




  • Other research supports the figures in Table 3.3 .

    其他研究也可证实 3.3中的数据。

  • There were two empty beer bottles on the table


  • I placed his drink on the small table at his elbow .

    我把他的饮料放在他肘 的小 桌子

  • I took a fresh rose out of the vase on our table and smelled it .

    我从 饭桌上的花瓶里抽了一只新鲜的玫瑰,闻了闻。

  • There were stacks of books on the bedside table and floor .

    床头 和地板上有几摞书。

  • The people at my table were so obnoxious I simply had to change my seat .

    我那 的人如此讨厌,我只好换了座位。

  • The newspaper blew off the table .


  • His eyes ran over the sea of bottles and glasses on the table .

    他扫了一眼满 的瓶子和玻璃杯。

  • The table wobbled when I leaned on it

    我往 上一靠, 桌子就摇晃了起来。

  • He didn 't know his eleven-times table

    他不知道11的乘法 口诀

  • She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun

    她正坐在 餐桌 ,吃着葡萄干圆面包。

  • He gave the table a thump which shook the cups .

    他捶了一下 桌子,杯子被震得跳起来。

  • It means that all the options are at least on the table .

    这就意味着,至少所有的选择都已经 到了 桌面

  • They 've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem .

    他们 提交了一项动议,批评政府在该问题上无所作为。

  • You will join us at our table won 't you ?

    你会过来和我们一起 ,对吗?

  • She left the table to stand between the two men

    她离开 桌子,站在了那两个男人之间。

  • I attempted to learn my tables .


  • He had blundered into the table upsetting the flowers .

    他不小心撞到了 桌子,把花打翻了。

  • Consult the table on page 104

    参阅104页的 表格

  • We will table that for later .

    那个问题我们留到以后再 讨论吧。

  • He walked around the table touching glasses with all the foreign guests .

    他绕 桌子走了一圈,和所有的外宾都碰了杯。

  • I booked a table at the Savoy Grill

    我在萨沃伊烧烤店订了张 桌子

  • The table cracked .


  • A few newspapers and magazines were piled on a table .


  • On a table pushed against a wall there were bottles of beer and wine .

    在一 靠墙的 餐桌 有啤酒和葡萄酒。

  • The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents .

    唯一的问题是,总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕化 被动为主动,击败对手。

  • This is one of the best packages we 've put on the table in years

    这是我们几年来 提交的最好的几套方案之一

  • I 'd like a table for two at about 8:30 please

    我想订一 8:30左右的双人

  • I saw her sitting at a window table bathed in sunlight .

    我看见她坐在靠窗的 ,沐浴在阳光中。

  • Joanna heard him bump into the table and curse again .

    乔安娜听见他撞到了 桌子 ,又骂骂咧咧的。