systematical error

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪkl: ˈɛrɚ][ˌsɪstəˈmætɪkl ˈerə]


  • The mixing adjustment model with systematical parameters is applied in adjustment of position traverse control network with systematical error of distance measurement . The rationality of adjustment model is validated by calculating the measure data .

    将附加系统参数的平差模型应用于带有测距 系统 误差的阵地导线网平差,即增设尺度比参数的阵地导线网平差,并用实测数据验证了平差方法的合理性。

  • In the course of systematical realization we successfully get outer data visualized by using the converting function of IDL coordinate system . Also the error that horizontal scale and vertical scale cannot be coherent has been canceled .

    系统的实现过程中利用IDL坐标系统的转换的功能,成功地将外部数据可视化,消除了水平比例尺与垂直比例尺不一致的 误差

  • The systematical error analysis is given to the measurement error caused by the on-line measurement when Time-Domain-Multipoint error separation technique is applied to contouring prime line linearity error of revolving work pieces and therefore the basic method is given to a further approach to higher measurement accuracy .

    本文还对时域多测头误差分离法应用于回转件素线直线度误差的在线测量引起的测量误差进行了 系统 误差分析,为进一步寻求提高测量精度的途径提供了基础;

  • Considering the complexity of source of systematical error a new model is given in this paper : the mixing adjustment model with additional systematical parameters the adjustment formula and the statistic for proof test are also given .

    考虑到 系统 误差源的复杂性,文中提出了一种附加系统参数的混合平差模型,导出了平差公式和假设检验统计量。

  • The necessary knowledge about the error theory and the data processing such as precision accuracy system error random error is briefly introduced and the systematical error analysis on tape extensometers is presented .

    本文简要介绍了误差理论和数据处理方面的一些必要的知识,如精密度、准确度、系统误差,随机误差等,并对钢尺式收敛计进行了 系统详尽 误差分析。

  • However there still lacks systematical study among different-scaled beam-to-column connections at present and simulation error analysis is also missed when converting model-testing data to that of prototype .

    然而,目前对于梁柱节点模型试验及模拟 误差的分析缺乏 系统的研究。

  • This paper makes systematical analysis and subsumption for each error connection of main transformer 's differential protection and puts forward corresponding methods for correction .

    对变压器差动保护的各种 错误接线方式进行了 系统的分析和归类,并提出了纠正的方法。

  • To some surfaces with temperature higher than 200 ℃ and emissivity bigger than 0.6 the systematical error of measured total heat flow is within 4 per cent .

    对于200℃以上、发射率大于0.6的表面,所测全热流的 系统 误差在4%以内。

  • The Systematical Error Analysis of Baseline Processing in GPS Network

    GPS形变监测网基线处理中 系统 误差的分析

  • In the high precise surveying the theoretical research of compensating or eliminating systematical error with adjustment model are studied progressively .

    在高精度测量中,利用平差模型 整体 系统 误差予以补偿和消除的理论研究已日益被 关注

  • Research on the Systematical Error of Permutation Intercomparision Method Using in Superprecision Angle Measurement

    排列互比法用于超精测角时产生 系统 误差的研究

  • The Systematical Error Analysis of High Precision GPS Network Adjustment

    高精度GPS网数据处理中的 系统 误差分析

  • The central contents are as follows : ( 1 ) The transient pulse test system is studied and made . The systematical error of test system is studied also .

    对测试系统进行了研究,设计并制作了瞬态脉冲无损检测测试系统,并对测试系统的 系统 误差进行了分析研究。

  • The system has been tested on automatic panel reading judgement for six sets of pressure gauges the systematical error is within + / - 0.12 % . It is also valuable on reference for indication judgement of other pointing instruments .

    该系统曾对6台压力表进行表盘自动判读, 系统 误差不超过±0.12%,对于其它指针式仪表的示值判断具有参考价值。

  • We establish a systematical validation flow for Sim-godson which is effective in controlling the model error .

    本文还为Sim-godson建立了一个 完整的验证流程,它能够有效地控制模拟器的 误差