类和 合成 胶乳产品已成为创造橡胶商品价值的四大支柱产品。

  • Synthetic latex is a kind of non Newton fluid and its apparent viscosity is related with the temperature solid content and flowing state .

    合成 胶乳是一种非牛顿型流体,其表观粘度与温度、固含量、流动状态等因素有关。

  • This paper introduces the synthetic principle and technology of ionic polyurethane ( IPU ) / polyacrylate ( PA ) latex interpenetrating polymer networks ( LIPN ) .

    本文介绍了离子型聚氨酯(IPU)与聚丙烯酸酯(PA) 胶乳互穿聚合物网络(LIPN) 合成的原理和穿梭聚合工艺。

  • Application of Synthetic silicate in latex and Decorative Coatings

    合成硅酸铝盐在 乳胶 和装饰漆中的应用

  • Second the experiment first synthetic rubber latex as seeds by expanding the seed emulsion polymerization method synthetic larger particle size particle size more uniform distribution of large size latex .

    第二,以第一步 合成 胶乳为种子,采用种子乳液聚合方法进行扩径,合成粒径较大、粒径分布较为均匀的大粒径胶乳。

  • The objective of the study is to analyze the main characteristics of synthetic latex and investigate the correlation between latex properties and coated paper quality .

    本文剖析了 合成 胶乳的主要性能特征,讨论了胶乳特性与涂布纸质量的相关性;

  • In this adhesive a water-based isocyanate was used as the crosslinking agent and an elastic composite system from synthetic rubber latex PVA and some other additives was used as the main reagent .

    本研究以水性异氰酸酯为交联剂,以聚乙烯醇、橡胶 乳液与各助剂共混为主剂,制成了环保型 人造板用无醛胶粘剂。

  • Acrylic paint is a synthetic polymer paint pigment powder is made to reconcile acrylic latex .

    丙烯颜料属于 人工 合成的聚合颜料,是颜料粉调和丙烯酸 乳胶制成的。

  • Today 's chewing gums are made from synthetic latex which is resistant to the weather and is strongly adhesive .

    如今的口香糖是取材于 合成 乳胶。这种物质对天气有抵抗,并且粘度很大。

  • A method for the determination of Lead in synthetic resin latex dope is studied .

    研究了 合成树脂 乳液内墙涂料中铅含量的分析方法。

  • Using regression analysis and ANN method we deal with experiment data of some synthetic latex and obtain a formula with two variables under certain temperature .

    利用数学回归方法和人工神经网络方法对 合成 胶乳实验数据进行处理,获得了在一定温度下描述某类 合成 胶乳 粘度特性的两变量半经验关联式。

  • Measure to improve stain - resistance for exterior synthetic latex wall coating

    提高 合成 树脂 乳液外墙涂料耐沾污性能的措施

  • Properties Analysis of Synthetic Latex and Its Cohesion Mechanism in Paper Coating

    合成 胶乳性能剖析及在纸张涂布时的黏结机理

  • This article introduces the properties of synthetic silicate and its uses in latex and decorative coatings . APPLICATION OF SYNTHETIC ALUMINIUM SILICATE IN COATINGS

    介绍 合成硅酸铝盐的特性及在 乳胶 和装饰漆中的应用。合成硅酸铅在涂料中的应用

  • Chemical stability test methods for synthetic rubber latex

    合成 胶乳的化学稳定性测定方法