system restart

[ˈsɪstəm riˈstɑrt][ˈsistəm ri:ˈstɑ:t]


  • System Restore is unavailable in Safe Mode . To access System Restore restart your machine in the normal mode and then try again .

    系统还原在安全模式下不能运行。要访问 系统还原,用正常模式 启动计算机,然后再试一次。

  • Updating the number of user keys requires a bosboot and a subsequent system restart to become effective .

    更新用户密钥数量需要bosboot和 重新 启动 系统才能生效。

  • System BIOS boot devices There is a floppy disk in drive . Please remove it before system restart .

    驱动器中有一个软盘。请在 重新 启动 系统之前,将其拿出。

  • A system that can restart the running program after a system failure .

    在系统发生故障以后,能够 重新 启动运行程序,继续运行的 系统

  • The mandate a unified access to the system decentralized manner the application system restart application systems to request authorization system of authorized access to this information the cache after the return of authorized information to authorized users optimize the processing speed .

    对于授权,本系统采用统一获取、分散处理的方式。应用 系统 重新 启动时,应用系统向授权系统发出请求获取本应用授权的信息,之后缓存返回的授权信息,以优化用户授权时的处理速度。

  • If the process requirements in system online application later change then system development will restart the demand research modeling restart the system development and testing .

    如果流程需求在系统上线应用后期发生变化,那么 系统开发将 重新进行需求调研建模,重新进行系统开发和测试。

  • This bit can be used for example by an operating system to manually restart a task in the Thumb state & if that 's how it was running previously .

    此位可用于例如,由操作 系统手动 重新 启动在任务Thumb状态,如果这之前它是如何运行的。

  • This gives cache persistence across an operating system restart .

    这使缓存持久化,在操作 系统 重新 启动 之后仍然有效。

  • System file error . Restart the computer and try again .

    系统文件错误。 重新 启动计算机并重试。

  • This displays the LIC level that will be activated and loaded into memory at the next system restart .

    这显示在下次 系统 重新 启动时将被激活并加载到内存中的LIC级别。

  • Live Application Mobility is the capability to relocate a WPAR from one hosting system to another without having to restart any applications or processes running in the WPAR .

    动态应用程序迁移是将WPAR从一个宿主 系统重新部署到另一个宿主 系统的能力,而无需重新 启动这个WPAR中运行的任何应用程序或者进程。

  • The same version number will now be reported after a system restart .

    同一版本号码会现报后, 系统 重新 启动

  • Ease of setup ( Note : A system restart is required to finalize the product installation )

    容易设置(注意:需要 重新 启动 系统才能完成产品的安装)

  • The system realizes remote close restart and lock of teacher 's computer to students ' computers using API function under Delphi .

    利用Delphi调用API函数 技术,实现教师机对学生机的远程关机、远程 重启和锁定学生机等功能。

  • The goal was to improve restart time for both quiesced file system and normal restart .

    我们的目标是改善处于停顿状态的文件 系统的重启时间以及正常的 重启

  • If this happens your system will not restart .

    如果出现此问题,您的 系统将不会 重新 启动

  • Failed to lock the file system . Please restart your system .

    锁定文件 系统失败。请 重新 启动系统。

  • Please note that if you need to do this then a system restart will be required to fully install this update .

    请注意,如果需要这样做,那么需要 重新 启动 系统才能完全安装这个更新。

  • A deferred update requires a system restart to activate .

    延期更新需要重新 启动 系统才能激活。

  • Until the system is updated completely the system will restart automatically and show as below .

    直到 系统更新完毕,它会自动 重启并如下图所示。

  • Note : this software update might require a system restart .

    注意:此软件更新可能需要 重新 启动 系统

  • New resources become available to the operating system and applications without having to restart .

    不需要重新 启动,操作 系统和应用程序就可以使用新的资源。

  • Keeping the kernel on disk up to date ensures that your system boots the best kernel available when your system eventually requires a restart .

    应该及时更新磁盘上的内核,确保当 系统最终需要 重新 启动时引导的是最新的内核。

  • Setup will optimize your system and then restart .

    安装程序将优化您的 系统并重新 启动

  • But in the testing environment main tasks consist of function testing and production upgrade for both operating system and application system . And the system restart is mandatory for these tasks completion .

    而在测试环境中,主要工作包括对操作系统和应用系统的功能测试与产品升级,这些工作都需要 系统 重新 启动

  • When you deploy a new system file you must restart the Launcher .

    在部署新 系统文件时,必须 重新 启动Launcher。

  • System error service attempting restart

    系统错误,服务正试着 重新 启动

  • Considering the convergence of Neural Network we construct an Expert System based on early restart algorithm .

    考虑到神经网络的收敛性,本文基于 重置算法构建了动态神经网络专家 系统

  • A cache is deleted either when it is explicitly destroyed using a JVM utility or when the operating system restarts ( a cache cannot persist beyond an operating system restart ) .

    在两种情况下会删除缓存:使用JVM实用程序显式地销毁它,或者操作系统重新启动时(缓存无法在操作 系统 重新 启动时持久存在)。