


  • The content of SOD and MDA in synovium was detected after treatment .

    检测治疗后 滑膜 组织中SOD和MDA的含量。

  • It is ably assisted by the synovial fluid which is produced by the synovium the aforementioned rubbery layer .

    这是干练的协助下,由滑液这是所产生的 滑膜,上述胶状层。

  • Chronic inflammation can go on for a long time . Seen here in the synovium of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis are collections of dark blue lymphocytes .

    慢性炎症可持续很长时间。图示风湿性关节炎 滑膜 大量深蓝色淋巴细胞。

  • Study on Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase - 1 in Synovium and Articular Cartilage of Patients with Osteoarthritis

    骨关节炎患者 滑膜和关节软骨中金属蛋白酶组织抑制物-1的研究

  • Objective Type B synoviocytes ( fibroblast-Like synoviocytes ) of rheumatoid arthritis are the proliferative cells in proliferative synovium .

    目的类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)的滑膜B型细胞(成纤维细胞样细胞)是增殖 滑膜的增殖细胞,表达c-myc基因。

  • Observe and handle with statistics the levels of IL-6 and thymus gland spleen adrenal gland wet weighs of big rats in AA model make joint synovium pathology sections .

    对大鼠免疫器官脾、胸腺、肾上腺的湿重、大鼠血清IL-6水平进行检测和统计学处理。制作并观察关节 滑膜病理切片。

  • The degeneration of arthritic cartilage and the inflammation of synovium were evident in the model group ;

    组织 形态学 观察 造模组关节软骨 较明显的退变, 滑膜 明显炎性 改变

  • Effect of Shi-Re-Bi on cytokines T lymphocytes subsets and VEGF in synovium tissue in the rheumatoid arthritis rats

    湿热痹片对类风湿关节炎大鼠细胞因子、T细胞亚群及 滑膜组织中VEGF水平的影响

  • Effects of Methotrexate on synovium pathomorphology and expression of nuclear factor - κ B in the synovium of adjuvant arthritis rats

    甲氨喋呤对佐剂性关节炎大鼠 滑膜病理和核转录因子-κB表达的影响

  • Objective To explore its pathological role in rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) and analyze the expression of B7-H1 in human RA synovium .

    目的研究分析类风湿关节炎(RA)患者关节 滑膜 组织中B7-H1蛋白的表达,旨在探讨其在RA发病中的意义。

  • There were many hemorrhagic spots in synovium with infiltration of inflammation cells and the surface of synovium was destructed .

    滑膜 组织 出现散在出血点及炎细胞浸润,滑膜表面完整性破坏。

  • Inhibiting Effect of Recombinant Human Endostatin on the Angiogenesis of Synovium in AA Rats and Its Mechanism

    重组人内抑素抑制佐剂性关节炎大鼠 滑膜 组织中新生血管生成及机制

  • However if the loose body becomes trapped and reattaches to the synovium it is then generally reabsorbed .

    然而,如果游离体被卡或附着在 滑膜上,一般都会被吸收。

  • Expression of VEGF-receptors in rabbit synovium with internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint

    3种VEGF受体亚型在兔TMJ结构紊乱模型 滑膜 组织中的表达

  • Osteoclast infiltration in synovium of ankylosing spondylitis and its relationship to cartilage damage

    破骨细胞在强直性脊柱炎 滑膜 组织浸润及与软骨破坏的相关性

  • The increase of MMP-1 in synovium lagged behind that of MMP-1 in cartilage in the early stage of OA .

    OA早期,MMP-1在 滑膜中的增长滞后于它在软骨中的增长。

  • Methods Small tissue fragments cut from lung skin tonsil and synovium were digested with collagenase and hyaluronidase .

    方法将手术切除的人类肺、皮肤、扁桃体及 关节 滑膜组织剪碎后,在37℃条件下用型胶原酶和型透明质酸酶进行消化。

  • AIM : To explore the role of synovium macrophage of adjuvant arthritis ( AA ) rats in articular damage .

    目的:了解佐剂性关节炎(AA)大鼠 滑膜巨噬细胞在关节破坏中的作用。

  • Objective : To observe the effect of Diminishing Sputum Recipe on gene expression of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein ( COMP ) in knee Osteoarhritic synovium of C57 black mice .

    目的:研究化痰中药对C57黑鼠膝骨关节炎 滑膜中COMP基因表达的影响。

  • Generally patients will suffer from persistent synovium inflammation arthritis and functional impairment and even handicap .

    一般情况下, RA患者都会有持续的 滑膜炎、进行性的关节 破坏和功能障碍而致残障,长期的 病程 最后关节损伤所致的功能障碍给 患者 家庭造成极大的痛苦和负担。

  • Histopathology of synovium and cartilage was tested at weeks 4 and 6 after treatment .

    于用药后4周 观察 滑膜 组织和软骨组织病理学改变。

  • Alteration of synovium followed the changes of articular cartilage ;

    滑膜 组织的变化继发于关节软骨的改变,同时又 反过来 进一步 加重关节软骨的 破坏,使之 处于一种 恶性循环中;

  • Routine HE staining of the synovium of rats and lung histopathological changes and analysis . 6 .

    常规HE染色, 观察 各组大鼠 关节 滑膜和肺组织病理变化,并进行评分。

  • Expression of interleukin-1 β and tumor necrosis factor - α in the synovium and synovial fluid of patients with Kashin-Beck disease and osteoarthritis

    大骨节病和骨性关节炎患者 滑膜白介素-1β和肿瘤坏死因子-α的比较

  • Significance of MMP-7 MMP-9 TIMP-3 in Osteoarthritis ' Synovium of Knee Joint

    MMP-7、MMP-9及其抑制剂TIMP-3在骨性关节炎 滑膜中的表达和意义

  • Clinical features are synovium hyperplasia symmetrical arthritis and systematic affection sometime .

    其特点为 滑膜增生和 关节对称性、侵蚀性关节炎,但也可以 导致 全身系统性表现。

  • This is the synovium in rheumatoid arthritis .

    类风湿关节炎 滑膜

  • General condition knee arthritis indices and synovium pathologies of rabbits were observed .

    观察兔全身情况、膝关节 局部 滑液的变化和 滑膜炎的病理特点;