synthetic fatty acid

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈfæti ˈæsɪd][sinˈθetik ˈfæti: ˈæsid]


  • Induratived oil synthetic cream pastry margarine coconut oil palm oil carbohydrate fat replacers and fatty acid replacers were also described .

    扼要介绍了食用硬化油、 人造奶油、起酥油、椰子油、棕榈仁油及棕榈油,以及碳水化合物类脂肪代用品和 脂肪 酸酯代脂品。

  • A Study on Emulsifying Synthetic Fatty Acid Derivatives with Alkali

    用碱乳化 的研究

  • The binder is mainly composed of α starch dextrin synthetic fatty acid residual and water in the ratio 2 0 ∶ 0 5 ∶ 1 5 ∶( 2 5 ~ 4 0 ) .

    该粘结剂主要由α淀粉、焙烧淀粉、 、水按比例组成。

  • HM-2 Synthetic Fatty Acid Derivatives Binder and the Quality of the Casting

    HM2 粘结剂与铸件质量

  • By improving synthetic properties as well as room temperature setting a detailed research on the synthetic technology of alkyed resin was made and the technology of melting fatty acid process was used as the synthetic technology of water_borne alkyd resin .

    本文从改进涂料的综合性能和达到室温固化着手,研究了水溶性醇酸树脂的 合成工艺,确定了以熔融 脂肪 法来合成水溶性醇酸树脂;

  • The synthetic fatty acid rare-earth driers could be used not only as auxiliary drier but also as main drier and partly replace Co drier completely replace Mn Pb Zn Ca driers .

    合成 脂肪 稀土催干剂不仅具有辅助催干剂作用,而且具有主催干剂作用,可部分取代环烷酸钴,全部取代锰、铅、锌、钙等金属环烷 皂的传统催干剂。

  • Search of Individual technigue of Synthetic C_ ( 5 & 9 ) Fatty acid

    合成C( 5-9单离技术的研究

  • Synthetic fatty acid used as an emulsifier .

    脂肪 合成作为乳化剂。

  • Application of BY Binder in Synthetic Fatty Acid Sand

    BY粘结剂在 砂中的应用

  • Preparation of Methyl Esters of Synthetic C_ ( 10 ~ 20 ) Fatty Acid

    C(10~20) 合成 脂肪 甲酯的研制

  • The paraffin oxidation process are compared with olefine hydrocarboxylation process and the proposal on developing domestic synthetic fatty acid was suggested .

    对石蜡氧化法和烯烃加氢羧基化法进行了技术对比,并对我国发展 合成 脂肪 工业提出了建议。