synthesis problem

[ˈsɪnθɪsɪs ˈprɑbləm][ˈsinθisis ˈprɔbləm]

[计] 综合问题

  • Synthesis Problem of Most Economic Structure in Optimal Control of Power System

    电力系统最佳控制中的最经济结构 综合 问题

  • The synthesis problem of robust MPC for systems with model uncertainty is investigated . An infinite horizon min-max MPC algorithm for polytopic uncertain systems and structured feedback uncertain systems is respectively proposed . Robust stability of closed-loop system is shown .

    研究了模型不确定性系统的鲁棒MPC的 设计 问题,针对多面体不确定性系统和结构反馈不确定系统提出了一种无穷时域Min-MaxMPC算法,证明了闭环系统的鲁棒稳定性。

  • In order to solve the distillation separation sequence synthesis problem effectively super or neighborhood structure must be researched and it is the foundation of realizing optimization algorithm .

    为了有效解决精馏分离序列 优化 综合 问题,研究邻域(超级)结构是成功实现寻优算法的前提。

  • Based on LMI the sufficient condition of asymptotic stability with guaranteed cost reliable control is given . Furthermore the corresponding synthesis problem is developed .

    利用LMI给出了不确定线性系统对执行器故障具有渐近稳定性及可靠保性能的充分条件,进而讨论了参数不确定线性系统的保性能可靠控制器的 设计 问题

  • The research of physical fields inside large generator is a synthesis problem which refers to multi-disciplines and multi-specialties .

    大型发电机内部物理场的研究是一个涉及多学科多专业的 综合 问题

  • The synthesis problem in the form of bilinear matrix inequalities ( BMI ) was transferred into convex optimal problem in the form of linear matrix inequalities ( LMI ) by adding equation constraint in the systems .

    在系统中增加等式约束,将具有双线性矩阵不等式(BMI)形式的 综合 问题转换为线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的凸优化问题。

  • To the feature of combination explosion of the number of all distinct distillation separation sequences this paper researches systemically the intelligence methods combined with soft computing in order to develop the strategies solving separation sequence synthesis problem .

    针对分离序列综合 问题的复杂组合爆炸特征,论文全面研究了融入软计算智能的启发方法,力求拓展解决分离序列 综合 问题的策略。

  • Distillation separation sequence synthesis problem has been further researched with combinatorial mathematics theory and the computing complexity of sequence decomposition problem has been concisely analyzed ;

    本文运用组合数学理论深入研究了精馏分离序列 综合 问题,简明分析了有序剖分问题的计算复杂性;

  • The performance of this proposed method is analyzed and verified by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments respectively . Secondly another method based on hotspots clustering and subproblems solving in local areas is proposed for the gradient-aware fill synthesis problem .

    本论文分别采用理论分析和数值实验对所提出算法的性能进行了分析和验证。其次,针对考虑梯度约束的哑元 综合 问题,提出另一种采用梯度热点聚类和局部区域求解的算法。

  • In this paper the guidance line rotation method of rigid body guidance is presented based on numeric comparison . The method effectively solves the rigid body guidance synthesis problem when there are more than three coupler positions .

    在对刚体导引机构仔细分析与研究的基础上,提出了基于数值比较的刚体导引机构 综合的标线旋转法,该方法有效地解决了多位置刚体导引机构 综合 难题

  • This paper considers the synthesis problem of control of singular distributed parameter systems the design methods of variable structure control for direct control or distributed control are given .

    研究广义分布参数系统的控制 综合 问题,给出了直接控制形式和分布控制形式的变结构控制设计的方法,并结合例子说明了控制的设计过程。

  • The numerical comparison method solves the synthesis problem of four-bar straight-line guidance mechanism .

    该数值比较法解决了四杆直线导向机构 综合 难题

  • In this paper a kind of the optimal supervisory control synthesis problem is formalized based on the D-automata model of DES . Then the existence of the solution of this problem is discussed and the method to solve it is presented using mini-algebra . Example is provided .

    本文基于DES的D-自动机模型,提出一种最优监控 综合 问题,然后讨论了该问题解的存在性,最后利用极小代数给出了求解该问题的方法。

  • On the basis of mechanism kinematics knowledge a new synthesis method for double straight line mechanism is proposed to solve the synthesis problem of double straight line mechanism .

    为解决双直线导向机构 综合 问题,以机构运动学知识为基础,在对单直线导向机构进行研究的基础上提出了双直线导向机构综合的一种新的数值求解方法。

  • The numeric experiment shows that the adaptive and parallel tabu search can solve successfully large-scale distillation separation sequence synthesis problem .

    数值实验表明自适应并行禁忌搜索算法能够成功解算大规模精馏分离序列 优化 综合 问题

  • The synthesis problem of output-feedback control law subjected to robust a - stability is studied for a class of uncertain linear time-delay systems .

    针对一类线性不确定时变时滞系统,研究 鲁棒α-稳定输出反馈控制 问题

  • Therefore evolutionary algorithm can solve successfully large-scale distillation separation sequence synthesis problem .

    因此,演化算法能够成功解算大规模精馏分离序列 优化 综合 问题

  • The methods of dance motion automatic generation is the synthesis problem with constraint conditions which is the background music .

    舞蹈动作自动生成的实质是具有约束条件的舞蹈 合成 问题,其约束条件是输入的背景音乐。

  • The dimensional synthesis problem of Open Kinematic Chain ( O.K.C ) is studied .

    本文研究了机器人开式链机构尺度的 综合 问题

  • The robustly strict positive real analysis and synthesis problem for a class of MIMO linear systems with generalized uncertainty are taken into account .

    考虑了一类带有广义正实不确定性的多变量线性系统的鲁棒严格正实分析和 控制 问题

  • Robust positive realness analysis and synthesis problem is dealt with for a class of systems with polynomial form parameter uncertainties .

    考虑一类具有多项式型不确定性系统的鲁棒正实性分析和 综合 问题。这类不确定模型是区间摄动和范数有界摄动系统的自然推广。

  • As for the synthesis problem of distillation separation sequences the method of graph theory is applied to study network superstructure .

    针对精馏分离序列 综合 问题,运用图论方法研究网状超级结构。

  • Delay-decomposition Lyapunov stability and its related analysis and synthesis problem are research frontiers in robust control theory .

    基于时滞分解方法的Lyapunov稳定性及在此基础上的分析和 综合 问题是近年来鲁棒控制邻域的前沿课题。

  • Solving Separation Sequence Synthesis Problem with Line-up Competition Algorithm

    用列队竞争算法来解分离序列 综合 问题

  • The Synthesis Problem in the Teaching of Illustration

    插图教学中的 综合 问题

  • The controller synthesis problem of unknown time varying delay system with disturbance and time-varying parameters is investigated . An adaptive neuron PID controller with optimal prediction is proposed which conquers time delay based on prediction controller and optimizes parameters based on intelligent method .

    研究含时变大时滞、扰动及被控过程参数时交的控制 综合 问题,提出了神经元自适应预测PID控制设计算法,该算法采用预测控制克服时滞,采用智能方法优化PID控制器的参数。

  • An algorithmic solution procedure for solving the heat exchanger network synthesis problem is presented in this paper .

    本文讨论了用系统方法进行换热器网络的最优 合成 问题

  • The famous Berlekamp-Massey iteration algorithm is often used to give the solution of the synthesis problem of the sequence .

    Berlekamp-Massey算法是用来解决域上序列的 综合 问题

  • The synthesis problem of linear optimal control systems with quadratic performance index is considered in this paper .

    本文用频域方法讨论了二次性能指标下的单输入-单输出线性最优控制系统的 综合 问题,得到了该 问题解的频域形式。