


  • Conclusion The syndromic management flowchart for urethral discharge is effective for clinical application .

    结论男性尿道 分泌物 病征处理流程图对有尿道分泌物的男性病人有较满意的临床治疗效果。

  • The syndromic approach is a scientific approach and offers accessible and immediate treatment that is effective .

    综合 着手的方法是一种科学的方法,并提供可获取的有效快速治疗。

  • Risks and outcomes of surgical treatment for severe syndromic and idiopathic scoliosis : a retrospective study

    综合 脊柱 侧凸患者手术治疗的风险评估及疗效分析

  • Syndromic approach seems to be cost effective for the management of sexually transmitted diseases .

    病征 处理是一种效果 /成本 比高的性病诊疗手段。

  • Trachomatis infections by syndromic algorithm was 91.3 % ; the specificity was 45.2 % ; and the positive predictive value was 67.0 % .

    病征诊断对淋球菌和沙眼衣原体感染总的 敏感性、特异性和阳性预期值分别为91.3%、45.2%和67.0%。

  • Syndromic surveillance and prediction of influenza in Zhuhai 2006-2008

    珠海市2006-2008年流感 症状监测分析及预测

  • Effect of Fenofibrate and Pioglitazone on Regulation of Arteriae Aorta Remodeling in the Metabolic Syndromic Rats

    吡格列酮和非诺贝特在调节代谢 综合 大鼠主动脉重构中的作用

  • A Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effects of Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    性病 病征处理的临床疗效观察

  • STI syndromes and the syndromic approach to patient management

    性传播感染综合征和从 综合 着手的患者管理

  • Objective The syndromic management flowchart for male urethral discharge was clinically applied and evaluated .

    目的对男性尿道分泌物 病征处理流程图进行了临床应用和评价。

  • Clinical Analysis and Syndromic Treatment of the Pain Resulting from the Middle and Late Liver Cancers

    中、晚期肝癌疼痛的临床分析与 综合治疗

  • Conclusion The factors influencing the clinical application of syndromic algorithms are complicated .

    结论影响临床采用 病征处理的因素较为复杂。

  • Through learning about the definition application advantages and limitations of syndromic surveillance and the current status in China the paper tries to explore the necessity and difficulties of implementation of syndromic surveillance in China .

    本文通过分析 症状监测的定义、应用、优点和局限性,结合我国现状,探讨在我国开展症状监测的必要性和困难。

  • The syndromic approach uses flowcharts to guide diagnosis and treatment is more accurate than diagnosis based on clinical tests alone even in experienced hands .

    综合 着手的方法使用流程图指导诊断和治疗,较之仅以临床检测为基础的诊断方法更为准确,即使对于有经验的人员也是如此。

  • Syndromic surveillance is a type of active surveillance system which is known for the early detection of emergent public health events .

    症状监测是致力于早期发现突发公共卫生事件的主动监测系统,目前正 日益 受到世界 各国 重视

  • Objective To observe the diagnostic accuracy and the therapeutic effects of syndromic management of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis infections in sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) .

    目的探讨 病征处理对淋球菌和沙眼衣原体感染的诊断准确性和临床疗效。

  • Objective To report the application of syndromic approach for STIs management in private and public clinics in three rural towns in Hainan and Guangxi provinces .

    目的报告在海南省和广西壮族自治区三个农村城镇的公立和私立诊所,开展性病病征 处理和性病预防培训后性病 病征 处理的应用情况。

  • The syndromic management of urethral discharge is relatively effective and suited to clinical application . Objective To evaluate a training program of STIs syndromic management for practitioners in private and public clinics of three rural towns in Hainan and Guangxi provinces China .

    尿道分泌物 病征 处理 方案具有 较高 敏感性 特异性,临床应用较适宜。目的对海南省和广西壮族自治区三个农村城镇的公立和私立诊所性病病征处理培训的效果进行考察。

  • Application of Syndromic Surveillance in Wenchuan Earthquake Emergency Rescue Troops


  • Necessity and difficulties of implementation of syndromic surveillance in China

    试论 开展 突发 公共 卫生 事件 症状监测的必要性和困难

  • Syndromic case management is effective for most symptomatic curable STIs and screening strategies exist to detect some asymptomatic infections .


  • Conclusions Based on epidemiological and clinical features of YESCD syndromic surveillance should be the core of the comprehensive surveillance used in early detection of YESCD .

    结论根据该病的流行病学及临床特点,以 症状监测为核心的综合监测方法可以在该病的早期发现中加以运用。

  • A syndromic surveillance system for school emergency of health was developed in the region . The data of symptoms was collected and the characters of outbreaks were analyzed . 2 .

    方法1.开发适合本地区的学校突发卫生 事件 症状监测系统, 及时收集 上报症状数据,并对监测数据及暴发疫情特征进行分析。

  • Diagnostic Criteria and Basic Data Bank in Syndromic Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine

    中医 诊断标准和基础资料库的 重点 任务 关键技术

  • Objective To explore audiological features of matrilineal non syndromic deafness and its molecular mechanism .

    目的探讨母系遗传性非 综合 性耳聋的听力学特征及分子遗传学机制。

  • Methods Male patients with urethral discharge were diagnosed by etiological detection and treated by revised syndromic management flowchart .

    方法应用修改后的男性尿道 分泌物 病征处理流程图,对有尿道分泌物的男性病人进行 规范 病征处理,同时进行病原学诊断。

  • A sentinel surveillance system for Japanese encephalitis was developed and embedded within the routine meningoencephalitis syndromic surveillance system in Cambodia in2006 .

    2006年柬埔寨建立了日本脑炎的哨点监测系统并将其并入常规脑膜炎 综合 监测系统内。

  • Clinical diagnosis and treatment must deal with three relationships in the process in the understanding of disease and syndrome differentiation on the basis of analysis of symptoms treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation combined with syndrome differentiation and treatment of disease syndromic as a supplement .

    临床诊疗过程中必须处理好三者关系,在分析症状的基础上认识疾病和辨证,治疗宜辨证论治与辨病论治相结合, 对症治疗作为补充。

  • Syndromic diagnosis could not identify 13 cases of gonococcal infection ; so the sensitivity for gonococcal infection was 92.0 % ;

    对淋球菌感染来说, 病征诊断未能识别13例淋球菌感染,因此其敏感性为92.0%;

  • Objective To evaluate a training program of STIs syndromic management for practitioners in private and public clinics of three rural towns in Hainan and Guangxi provinces China .

    目的对海南省和广西壮族自治区三个农村城镇的公立和私立诊所性病 病征 处理培训的效果进行考察。