system of particles


  • In the acid medium the viscosity mechanism of the system of latex particles containing carboxyl is the same with that of the common hard sphere latex system .

    在酸性介质中,含羧基乳胶 粒子 体系的致粘机理与普通硬球型乳胶粒子体系一致。

  • There from it is used to obtain the principles of the angular of momentum of the system of particles with respect to its cenier of mass and instantaneous center of velocity .

    采用简捷的方法推导质点系相对于任意动点的动量矩定理,并由此引出 质点 相对于质心的动量矩定理和 质点系相对于速度瞬心的动量矩定理。

  • Part three summarizes modal particles in Chengdu dialect from phonetic and grammatical perspectives trying to build the system of modal particles in the Chengdu dialect .

    第三部分分类分析上总结成都方言语气词的语音结构、句法分布、句法搭配,尝试构建成都方言 语气 系统

  • Base on equation of dynamics of non-inertial reference system this paper introduces Lagrange equation Nielsen equation Appell equation generalized momentum integral and generalized energy integral of system of particles in non-inertial reference system . It also gires some example in practice usage .

    从非惯性系动力学方程出发,导出了力学 体系在非惯性系中的Lagrange方程、Nielsen方程和 Appell方程以及广义动量积分和能量积分,并举例说明它们的具体应用。

  • Sedimentation in a Polydisperse System of Interacting Particles

    多分散低Peclet数稳定具势 系统 粒子的沉降

  • This paper points out that the method Lagrange Equations of the second kind for the system of particles from the theorem of kinetic energy is wrong and analyses the causes of the mistake .

    指出从动能定理出发直接推导具有理想约束的 质点 的第二类拉格明日方程的方法是错误的,并分析了其错误的原因。

  • In this Paper We have deduced various formulas for D Alembert principle of holonomic and non-holonomic system in the velocity space from Newton dynamical equation of system of particles .

    本文从 质点 的牛顿动力学方程出发,导出了完整 和非完整系速度空间的DAlembert原理的各种形式。

  • This paper proposes the theorem of moment about mass acceleration of the particle and the system of particles ( absolute motion and relative motion ) .

    本文提出质点和 质点 (绝对运动和相对运动)质量加速度矩定理。

  • In this paper we have investigated numerically a model of three-dimensional gravitating system of colliding particles called the model of ellipsoid in which particles are moving in the gravitational field of a central rotational ellipsoid body and interact through inelastic collisions .

    本文研究了一个三维引力碰撞 质点 系统的模型,即椭球体模型,其中所有质点是在一个旋转椭球中心体的引力作用下运动,且它们相互之间的碰撞是非弹性的。

  • The system design of charged particles shielding detector for Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope ( HXMT ) was described in this paper .

    介绍空间硬X射线调制望远镜的 探测器 系统设计。

  • Kinetic theory of a system of various reacting particles

    多种 粒子反应 系统的运动论

  • The adsorptive particles can enhance the gas-liquid mass transfer the slurry system of adsorptive particles are widely used in petrol chemical biochemical industries because of their intensification effect on the processes .

    在气液系统中加入 吸附性微粒能够强化气液传质,该浆料 系统由于其对化工过程的强化作用已被广泛用于化工、石化和生化等领域中。

  • With the force analysis of collided models and theorem of impulse of a system of particles the movement trajectory of objects after colliding is calculated .

    本文通过对发生接触的模型进行受力分析,运用 质点 冲量定理,进而计算出碰撞后物体的运动轨迹。

  • Under a Lagrange coordinate system the trajectory of particles was tracked by the use of a random orbital method .

    在拉格朗日坐标 下,用随机轨道法跟踪 颗粒的轨迹。

  • Granular matter refers to discrete system consisting of solid particles with size more than tens of micrometer .

    颗粒物质是指尺寸在几十微米以上的固体 颗粒构成的离散 体系

  • The modal particles is an important characteristic in the Chinese language . The modal particles in dialecs are abundant and varying respectively different dialects have their own system of modal particles . Therefore the modal particles have much bigger research value .

    语气词是汉语的一个重要特征,汉语方言中的语气词既丰富又各有特点,不同的方言有各自不同的 语气系统,因此方言语气词具有较大的研究价值。

  • Momentum Angular Momentum and Dynamics of a System of Particles ( PDF )

    粒子 系统动力,角动量和动力学。

  • The principle of total potential energy with stationary value in system of particles and its application

    动力学总势能不变值原理在 质点 建模中的应用

  • The energy of a particle or system of particles derived from position or condition rather than motion . A raised weight coiled spring or charged battery has potential energy .

    粒子或 粒子 系统因其位置或状态而非运动而具有的能量。举起的重物、压紧的弹簧或充了电的电池都具有势能。

  • A given system of four particles satisfies the Bose-Einstein statistics .

    一个有四个 微粒 系统适合玻色――爱因斯坦统计。

  • The research has a very important economic significance for reformation of the dry system of minute titanium particles of Panzhihua Titanium Concentrating Plant as the fuel with solid coal .

    研究结果对以煤作为燃料改造攀钢选钛厂微细 级钛精矿干燥 系统具有重要的参考价值。

  • Concerning the system of N particles in three dimensions space besides position and momentum representations the Boson number representation has been introduced .

    对三维空间中N个 粒子 系统除位置与动量二表象外,引出了一种玻色子数表象。

  • In this paper the problems of oil pollution examination and wear debris identification are studied in oil pollution on-line monitoring system furthermore an analysis system of oil particles pollution is carried out for monitoring the wear debris of an engine bearing test .

    本文主要研究油液污染在线监测系统中油液污染度测量和磨损颗粒分类的问题,以及为了对某个发动机轴承试验机磨损颗粒在线监测而开发 油液 颗粒污染分析 系统

  • Development of 4F system for observation of particles

    用于 微粒 观测的4F传像 系统的研制

  • In the basic of several high voltage pulse power supply topological structure which has been put forward by domestic and foreign scholars the pulse power supply system is designed in the thesis which is applied to the extraction system of polyester particles .

    在国内外学者提出的几种高压脉冲电源拓扑结构的基础上,设计了一种应用在聚酯 颗粒提取 系统的脉冲电源。

  • A rapid method for calculating adsorption kinetics in Monte Carlo simulation for the system of randomly moving particles

    MonteCarlo法 跟踪随机运动 颗粒中吸附动力学的快速计算方法

  • Furthermore we study the scattering of the polychromatic plane wave by the system of anisotropic particles with deterministic locations and obtain the analytical expression for the cross-spectral density function of the scattered field .

    我们进一步考虑了多色平面波经由具有固定分布位置的各向异性 粒子 组成 系统的散射,获得了散射光场交叉谱密度函数的解析表达式。

  • The Equilibrium Equation and stability of Equilibrium Position of the System of Particles Relative to Moving Reference Frame

    质点 相对运动参考系的平衡及其平衡位置的稳定性