system design

[ˈsɪstəm dɪˈzaɪn][ˈsistəm diˈzain]


  • Furthermore it guides the next step system design and development in the collaborated environment to reduce the project risk .

    而且,它将指导在协作环境中的下一步 系统 设计和开发工作,从而减少项目风险。

  • High availability is a system design principle for increased availability .

    高可用性是提高可用性的一个 系统 设计原理。

  • For example the terms architecture component and system design mean different things to different people .

    例如,不同人对体系结构、组件和 系统 设计的理解不同。

  • A simple CPU system working reliability is important in embedded system design .

    嵌入式 系统 设计中,CPU小系统的可靠运行是首要目标。

  • The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements yielding a logical system design .

    目的是要区分并联接这些关键的功能和数据元素,随之产生逻辑 系统 设计

  • In view of this based on RFID technology multi-functional automatic stop system design methods have been put forward .

    鉴于此,一种基于RFID技术的多功能自动报站 系统 设计方法被提出。

  • Information system design and optimization system

    信息 系统 设计和最佳化系统

  • But with modeling you can focus on the system design rather than the technological peculiarities .

    但是使用建模技术你可以将精力放在 系统 设计上而不是技术的特性上。

  • Site application shows the system design is successful and effective .

    现场应用结果表明新的抄表 系统 设计是成功有效的。

  • In real-time measure of information flux has an important value for information statistics information system design etc.

    信息流量的实时监测对信息源的统计、信息 系统 设计等有重要价值。

  • The use of automation also promotes consistency and improves the quality of the system design and implementation particularly as the solution evolves through maintenance and upgrade .

    自动化的使用也促进一致性并改进 系统 设计和实现的质量,特别是解决方案在维护和升级过程的演进中。

  • Expounds the air conditioning system design of artificial ice rink .

    阐述了人工冰场的 空调 设计

  • Finally through analyzing the system design process and the system performance has confirmed the ideas and methods put forward in the topic and it indicate the direction of farther researching .

    文章最后通过对 原型 系统整体性能的分析,验证了课题中提出的思想和方法,并指明了进一步的研究方向。

  • As System Design Engineer you work on system level ( system management ) and are the technically responsible of a specific system .

    系统 设计工程师,你工作的系统级别(系统管理),是负责技术上的具体系统。

  • Detailed System Design and Implementation in Web Projects

    在WEB工程中 系统的详细 设计与实现

  • Research on Control System Design for HVDC Convertor Station

    高压直流输电换流站控制 系统 设计研究

  • Task scheduling is an important aspect to operating system design from desktop operating system schedulers to real-time schedulers and embedded operating system schedulers .

    任务调度是操作 系统 设计的一个重要方面,从桌面操作系统调度器到实时调度器和嵌入式操作系统调度器。

  • Common workflow is a role-based change management system design .

    通用工作流是基于角色的变更管理 系统 设计

  • The Credit Risk on-Site Inspection System Design and Implement

    信贷风险现场检查 系统 设计和实现

  • Research of System Design and Simulation on High Power Factor Rectifier

    高功率因数整流器 系统 设计与仿真研究

  • The activities categorized as conceptual design are the usual activities of System Analysis and System Design .

    给规类为概念设计分类活动是系统分析与 系统 设计的常见活动。

  • This approach enables service-oriented BPEL4WS components to be incorporated into an overall system design utilizing existing software engineering practices .

    这种方法使面向服务的的BPEL4WS组件合并到全面的 系统 设计,该 系统 设计利用了现存的软件工程方法。

  • The requirements analysis would be followed by system design including architecture .

    需求分析之后是 系统 设计,包括架构。

  • After three architecture reviews it was clear that there were issues in the system design concerning performance security and management .

    在体系结构复查之后, 系统 设计中存在有关性能、安全性和管理的问题就变得明显了。

  • This tutorial teaches the reader how to use SOA techniques in system design effectively .

    本教程将向读者说明如何在 系统 设计中有效地使用SOA技术。

  • High-availability Source Code Automatic Judge System Design and Research

    高可用性源代码自动评判 系统 设计研究

  • System design and architecture tools greatly help IT architects in achieving robust and high-quality software .

    系统 设计和体系结构设计工具可以在很大程度上帮助IT架构师完成可靠的和高质量的软件。

  • Getting the right architecture which is often crucial to the success of a software system design .

    获得正确的体系结构,这对于软件 系统 设计至关重要。

  • The Simulation and Control System Design of the Electric Power Steering System

    电动助力转向系统仿真及控制 系统 设计

  • In this article I detailed such high-performance system design advances as co-processing nonvolatile memory interconnection and storage .

    在本文中,我从协同处理、非易失性内存、互连和存储方面详细介绍了这个高性能 系统 设计进展。