synthetic leather

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈlɛðɚ][sinˈθetik ˈleðə]


  • Synthesis and Properties of Siloxane-modified Polyurethane Coating for Synthetic Leather

    有机硅改性聚氨酯 合成 涂饰剂的合成及性能

  • An outer case made up of sponge or foam plastics and synthetic leather or cloth can be freely removed .

    海绵或泡沫塑料及 人造 或布制外套可以自由取下。

  • The sizing function of polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) in the process of needle punching synthetic leather was discussed and its influence on the interrelated process of artificial leather was analyzed .

    讨论了聚乙烯醇在针刺 合成 工艺中的上浆作用,并分析了其对合成革相关工艺的影响。

  • Therefore synthesis and application of waterborne polyurethane in coatings adhesives synthetic leather and other industries has received widespread attention .

    因此,在涂料、胶黏剂和 合成 等行业中,水性聚氨酯的合成与应用受到广泛的关注。

  • Study on the Separation of Low Concentration Dimethylamine from Wastewater of Synthetic Leather Industry

    合成 工业废水中低浓度二甲胺的分离研究

  • Key Technology of Man-made Coat of Superfine Fiber Synthetic Leather

    超细纤维 合成 人工造面的关键技术

  • By summarizing the application situation of polyurethane resin and especially generalizing the application in foam elastomer paints synthetic leather adhesive and elastic fiber fields this paper has also introduced the research progress in the interior and exterior of the country .

    就聚氨酯树脂的应用现状进行综述,着重概括聚氨酯在泡沫、弹性体、涂料、 合成 、胶粘剂和弹性纤维等方面的应用情况,并介绍目前国内外的研究进展。

  • Preparation of cellulose powder from dissolving wood pulp and application of its products in synthetic leather production were studied .

    本文对 合成 用纤维素粉的制备和应用,进行了研究。以木材溶解浆为原料,采用疏解备料缓和水解抽滤洗涤低温干燥两段造粉工艺路线,进行了生产性试验。

  • Dyeing Auxiliary La ~ ( 3 + ) in Superfine Fiber PU Synthetic Leather

    La~(3+)对超细聚酰胺PU 合成 的助染行为

  • Practice of Treatment Project of Wastewater from Production of PU Synthetic Leather Base Cloth by Improved AB Bio-chemical Method

    改良AB生化法处理 基布废水应用实践

  • A Study on the DMF Recycle from Used Resin Barrels in Synthetic Leather Industry

    合成 行业废树脂料桶回收DMF研究

  • Treatment of Methylamines - Containing Wastewater from Synthetic Leather Plant by Air Stripping - Sulfuric Acid Absorption Technology

    空气吹脱+硫酸吸收处理 合成 厂废水中甲胺类的新工艺

  • Study on Embossing Properties of Polyurethane Synthetic Leather Modified by Polyacrylate

    聚丙烯酸酯改性聚氨酯 合成 压花性能的研究

  • Study on the Preparation and Properties of the High Hydrolysis Resistance Polyurethane Synthetic Leather

    耐水解聚氨酯 合成 的开发与性能研究

  • Study on the Influence of Base Cloth on the Properties of PU Synthetic Leather

    基布对聚氨酯 合成 性能影响的研究

  • Application of High-solids Polyurethane Resin in Micro-Fibre Synthetic Leather

    高固体份聚氨酯树脂在超细纤维 合成 中的应用

  • At present the urgently problem in synthetic leather field is the distinct difference of hydrolysis resistance ability between synthetic leather and savageness leather .

    目前在 合成 领域亟待解决的问题是合成革在耐水解老化方面与天然皮革的差距还比较明显。

  • This cooperation is also to Lishui environmental an important step on the road we believe Lishui sulfide crystals synthetic leather industry will be more to a higher level .

    此次的合作也是让丽水市走向绿色环保之路上的重要一步。我们深信,丽水硫晶体 合成 行业的发展将更上一个台阶。

  • In addition but may also serve as natural or the synthetic leather protective finish as well as the inorganic fertilizer pelleting assistant and so on .

    此外,还可用作天然或 合成 皮革的保护涂层以及无机肥料的造粒助剂等。

  • Air stripping method was used to remove methylamines in wastewater from synthetic leather plant .

    采用空气吹脱法脱除 合成 厂废水中的甲胺类化合物。

  • The present developing situation and characteristics of artificial leather and synthetic leather industry in China are introduced .

    介绍了我国人造革、 合成 行业发展现状和特点。

  • Objective To assess the dermal exposure levels of N'N-dimethylformamide ( DMF ) in synthetic leather workers .

    目的对 人造 厂工人经皮肤接触二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)的水平进行评估。

  • The Application of Nano TiO_2-gelatin Hybrid Materials in Synthetic Leather Finishing

    纳米TiO2改性明胶在 合成 后整理中的应用

  • So it is especially available for sewing various kinds of leather synthetic leather canvas and other large work piece .

    本机适用作业空间大的布料、 皮革帆布等中厚料的缝制。

  • The performance indicators and the compatibility testing methods of water-based pigment paste for synthetic leather were also proposed .

    对用于 合成 着色的颜料浆,提出了性能指标要求和测试混容性方法。

  • Production principle of the wet-process PU synthetic leather is introduced .

    概述了湿式PU 人造 生产原理。

  • Lignin is excellent filler in polyurethane synthetic leather which gives the special physical properties and processing performance to polyurethane ( PU ) synthetic leather and reduces costs .

    木质素是聚氨酯 合成 中优良的填充剂,其赋予了聚氨酯合成革特殊的物理性能和加工性能,可降低成本。