


  • A microwave frequency synthesizer with high hopping-frequency speed is proposed in this paper which is based on the DDS and PLL technology .

    现代雷达及 跳频通信系统对微波捷变频频 提出了 越来越高的要求,DDS和PLL技术是当今主要的 变频信号 合成方法。

  • Research of frequency synthesizer based on phase-locked loop technology

    基于锁相环技术的频率 合成器的研究

  • The Applications of High Resolution Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizer in Rubidium Clock Circuit

    一种高分辨率频率 合成器在铷钟电路中的应用

  • The Influence to the FH System Caused by Phase Noise of Frequency Synthesizer

    频率 合成器相位噪声对跳频通信系统的影响

  • Design of Frequency Hopping Synthesizer in Frequency Hopping Transceiver center frequency

    跳频收发系统中的跳频 频率 合成器设计

  • Design and implement the frequency synthesizer of DDS driven PLL

    DDS激励PLL频率 合成器的设计与实现

  • Design of frequency synthesizer based on DDS + PLL

    一种基于DDS+PLL结构的频率 合成器的设计

  • Design and Realization of a High Frequency Low Noise Clock Synthesizer

    一种低噪声高频 合成时钟 的设计和实现

  • Low-voltage frequency synthesizer for radio telephones .

    低电压无线电话频率 合成器

  • A fully differential charge pump for a frequency synthesizer is proposed .

    提出了一种应用于频率 综合 的全差分电荷泵 电路

  • Design and Realization of Phase-Locked Frequency Synthesizer Based on Delta-Sigma Modulation Technology

    基于Delta-Sigma调制技术的锁相频率 合成器的设计与实现

  • I come in to calibrate the synthesizer for the morning tests .

    我进来为上午的实验校准 合成器

  • The Research and Design of the Frequency Synthesizer Based on TD-SCDMA Waveform Generator

    基于TD-SCDMA的波形发生器中频率 合成器的研究和设计

  • Research of Frequency Synthesizer and Synchronization in Frequency-hopping System

    跳频通信系统中频率 和同步接收的研究

  • A Frequency Synthesizer for Single-Chip UHF RFID Reader

    单片UHFRFID阅读器中频率 综合 的研究

  • Implementation of frequency synthesizer base on DDS and PLL

    基于DDS+PLL频率 合成器 设计与实现

  • This paper gives a computer simulation for chaos phenomena of sampling phase-detection frequency synthesizer .

    对锯齿形取样鉴相频率 合成器中的混沌现象进行了计算机模拟。

  • Design of broadband fast frequency hopping synthesizer

    宽带快速跳频 频率 综合 的设计与 实现

  • His music is a haunting mix of guitar synthesizer oriental gongs and bells .

    他的音乐是由吉他、 电子 音响 合成器以及东方的锣和钟的声音混合而成。

  • In this paper a method of designing and implementing Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) digital modulator based on the improved Direct Digital Synthesizer ( DDS ) technology is presented .

    提出了一种基于改进直接数字 频率 合成(DDS)技术的现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)数字调制器设计与实现方法。

  • Design of Crystal Oscillator and Its Application in Frequency Synthesizer

    晶体振荡器设计及其在频率 合成方面的应用研究

  • Compared the pulse compression performance of many non-linear FM signals a design of multi-signal for LPI radar based on the direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) AD9958 is presented in this paper .

    在比较了多种非线性调频信号脉压性能的基础上,提出了一种基于AD9958型直接式数字 合成(DDS)的LPI雷达多波形设计,并采用数字线性逼近法实现了非线性调频信号的方法。

  • Research on Excitation Source and Tone Model of Chinese Speech Synthesizer

    汉语语音 合成 系统中激励源和声调模型研究

  • Design and Implementation of a Sigma-Delta Modulator in the Frequency Synthesizer

    频率 合成器中∑-Δ调制器的设计与实现

  • Fixed a problem with Fuel Synthesizer and Burst Fire .

    修正了一个燃料 合成器和爆裂火焰的错误。

  • So it happened that they arranged a rehearsal together with a soprano and a synthesizer .

    因此,发生了,他们安排了女高音和 合成排练起来。

  • Dual low-power frequency synthesizer .

    双低功率频率 合成器

  • The instrument can also double as an electronic control for a full-size music synthesizer .

    它可以兼作一个全套电子音乐 合成器的电子控制部分。

  • An area-efficient design proposal of a direct digital frequency synthesizer is presented .

    提出一种新的面积优化的直接数字频率 合成器设计方案。

  • It was about a quarter of the size of the synthesizer I use today .

    它的尺寸大约是我现在使用的 合成器的四分之一。