syntax parsing


  • Decision theory method syntax parsing method and knowledge-based pattern recognition approaches form a hierarchy and they are complementary and in coorperation with each other . They have their features separately and get applications in various fields .

    决策理论方法、 句法方法和知识引导的模式识别系统形成一个层次,互相补充,互相渗透,各有所长,不同的应用领域它们各自都获得了应用。

  • In order to automatically generate logic representation of text this paper builds a logic representation transformation system based on the results of syntax parsing .

    为实现文本谓词表示的自动生成,本文在 句法 分析的结果上建立了逻辑表示转换系统。

  • According as modular idea NC program interpreter that interprets RS274 / NGC is divided into scanning module lexical analysis module syntax parsing module and executing module .

    以该语言为解释对象,采用模块化的设计思想,将数控程序解释器划分为扫描模块、词法分析模块、 语法 分析模块以及解释执行模块;

  • You 'll start by learning how to use its syntax parsing abilities .

    先从学习如何使用它的 语法 解析功能开始。

  • Let 's start by seeing how PHPeclipse provides you with real-time syntax parsing abilities to assist you with debugging PHP applications .

    先从查看PHPEclipse如何提供帮助调试PHP应用程序的实时 语法 解析功能开始。

  • Research on method of syntax parsing based on statistical approach ;

    论述了英汉机器翻译中 句法 分析的设计与实现方法。

  • This syntax alleviates any parsing requirements and facilitates direct access to the data .

    语法将降低任何 解析需求,并便利对数据的直接访问。

  • The kernel work of this article can be generalized to three aspects as follows : ( 1 ) Comparisons and synthesis are drawn from some existed algorithms and models about the syntax parsing .

    本文的核心工作可以概括为以下三个方面:1.对现有的一些 句法 分析算法和模型进行了比较、综合。

  • To realize complete syntax parsing of contemporary Chinese a new method has been built based on the 70 corpus from Chinese textbooks of primary school . It is the method that join together of Hidden Markov Model and the hierarchical syntax parsing method .

    本文以7万小学生语文课本分词语料为基础,建立一个隐马尔可夫模型与层次分析法相结合的完全句法 分析方法,实现了现代汉语完全 句法 分析

  • A study on Web static testing is in process . Some Web static testing technologies have been discussed . HTML syntax parsing and link checking of Web is analyzed .

    本文对Web应用中的静态测试进行研究,探讨了静态测试相关技术,并重点分析了Web应用静态测试中的 语法 解析和链接检查。

  • Syntax parsing is the process of generating the syntax tree .

    句法 分析是根据语法规则生成句法分析树的过程。

  • Building and implementation of a syntax parsing method for Contemporary Chinese

    一种现代汉语 句法 分析方法的建立与实现

  • Syntax Parsing of Contemporary Chinese Based on Hidden Markov Model

    基于隐马尔克夫模型的现代汉语 句法 分析

  • Study of Chinese Shallow Syntax Parsing Based On Rules and Statistics

    基于规则和统计的汉语浅层 句法 分析的研究

  • With the use of oriented-object technology and design pattern idea it implements the class structure of lexical analysis data structure symbol table and syntax parsing .

    通过 对面向对象的技术的具体应用,透过使用设计模式的思想增强了系统的可维护性、可扩展性以及 复用性。

  • According to lexical parsing the symbols and words of algorithm are identified . Then the interpreter judges the composition of statement and its legitimacy by syntax parsing .

    词法分析识别出算法中的单词符号, 语法 分析用于判断句子的成分及其合法性。

  • In the first layer the syntax parsing method is used to make the simple classification ;

    识别 第一层,基于 字符 形态 结构特征,采用 句法 结构法对 字符进行粗分类;

  • A brief demonstration was made of the framework core analysis advocated by Professor HUANG Bo rong and four related questions were analyzed : Is the syntax parsing for computer suitable to man ?

    对黄伯荣教授倡导的框架核心分析法作了简要的述评,并对与之相关的四个问题进行了分析:适合计算机的 句法是否同样适合于人;

  • On the basis of exploring a transaction managing module and a syntax parsing module are designed to be used to solve the key problems ( transaction managing and syntax parsing ) in the SIP applications .

    在此基础上,对SIP应用中的事务管理和 语法分析这两个核心问题的解决进行了探索与尝试,并希望以此为SIP的实际应用 做出一些具体的工作。

  • The identification of this phrase has great value for NLPS such as syntax parsing machine translation .

    该短语的自动识别对于自动 句法 分析,机器翻译等自然语言处理系统都有重要意义。

  • This paper presents the semantic vector space model a text representation and searching technique based on heuristic syntax parsing and distributed representation of semantic case structures .

    本文介绍一种基于 句法 分析和格式语义结构,被 为语义矢量空间模式的文献 自动标引/检索技术。

  • The UI provides syntax highlighting content assist and syntax parsing .

    UI提供语法的高亮显示,内容帮助和 语法 解析

  • Since a complete syntax parsing tree contains too much noise it should be pruned to improve the PPI extraction performance .

    一棵完整的 句法 解析树中包含了较多噪声,需对其修剪以提高PPI抽取效果。

  • Syntax parsing is not a kind of symbol inference but a kind of entity inference .

    句法 分析不是简单地符号推理,而应该是一种实体推理。

  • Firstly the lexical parsing and syntax parsing are analyzed by lines in detail .

    首先,该解释器以行为单位对算法进行词法分析和 语法 分析

  • Syntax parsing is the primary basis of deep natural language processing such as semantic analysis and is an indispensable part for many natural language processing application systems .

    句法 分析是进行语义分析等深层自然语言处理的首要基础,是诸多自然语言处理应用系统不可或缺的一个重要环节。

  • The key of question-answering system is question parsing . This paper applies shallow sentence parsing theory and adopts the method of question semantic chunk to analyze question in order to decrease the complexity of full syntax parsing .

    问句分析是问答系统的关键,为降低 问句完整 语法 分析的复杂度,该文应用浅层句法分析理论,采用问句语义组块方式来分析问句。

  • For the code checking problem we put the source file into lexical analysis and syntax parsing by using lex and yacc tools .

    针对程序源文件中的代码审查问题,借助lex与yacc工具对源文件进行 词法 语法 分析