syntactic level

[sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈlɛvəl][sɪnˈtæktɪk ˈlevl]

[计] 语法级

  • At the syntactic level it employs the long sentences and passive voice sentences .

    句法 方面,侧重于使用长句和被动句。

  • SOAP resolves the interoperability problem at the syntactic level but the semantic problems remain unsolved .

    SOAP可以解决 语法 级别的互操作性问题,但语义问题仍然未得到解决。

  • The analysis is carried out at lexical level syntactic level and discourse level .

    在这一章中,对 外贸 函电 文体学 特征的分析是在三个层次上进行的,即词汇层次, 山东 大学 硕士 学位论文 句子 层次和篇章的层次。

  • At the syntactic level they are revealed in parataxis and the topic-prominent sentence structure .

    句式 层面,主要表现在意合与话题突出的句子结构上。

  • At syntactic level the use of declarative interrogative and imperative patterns were analyzed .

    英语 系统中,本文在 句法 层面上主要针对陈述,疑问及祈使句式的使用情况进行分析。

  • The influence of mother tongue on English writing in syntactic level will be clearly shown .

    句法 层面上清楚地揭示了母语对外语学习的影响。

  • On the syntactic level appraisal resources can be realized through Marked Theme and Subjunctive Mood .

    句法 层面,评价价值可以通过标记性主位、虚拟语气实现。

  • At syntactic level Obama exploits subjects with no definite reference negative structures to transmit implicit evaluation .

    句法 ,奥巴马则选用没有明确所指的主语、否定结构,传递隐性评价。

  • Modern Chinese Intentionally-creating verb is a more specific category . The semantic components these verbs implied in the framework and their performance at the syntactic level are different from the general verbs . They have their special features .

    现代汉语制作义动词是一个比较特殊的类别,这类动词的语义框架所蕴含的语义成分及各个语义成分的 句法实现等和一般的动词有所区别,表现出其特殊的地方。

  • This thesis is a study of the translation of international treaties from English into Chinese at syntactic level .

    本论文旨在研究国际条约在 句子 层次上的英译中问题。

  • This paper also indicates that translators should adapt to the structural characteristics of the target language and make choices at the stylistic phonetic lexical and syntactic level .

    同时指出,翻译过程中译者应顺应目的语的结构特点,在文体、语音、词汇和 句法 方面做出选择。

  • There has been much research about subjects and predicates phrase mainly at the syntactic level but little research at the semantic and pragmatic levels .

    关于主谓短语的研究非常多,主要集中在 句法 平面,语义和语用平面研究相对薄弱。

  • As to the syntactic level the analysis is made under the three categories : sentence types clause types and grammatical category .

    句法 层面,主要在以下三个方面进行了分析:句子的类型,从句的类型以及语法方面。

  • Second shows the stylistic features of business correspondences from the morphology and syntactic features to analyze the lexical level strategies syntactic level strategies and the structure level strategies .

    第二,通过分析形态和句法,列出了商务信函的文本特征,并提出了从词汇, 句法,以及结构翻译策略。

  • The linguistic structure includes lexical level syntactic level and stylistic level . And the contextual correlates include mental world and social world .

    语言结构包括词汇、 句法和文体,语境关系包括目的语读者的心理世界和社交世界。

  • Much evidence collected in English teaching has shown that language transfer at the syntactic level is very common .

    在英语教学的实践中, 我们 上了大量的 句法 层面上的语言迁移现象,所以对 句法迁移进行研究具有一定的实用价值。

  • Second on the syntactic level word order and conjunctions in the two versions are different .

    其次,在 句法 ,两个译本在语序和连词的使用上也采取了不同的方法。

  • The fourth part illuminates China English and Chinese English from the phonetic lexical and syntactic level as well as the relationship between China English and Chinese English presents the functions of China English and how China English influences Chinese culture .

    第四部分从语音、语法和 句法 层面介绍了中国英语和中式英语,强调了中国英语的功能以及中国英语与中华文化的关系。

  • Therefore errors at the lexical level and syntactic level have been analyzed specifically . Based on the findings of the research some suggestions are made on vocabulary teaching and writing teaching in order to reduce the L1 negative transfer .

    对此,本文对词汇层面和 句法 层面的错误进行了详细的分析,并且在词汇教学与英语写作等方面提出了一些相应的对策,以减少学生写作中的母语负迁移现象。

  • XML covers the syntactic level but lacks support for efficient sharing of conceptualizations .

    XML覆盖了 语法 ,但是缺乏对概念化共享的有效支持。

  • At the syntactic level of grammatical analysis each constituent of a sentence is assigned to a lexical category reflecting the syntactical function of each constituent to predicate of the sentence .

    在语法分析的 句法 层面,句子的每个成分都被划分了词类,体现出各个成分相对于句子谓语而言的句法功能。

  • On the contrary semantic valence combination is the semantic-syntactic phenomenon that two semantic valences of a predicate could be expressed by one syntactic valence at the syntactic level .

    语义配价合并则相反,指的是谓词的两个语义配价在 句法 结构 层面上用一个句法配价体现的语义-句法现象。

  • Their characteristics at syntactic level are more complex . This thesis analyses them through the aspects of word types grammatical items clause types and sentence types .

    句法 方面的特征比较复杂一些,本文主要从词类、语法、从句类型、句子类型几方面进行了分析。

  • At syntactic level Obama chooses cleft sentences and comparison and contrast structures to explicitly trigger certain presuppositions .

    句法 ,奥巴马选择分裂句和比较结构显性地触发特定语用预设。

  • According to the test result the suggested syntactic level interoperability between the two mentioned systems has been achieved .

    根据检测的结果,在两个提及的系统间,被建议的 句法 层面的共用性问题已经得到初步解决。

  • This study has analyzed and compared the features of both Chinese and English journalistic style at three levels : Lexical level Syntactic level and Discourse level .

    本文在三个层面上对中文和英文新闻报刊文体的特点进行了分析和比较,即:词汇特点、 句法特点和篇章特点。

  • With the development of Chinese natural language processing studies of the Chinese sentences entered the semantic level from the syntactic level .

    随着汉语自然语言处理任务的不断深入,汉语句子研究也 逐步从句 层面,进入到了语义层面,汉语句子的句 法语 分析逐渐成为汉语自然语言处理过程中一个重要的任务。

  • Chapter Four offers various manifestations of Chinglish found in the students ' translation and writing works . It illustrates the influences of Chinese thought patterns on the cases of Chinglish at lexical level syntactic level and discourse level by contrasting each case with its possible revision .

    第四章列出了许多在学生翻译和写作中发现的中式英语例子。从词汇、 句子和语篇 层面将中式英语例句与其对应的修改句进行对照,阐述了中式思维对产生中式英语的影响。