synthetic grammar

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈɡræmɚ][sinˈθetik ˈɡræmə]

[计] 综合文法

  • But the synthetic study achievement mostly took in the legal article analysis did not have the comprehensive grammar research .

    综合研究的成果,以法律条文的解析为最多,没有全面的 语法研究。

  • Different thought preferences & synthetic thought and analytic thought of both the western and eastern people are explored by the comparison between Chinese and English language and culture particularly the vocabulary and grammar .

    文章从英汉两种语言的词汇及 语法 层面入手,通过对汉英语言与文化的差异比较,说明了中西方人的不同思维倾向& 整体思维与分析思维。