synthetic dye

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk daɪ][sinˈθetik dai]


  • As a result : Perkin forgot about malaria and made a mint establishing the synthetic dye industry .

    结果:帕金由此忘记了疟疾,转而发展 合成 染料工业。

  • Cyanide has been vastly applied to industries of gold extraction plating . synthetic rubber synthetic fibre dye coking and organic glass manufacture etc.

    氰化物被大量用于氰化提金、金属电镀、合成橡胶、 合成纤维、 染料制造、炼焦及有机玻璃等工业。

  • This paper introduced a new type of synthetic method on non-formaldehyde dye fixative agent which was called LXH .

    介绍一种新型的无醛固色剂 LXH 合成方法,确定其 合成的最佳工艺条件以及应用的情况。

  • Linen was chemically modified by the synthetic product of polyepichlorohydrin and dimethylamine so as to improve its dye uptake and dyeing behaviour .

    利用聚环氧氯丙烷与二甲胺的 合成产物对亚麻织物进行化学改性,以提高亚麻织物的上 率,改善其染色性能。

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of NO_Based on the Synthetic Reaction of the Quinoid Dye

    利用醌式 染料 合成反应光度法测定水中亚硝酸根

  • A kind of solid catalyst which is composed of attapulgite as carrier and TiO_2 as active metal oxide was used to oxygenate ( composite catalysis oxidization ) synthetic dye wastewater and the good effect is presented .

    采用凹凸棒石为载体加载钛氧化物制成的可重复使用的固体催化剂,对 人工 模拟 染料废水进行复合催化氧化处理,取得了较好的效果。

  • Synthetic research of new heterocyclic dispersed dye intermediate bit

    新型杂环分散 染料中间体BIT的 合成研究

  • Comparison of the Performances of Synthetic Thickeners KG-401 and RTA Used for Reactive Dye Printing

    活性 染料印花用 合成增稠剂KG&401与RTA的性能比较

  • Although the synthetic dyes have made a great progress for textile industry in the process of dying the waste water is difficult for biological degradation causing serious environmental pollution and some dye intermediates are toxic carcinogenic .

    虽然 合成染料促进了纺织业的发展,但它在印染过程中排放的废水难以生物降解,对环境造成了严重的污染,而且一些 染料的中间体是有毒的、致癌的。

  • Influence of the non-ionic surfactants on the property of synthetic thickeners for reactive dye printing

    非离子表面活性剂对 合成活性 染料印花增稠剂性能的影响

  • Common polyester fibre is a hydrophobic synthetic fibre . The molecular chain is short of hydrophilicity groups and with high crystallinity degree and close structure . The dye molecules are difficult to penetrate into the fibre under relatively low temperature which makes difficult to dye .

    普通涤纶纤维是疏水性的 合成纤维,分子链上缺乏亲水性基团,结晶度高,结构紧密,当温度较低时, 染料分子难以渗透到纤维内部,致使染色困难。

  • In this paper quantum chemical calculation was used to the synthetic dye molecules .

    对所 合成 染料分子进行了量子化学理论计算。

  • Nowadays synthetic dyes are consumed broadly in textile industries and large volumes of dye wastewater are produced .

    在现代, 合成染料广泛应用于印染工业,因此产生了大量的 印染废水。

  • The synthetic method and application properties of an acid dye fixer for nylon fabrics were researched . The results showed that the various color fastnesses such as rubbing and soaping fastnesses of the dye-fixed fabrics were obviously improved with little shade change and no coarse hand-feel .

    探讨尼龙织物酸性 染料固色剂的 合成与应用研究,结果表明,固色后织物的摩擦牢度和皂洗牢度等各项牢度有显著提高,而且色光变化较小,手感不粗糙。

  • Before the synthetic dye has been invented all of the world were used the natural dye especially the vegetable dye for dyeing .

    合成 染料诞生之前,全世界染色都是以天然染料为原料,而其中植物染料为最。

  • Benzene ( BZ ) is an occupational toxicant which widely used in paint pesticide synthetic rubber dye and leather industry .

    苯(Benzene)是一种工业用途广泛的职业有害因素和室内环境污染物。在工业中应用于油漆、农药、 合成橡胶、 染料和皮革加工等行业。

  • The synthetic thickeners for reactive dye printing are poorly resistant to electrolytes and result in hard hand-feeling on printed fabrics thus affecting their use in these printings .

    阐述了 合成活性 染料印花增稠剂耐电解质性能较差和织物印制手感较硬而影响它在 活性 染料印花工艺中的应用。