


  • The synoptic dynamic condition and the features of chemical elements of the dustfall event in April 1990 in Beijing

    1990年北京降尘事件的 天气动力条件及其化学元素特征

  • Synoptic measurements of water wind wave heights and current unwelling areas

    水、风、波高、洋流和上涌区的 概要测量

  • In addiction the system is able to offer comparisons between realtime and historical synoptic charts thus is very helpful for weather forecasting .

    此外,系统还提供实时 天气图与历史 天气图之间的比较,对预报非常有帮助。

  • The dynamic conditions of synoptic scale and local unstable stratification structure show that there are suitable conditions for the occurrence of locally developing convective systems .


  • We know more about this woman then we know about just about anybody else in the synoptic Gospels .

    我们对这个女人的了解, 比对 福音中其他人的了解更多。

  • The paper looked back the historical developmental process of industrial cluster theories in new economic geography introducing their main standpoints exploring new progress in industrial cluster studies combining to make synoptic comments on these theories accordingly .

    摘要文章回顾了新经济地理学产业集群理论发展的历史过程,介绍其主要观点,探讨了其研究的新进展,并作出 简要评析。

  • Application of synoptic verification in autumn and winter precipitation forecast of NWP model in Northeast China

    天气 检验在东北区域数值模式秋冬季降水预报中的应用

  • Design and Implement of Synoptic Chart System Based on GrADS Environment

    基于GrADS环境下 天气图系统的设计与实现

  • The ability of CCM3 in forecasting the monthly or seasonal rainfall in160 stations of China is similar to the synoptic and experimental methods .

    对中国160站的降水距平进行了月 尺度和季节预报,其 准确程度可以和目前经验预报的水平相当。

  • A methodology of objective air mass analysis based on synoptic climatological approaches is proposed in this paper .

    本文提出了一种基于 天气气候学途径的气团客观分类实施方案。

  • A Synoptic Analysis and Warning Forecast of an Unprecedented Severe Cold Surge Freezing Rain and Snow Disaster in Hunan

    湖南罕见的一次低温雨雪冰冻灾害 天气分析及预警预报

  • At his trial in the Synoptic Gospels Jesus says almost nothing .

    在对他进行审判时,在 福音中,耶稣几乎没有说话。

  • The Synoptic Climatic and Circulation Characteristics of Thunderstorm in Ningxia and Analysis of Its Typical Process

    宁夏雷暴 天气气候和环流特征及典型过程分析

  • Analysis of Synoptic System and Wind-Field Structure of a Storm Surge in Bohai Sea

    渤海湾风暴潮 天气系统及风场结构个例分析

  • The results show that the first episodes of torrential rain occurs before the onset of summer monsoon and is mainly induced by synoptic systems in subtropical westerlies ;

    结果指出,第一场暴雨发生在夏季风暴发之前,它主要受副热带 西风气流影响;

  • Synoptic Diagnostic Calculation and Analysis of Heavy Rain in the Huaihe River Basin during July 2007

    2007年7月淮河流域暴雨过程 天气 诊断计算与分析

  • The arrest is also very different in the synoptic Gospels .

    对耶稣的抓捕同样也和 福音中有所不同。

  • In this paper discussed and analysed are the synoptic features of westerly wind burst ( WWB ) over the tropical western Pacific based on the intensive observation data of tTOGA-COARE .

    根据 TOGA&COARE强化观测期间的资料,分析热带西太平洋西风爆发(WWB)的天气型特征。

  • This paper introduces an objective synoptic typing method which uses the routine historical synoptic data .

    介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行 天气学客观分型的思路和方法。

  • The synoptic charts embrace much meteorological information which can be represented in two forms : numerical values and curves .


  • Wave in Huanghua Harbor is calculated by the methods of synoptic chart and wind data and the two methods are compared .

    采用 天气图和气象站实测两种风资料推算黄骅港风浪并进行对比。

  • The Last Supper the Last Supper in the synoptic Gospels is a Passover meal .

    最后的晚餐, 福音中最后的晚餐是逾越节晚餐。

  • Application Research of Doppler Weather Radar Data Analysis and Assimilation in Mesoscale Synoptic System Numerical Simulation

    多普勒天气雷达资料分析及同化在暴雨中尺度 天气系统数值模拟中的应用研究

  • A Synoptic Process Analysis of Rain to Snowstorm in Fushun in Feb. 2009

    2009年2月抚顺一次雨转暴雪 天气过程分析

  • The high and low levels weather situation and early climate background of blowing synoptic process which happened on May15 to16 in Xinzhou City was analyzed .

    对2007年5月15~16日山西省忻州市出现的沙尘 天气过程的高低空天气形势和前期气候背景进行了分析。

  • Application of Several Different Data in Hail Synoptic Structure Characteristic Analysis

    几种不同资料在冰雹 天气结构特征分析中的应用

  • Also the impact on numerical weather forecast is bound up with the evolution of synoptic systems and this impact substantially occurs is developing systems .

    对数值天气预报的影响,则与 天气系统的演变有关,在发展的系统中有较大的影响。

  • Synoptic Analysis of a Continuous Heavy Rain Process in Huaibei region

    淮北地区一次连续性暴雨的 天气过程分析

  • Synoptic situation classification based on medium and heavy air pollutions over Liaoning province

    辽宁空气中度污染和重污染 天气类型分析