system specification

[ˈsɪstəm ˌspɛsəfɪˈkeʃən][ˈsistəm ˌspesifiˈkeiʃən]

[计] 系统说明书

  • The third part from the four aspects of organization structure project management system specification meeting system discussed in detail the Science Institute of West China organization management system .

    第三部分从组织结构、计划管理、 制度 规范、会议制度四个方面详细论述了中国西部科学院的组织管理。

  • Based on system specification the design and hardware realization is given for transmitter up-converter .

    结合本次 系统 指标 要求,给出了上变频发射模块的设计与具体的硬件实现。

  • Research of Discrete-Event System Specification

    离散事件 系统 规范DEVS研究

  • Task of ROSS is the following : with respect to information storage and retrieval demand to develop butterfly metadata format and design system specification based on the project content .

    研究群则是配合计画 内容主题及 系统设计,以资讯储存及检索需求为基础,发展蝴蝶诠释资料格式。

  • There is no specific law to our country network real-name system specification result in the design and operation no laws .

    我国没有专门的法律对网络实名 加以 规范,导致网络实名制的 制度设计和运行无法可依。

  • Established a dynamic hardware-software partitioning flow from system specification to system implementation which is based on hardware / software co-function-library ; Designed a hardware / software co-design integrated development environment for application development and hardware-software partitioning algorithm design . 2 .

    确立了一个以软硬件协同函数库为基础的从 系统 功能 描述到实现的动态软硬件划分流程,构建了支持应用程序开发和划分算法设计的软硬件协同设计集成开发环境。

  • Based on the transformational design approach this method supports the extension or change of the system specification .

    在转化设计的基础上,支持系统的扩展及 系统 规范的改变。

  • Discrete Event System Specification ( DEVS ) is a standard modeling and simulation formalization for dynamic discrete event system based on general system theories it can serves as a foundation to link specifications at different levels together .

    离散事件 系统 规范基于一般系统理论为动态离散事件系统的建模和仿真提供了标准的形式化,它可以作为HLA和多范型领域相关模型的联系纽带。

  • This chapter mainly from the awareness training system specification structural adjustment and promotion research put forward reasonable suggestions in four aspects .

    本章主要从意识培养、 制度 规范、结构调整和科研提升四个方面提出合理性对策建议。

  • In the automobile electronic control platform field the design and implementation of control system commonly accord with the specification unit of OSEK / VDX and the core specification of this unit is operating system specification .

    在汽车电子仿真控制平台开发领域,通常需要遵循OSEK/VDX规范集,而该规范集的核心之一便是OSEK/VDX操作 系统 规范

  • The Digital Cinema System Specification ( DCSS ) which is the most important standard in digital cinema industry has strict requirements on digital cinema data decryption process .

    数字电影业界遵循的数字电影 系统 规范(DCSS)对电影数据的加密与解密过程提出了复杂的要求。

  • The proposed model more suits the requirements of multilevel security databases and guarantees the consistency among policy model system specification and other high-level security model .

    模型更加适应多级安全数据库系统的要求,增强了策略模型与 系统 规格和高层模型的一致性。

  • Allocating properly the system specification plays an important role in the satellite system design .

    卫星 总体 指标合理分配是卫星总体设计的一项重要内容。

  • First introduces the whole RF system including system specification duplex method key technology interface definition and etc.

    首先研究了整个射频系统的 系统 指标、双工方式、关键技术、系统组成和接口定义。

  • However township government shows obvious self-interest character in the practical operation and there is deviation and inversion between its actual function structure and operation mechanism and the state official system specification .

    但是,在乡镇政府的实际运行中,乡镇政府表现出了明显的自利性,其实际的功能、结构以及运行机制与国家正式 制度 规范之间出现偏离和倒置。

  • Then the whole design of the system is described including the system specification the design architecture for the entire platform and its hardware the main devices and the operating system choosing and so on .

    然后,描述了系统的总体设计,包括 系统 需求 分析、整体和硬件平台架构、主要器件的选型、操作系统的选型等。

  • Troubleshooting of Radius C-arm X-ray System Specification for design and construction of hydraulic and removable formwork project

    RadiusC型臂X线 升降板及图像处理板故障维修液压滑升模板工程设计与施工 规程

  • Other parameters like in - and out-of-band noise also meet the system specification .

    其它参数例如带内带外噪声等同样也满足 设计 指标

  • The defects of the system specification will bring great risks to system development .

    系统 规范的缺陷将给项目成功带来极大的风险。

  • Codesign changed a traditional design which make partitioning into hardware and software according to the system specification and constrains combining more close hardware with software so that overall system performance can be ensured .

    协同设计改变了传统的设计方法,它根据 系统 规格 要求和限制条件划分硬件和软件模块,将硬件/软件开发结合得更加紧密,因而确保了应用系统整体性能的综合优化。

  • Therefore in order to facilitate the replacement of the system specification changes in those parts faster-RAM CPU and graphics equipment-often still installed in the socket or slot .

    因此,为了便于更换, 系统中那些 规格变化较快的部件RAM、CPU和图形设备往往依然安装在插座或插槽上。

  • Transforming the system specification into one for a particular platform

    系统 规范转换为针对特定平台的 规范

  • A system verification method based on POSIX system specification can collect both the microcosmic and macroscopical system properties by means of ABI level test of system elements and properties and also gives the evaluation result .

    一种基于POSIX 系统 规范进行的系统验证方法,可以通过针对操作系统的各个组成元素在ABI级别进行测试来得到操作系统的微观和宏观兼容性属性,并给出了操作系统兼容性的评估结果。

  • System specification is the starting point and foundation of the system development .

    系统 规范是系统开发的起点和基础。

  • This thesis has conducted thorough research in model description simulating strategy system specification and result analysis etc. in the sensor network simulation platform .

    本文对传感器网络仿真平台的模型描述、仿真策略、 系统 规范及结果分析等各个方面进行了深入的研究。

  • However these industry specifications or standards obviously lack solid theory foundation which causes great inconvenience to distributed software system specification correctness verification and performance evaluation .

    然而,这些工业规范或标准明显缺乏坚实的理论基础,从而给分布式 系统 规格 说明、正确性验证、安全性等工作带来诸多不便。

  • According to the Functional Requirements for Community Health Service the system specification is described formally with Z language . The specification includes basic data system status and system operations .

    通过对社区卫生服务的功能需求出发,采用Z语言对 系统 规格进行了形式化说明,包括基础数据、系统状态以及系统操作等。

  • The design and implementation were investigated of application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) used in a super tortuosity nomograph liquid crystal display ( STN-LCD ) controller & driver . The low-power system specification techniques including power management clock planning and bus mediation were expounded .

    基于一款超扭曲阵列液晶显示(STN-LCD)控制驱动器的专用集成电路(ASIC)的设计与实现,从功耗管理、时钟规划和总线仲裁三个方面阐述了低功耗 系统 规划方法;

  • The MDA approach builds on earlier system specification standards work and it provides a comprehensive interoperability framework for defining interconnected systems .

    MDA方法构建在较早期的 系统 规范标准的工作上,并且为定义相互连接的系统提供一种全面的具有互操作能力的框架。

  • Ideally you want to allow for this in the original system specification .

    在理想的情况下,您需要在原先的 系统 规格中考虑到这一点。