synthetic fiber


  • This paper introduces the most recent status and experience of developing new synthetic fiber products in China Petrochemical Corp.

    介绍了中国石化集团公司 合纤新产品开发的最新情况和经验;

  • Polyester is a synthetic fiber in one important species is the trade name of China 's polyester fiber fiber-forming polymer through the spinning and post-processing made fibers .

    涤纶是 合成 纤维中的一个重要品种,是我国聚酯纤维的商品名称,成纤高聚物经纺丝和后处理制成的纤维。

  • The future development of this synthetic fiber concrete is suggested and the application of it in canal seepage control is prospected .

    提出了这种混凝土 材料今后的研究方向,并对在渠道防渗工程中的应用前景进行了展望。

  • Plate filters for the cardboard frame filter material for synthetic fiber filter material folding the filter material behind the wire mesh support .

    板式过滤器的外框为硬纸板,过滤材料为 合成 纤维过滤材料,折叠的滤料后面有金属网支撑。

  • The article also make a forecast of the synthetic fiber market in 1998 .

    并对1998年的 合纤市场做了预测。

  • Synthetic fiber reinforced concrete is widely applied and one of future directions for cement-based composite materials development in hydroprojects .

    合成 纤维混凝土已在水利工程中得到了广泛的应用,它已成为水利工程水泥基复合材料的未来发展方向。

  • Testing methods for synthetic fiber wadding

    合成 纤维填料(棉被用)试验法

  • And two ropes combined production of synthetic fiber network .

    以及良种 化纤缆绳组合制作的 合成网络。

  • The article gives an introduction to the status of Japans synthetic fiber industry including production capacity supply demand status and export import analysis .

    介绍了日本 合纤工业的现状,包括生产能力、供需状况和进出口分析,分析了日本 合纤工业目前所采取的发展战略和今后发展趋势。

  • Used for testing breaking tenacity elongation at break of single yarn made of cotton wool jute core-spun yarn etc at the time including synthetic fiber filament textured yarns .

    用于测定棉、毛、麻、包芯纱的单根纱线及 合成 纤维长丝,变形丝的断裂强力和断裂伸长率。

  • Epoxide synthetic fiber fabric copper-clad laminates

    环氧 合成 纤维布覆铜箔板

  • The application of on-line instruments in production and research of synthetic fiber


  • Research and application of colorant for dope dyed synthetic fiber in organic solvent system

    有机溶剂体系 合成 纤维原液着色剂的研究及应用标志色,着色剂,指色剂

  • The import and export countries price difference and its technical advance in the production of silk-like synthetic fiber fabric are analyzed .

    分析了进出口的主要国家和价格上的差距及其 合纤绸生产的技术进步。 合成的类似于丝绸的 纤维

  • Large diameter synthetic fiber reinforced concrete was made for measuring the properties of fresh concrete mixture and the impact resistance of the hardened samples .

    大直径 合成 纤维后的混凝土拌和物性能以及混凝土硬化试件的抗冲击性能进行了试验研究。

  • Development and Application of Synthetic Fiber Concrete

    合成 纤维混凝土材料的发展与应用

  • In the big family of the synthetic fiber the carbon fiber becomes most important in fiber research and production with its excellent function and vast development foreground .

    合成 纤维的大家族中,碳纤维以其优异的性能和广阔的发展前景成为了现今化学纤维研究和生产中的重要一员。

  • The PLA fiber is a new kind of synthetic fiber .

    聚乳酸纤维是一种新型的 合成 纤维

  • Along with screen packs the synthetic fiber industry utilizes gaskets and seals with each pack configuration .

    人造 纤维行业,各滤网都要安装与其轮廓相吻合的垫片和密封圈。

  • Index and test method of synthetic fiber concrete impermeability

    合成 纤维混凝土抗渗性能的指标及试验方法的探讨

  • Disclosed is a taper type molten object filter which is a synthetic fiber spinning taper type molten object filter used in the production of chemical fiber .

    斜式熔体过滤机是化纤生产中 合成 纤维纺丝熔体的斜式过滤机。

  • In this paper development of domestic synthetic fiber finish have been summarized . Furthermore several proposals on domestic production of synthetic fiber finish have been presented .

    概述了当前国内 合纤油剂科研生产情况,对合纤油剂国产化提出建议。

  • High grade cotton wool ramie silk fabrics synthetic fiber fabrics and special finishing special industrial textiles high grade fashion dress .

    高档棉、毛、麻、丝、 织机物及后整理,特种工业用纺织品,高档时装。

  • Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber .

    据说天然纤维比 合成 纤维好。

  • The density of the synthetic fiber is progressive structured by the clean air way with higher filter efficiency and longer working life .

    往纯净空气方向的 纤维密度逐渐增大,较高过滤效率,延长使用寿命;

  • Widely used in various industries such as petrochemical engineering hydrometallurgy acid-base production synthetic fiber and papermaking it can save a large amount of metal materials .

    广泛应用于石油化工、湿法冶金、酸碱生产、 合成 纤维、造纸等工业部门,可节省大量的金属材料。