system designing

[ˈsɪstəm dɪˈzaɪnɪŋ][ˈsistəm dɪˈzaɪnɪŋ]

[经] 设计制度

  • The analysis on the machine room return air and water system designing has been carried out .

    对于机房设置,回风系统和水 系统 设计进行了分析。

  • Some initial ideas for the expert system designing of Chinese geological reference classification

    中文地质资料分类专家 系统 设计的初步构想

  • A Research on Dynamic Salary System Designing and Its Application in Chinese Enterprises

    我国企业动态薪酬 体系 设计与应用研究

  • The Management Model Analysis and Information System Designing of English Training Agencies

    英语培训机构管理模式分析及信息 系统 构建

  • Distributed control is a system designing method for multiple intelligent agents cooperation .

    分布式控制是用于多智能体协调的 系统 设计方法。

  • 3 years automation working experience automation system designing knowledge familiar with industrial process sales or marketing working experience .

    3年自动化工作经验,自动化 系统 设计知识,熟悉工业流程,销售或营销工作经验。

  • The Agricultural Product Cost Investigation and Price Monitor Information Management system Designing

    农本收益调查与价格监测信息管理 系统 统计

  • This paper based on the GPRS network and wireless POS machine combining the brand for the industry to provide strong support of integration management system designing and specific methods .

    本文阐述了基于GPRS网络和无线POS机结合,为各品牌各行业积分管理提供有力支撑的 系统 设计和具体实现方法。

  • The article summarizes main points of electronic identification system designing in gas pipe network by introducing constitutes working principle and characteristics .

    文章通过电子标识 系统的组成、工作原理、特征介绍,总结了电子标识 系统在燃气管网 设计上的要点。

  • Briefly Discussion on Electronic Identification System Designing in Gas Pipe Network

    浅谈电子标识 系统在燃气管网上的 设计

  • Research on transmission system designing for movable pipe-thread forming machine

    可移式管螺纹成型机传动 系统 设计研究

  • The design of system on programmable chip ( SOPC ) is a new and vital aspect for the research of embedded system designing .

    可编程片上系统(SOPC)的设计是一个崭新的富有生机的嵌入式 系统 设计研究方向。

  • Pressure-equalization is adopted in drainage system designing .

    利用压力平衡原理 设计有结构排水 系统

  • College Library Document Resource System Designing : Principle and Strategy

    大学图书馆文献信息资源 建设原则和策略 研究

  • The Storage Test System Designing Based on Programmable Device

    基于可编程器件的存储测试 系统 设计

  • The system 's experimental environments results and analyses were given and by these experiments it was proved that the theory of system designing was reasonable .

    文中给出了系统试验的试验环境、结果和分析,通过试验研究验证了 系统理论 设计的正确性。

  • In the technique this thesis relates the developing and constructing of Huhhot city land price dynamic monitoring information system from demand analyzing system designing and system implementing ;

    技术方面,本文从需求分析、 系统 设计和系统实现三个方面论述了呼和浩特城市地价动态监测信息系统的开发与建设;

  • By analyzing different performance of water system resistance between air conditioning and heating solved a series of related problem in system designing .

    分析了空调与采暖的水系统阻力的不同点,阐述了 系统 设计时遇到的一些有关问题;

  • From system analysis system designing and application this article introduces a medical equipments management system and shows us its important role in the hospital management .

    本文从系统分析、 系统 设计和应用等多方面,探讨了“医疗设备管理系统”在设备管理中的作用。

  • The Indicator System Designing and Empirical Analyzing on the Appraisal of Countryside Regional Competitiveness in China

    我国农村区域竞争力评估指标 体系及实证分析

  • This paper introduces the motive of personnel management system designing and the functions of it .

    文章主要介绍该管理 系统 设计目的、能及特点。

  • Graphical Simulation of Robotic Arm / Hand System Designing for Teleoperation

    面向遥操作的机器人臂/手集成 系统图形仿真

  • Embedded System Designing Contest Supported Each Other with Related Curriculum

    嵌入式 系统竞赛与课程 建设 如何相互促进

  • The third part embodiments the thinking of system designing and the principle of development .

    第三章 系统 需求分析与 设计,通过对 需求分析、 系统 设计思想, 系统开发原则, 系统 概要 设计系统 设计数据库 设计系统开发的项目 管理等分步骤论述,体现 系统 设计思想和开发原则;

  • Underwater target and environment feature information system designing base on cluster technology

    基于机群技术的水中目标特性与背景特性信息 系统 设计

  • On the Configuration and System Designing of the Qualification Penalty Regarding Economic Crimes

    试论我国经济犯罪中资格刑的配置与 制度 设计

  • VR-Based Three-dimensional Substation Training System Designing

    基于虚拟实境技术的变电站三维仿真培训 平台 研制

  • It will provide the theoretical foundation to the passive loading system designing with high performances .

    为高精度被动式加载 系统 设计提供理论基础。

  • Analysis About Things ' Damage Liability System Designing In Roman Law And Relative Enlightenment

    罗马法物件致人损害责任 制度 设计及其启示