synthetic adhesive

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ædˈhisɪv][sinˈθetik ədˈhi:siv]


  • The synthetic process of alcohol-soluble adhesives for film-covering by using acrylic ester as the main component is studied and the influence of various reaction conditions on the adhesive properties is also discussed .

    研究了由丙烯酸酯单体为主成分的醇溶型复膜胶的 合成工艺,讨论了反应条件对 复膜 性能的影响。

  • By summarizing the application situation of polyurethane resin and especially generalizing the application in foam elastomer paints synthetic leather adhesive and elastic fiber fields this paper has also introduced the research progress in the interior and exterior of the country .

    就聚氨酯树脂的应用现状进行综述,着重概括聚氨酯在泡沫、弹性体、涂料、 合成革、 胶粘剂和弹性纤维等方面的应用情况,并介绍目前国内外的研究进展。

  • Polyvinyl butyral PVB for short is a kind of synthetic resin . Its production are used in laminated safety glass adhesive agent paint and so on .

    聚乙烯醇缩丁醛简称PVB,是一种 合成树脂,其产品主要用于安全玻璃夹层、 胶粘剂、涂料等。

  • Biological Assessment of a New Synthetic Macromolecular Resin Class of Comfort Denture Adhesive

    新型高分子 合成树脂类Comfort-DA义齿 黏附 的生物安全性评价

  • Improve the Water Resistance of Soy-based Adhesive by using Glutaraldehyde The back of the gathered sections are cut off and the leaves are held together by glue or synthetic adhesive .

    戊二醛改性提高大豆胶粘剂耐水性能集帖后,把各帖的脊切去,成为单张,然后用胶或 合成 粘合剂 粘紧

  • With fully hardened metal spikes replaceable for removal of paint and synthetic sealant adhered underlay cork tiling and adhesive residue for roughening industrial floors .

    硬质合金 尖刀,清除油漆,秘封剂, 胶粘 ,软木层,胶水,毛毡,打磨工业地坪。

  • Research on synthetic technology of environmental protection type urea-formaldehyde resin adhesive

    环保型脲醛树脂 胶粘剂 合成工艺的研究

  • Contrasting to synthetic fat binder this adhesive has the advantages of less gas releasing High strength and no pollution .

    脂相比,该 粘结剂具有发气量少,强度高,无污染等特点。

  • High quality viscose fabric tapes in combination a strong synthetic rubber based adhesive .

    是由高品质的纤维与强力 合成橡胶压敏 构成。

  • Research on synthetic reaction kinetics of aluminum phosphate adhesive

    磷酸铝胶 粘剂 合成反应动力学研究

  • The influences of composition and synthetic conditions on stripping strength of CR / SBS / MMA graft adhesive were investigated .

    研究了CR/SBS/MMA接枝 胶黏剂的配方和 工艺条件对其剥离力的影响。

  • This paper preparation methods of high performance polyurethane adhesive for shoes was approached . It is introduced synthetic methods of polyester polyols and polyurethane adhesive .

    探讨了研制高性能鞋用聚氨酯胶粘剂的技术路线,并介绍了聚酯多元醇和聚氨酯 胶粘剂 合成工艺和方法。

  • Relevant factors were inspected in the process of Synthetic Adhesive .

    生态 合成过程中,主要考察了相关因素的影响。

  • In the past 50 years wood adhesive Industry in China has developed rapidly it is expected that in the early 21 century synthetic theories Varieties of adhesive bonding technology will be innovated .

    新中国建国50年来,木材用胶粘剂迅速发展。预计21世纪前期,将更从 合成理论、 的品种、胶合工艺中有创新。

  • This paper briefly introduces the synthetic method and properties of acrylate-Vac emulsion adheSive Analyses the factors of affecting its properties .

    介绍了丙烯酸酯-醋酸乙烯共聚乳液 胶粘刑的 合成工艺,主要影响因素和其性能特点。

  • Torsional Braid Analysis ( TBA ) proves that the polymer is similar to synthetic resin adhesive in the features of kinetics .

    扭辫分析证明:这种聚合物具有与 合成树脂 胶粘剂相似的动态力学特性。

  • In this paper the synthetic method of high-ortho resol resin and influence of other chemicals ingredients on the adhesive was discussed .

    讨论了高邻位酚醛树脂 合成及其它助剂对减震 性能的影响。

  • Abstract The synthetic method of the polyurethane adhesive for split leather is discussed in the paper . The structure and properties were studied in detail by analysis and measure instrument of IR TG TMA etc.

    本文论述了二层革用聚氨酯 胶粘剂 合成方法,应用IR、TG、TMA等分析测试手段,对该材料的结构与性能进行了详细的研究。

  • A plastic ( synthetic resin ) made from amino compounds ; used as an adhesive and as a coating for paper and textiles .

    一种塑料( 合成树脂),由氨基化合物制成,用作 粘合剂及纸张、纺织品的涂层。

  • The synthetic technology of UF resins under weak acidity condition could reduce the production cost and produce UF resin adhesive with excellent performances .

    弱酸性条件下 合成脲醛树脂的工艺不仅能降低生产成本,还能生产性能优异的脲醛树脂 胶黏剂

  • The synthetic principle technological conditions . and productive method of urea-phenol-formaldehyde resin adhesive are preliminary probed into .

    初步探讨了脲酚醛 树脂合剂的 合成原理、工艺条件及制造方法。

  • The thesis introduced the synthetic method of new copolymer emulsion white adhesive it was found that the modified adhesive showed excellent water resistant and strong strength .

    介绍了新型多元共聚乳 白胶改性的研制,经过改性的乳白胶具有良好的耐水性和较高的胶接强度。

  • Today 's chewing gums are made from synthetic latex which is resistant to the weather and is strongly adhesive .

    如今的口香糖是取材于 合成乳胶。这种物质对天气有抵抗,并且 粘度很大。

  • While introducing the synthesis of adhesive for peelable shim the paper puts the emphasis on discussing the influence of the add-on of initiator and content of monomer upon the synthetic reaction and adhesive properties .

    介绍了可剥离垫片用胶粘剂的合成。重点讨论了引发剂用量、单体含量等因素对胶粘剂 合成反应及 粘接性能的影响。

  • Normally adopting routine synthetic resin adhesive to adhesive joint the surface of multi-layers floor it 's easy to develop low glue-intensity or resin overpenetration .

    采用常规 合成树脂 进行多层地板贴面时,很容易造成开胶或胶液透胶现象。

  • Determination of camphor menthol synthetic borneol and methyl salicylate in four kinds of TCM adhesive plasters by GC

    4种中药橡胶 膏剂中樟脑、薄荷脑、 冰片和水杨酸甲酯含量的气相色谱法测定

  • Thereafter the synthetic method of phenol formaldehyde oligomer for modifying whey protein adhesive was optimized by means of chemical analysis differential scanning calorimetry as well as high performance liquid chromatography .

    然后,采用常规化学分析、差示扫描量热及高效液相色谱等分析手段,优化乳清蛋白 胶黏剂改性用酚醛预聚体的 合成工艺。

  • Synthetic process of VAc / BA / AA copolymer emulsion adhesive modified with organic silane was introduced and the effects of pre-emulsifying process system of emulsifying agent PVA and modifying comonomers on adhesion strength etc. were discussed .

    介绍了有机硅改性VAc/BA/AA共聚乳液 胶粘剂 合成工艺,讨论了预乳化工艺、乳化剂体系、PVC及改性共聚单体对粘接强度、耐水性等乳液性能的影响;

  • The synthetic technology of moisture curing isocyanate adhesive and adhesive technology . bonding mechanism for high moisture content wood were studied in this paper .

    本论文对用湿固化异氰酸酯胶粘剂的 合成工艺、湿固化异氰酸酯 胶粘剂与高含水率木材的胶接工艺以及高含水率木材的胶接机理进行了研究。

  • Synthetic resin emulsion have a wide range of application in coating adhesive fiber and paper processing etc.

    合成树脂乳液在涂料, 粘接剂,纤维,纸加工等领域都有非常广泛的用途。