syntactic relation

[sɪnˈtæktɪk rɪˈleʃən][sɪnˈtæktɪk riˈleiʃən]


  • A research on the properties of syntactic relation between P-clauses in modern Chinese ;

    空间词汇及其 句法模式是自然语言空间 关系研究的核心问题。

  • In addition the syntactic function of English postpositive attributes is not always equivalent to its semantic relation .

    另外,英语后置定语的 句法功能与其语义 关系并不总是完全对等。

  • In recent years much fMRI research on sentence processing has been done which primarily aimed to explore the neural bases of semantic process and syntactic process in sentence level and the relation .

    近年来句子加工的脑成像研究大量涌现,并集中于揭示句子语义与 语法加工的神经机制以及 之间 联系

  • We define form proof with some degree and syntactic closure operation prove some theorems used often and define the notion of provable equivalent relation prove several important theorems about provable equivalent relations .

    定义了程度化的形式证明和 语法结论算子,证明了一些常用的定理,定义了基于某种信息的可证等价 关系并证明了关于可证等价关系的几个重要定理。

  • We do feature extraction with words syntactic relation and semantic .

    结合词、 句法 关系和语义对问句进行特征抽取。

  • Researches in the Syntactic Relation and Semantic Features of the Sentence Pattern of Shi

    “是” 字句法语义研究

  • As for a single linguistic sign arbitrariness is still the first principle but as far as the compound and derivational words and the syntactic relation are concerned the linguistic sign is iconic .

    就语言的单个符号而言,任意性仍是语言符号的第一原则;但在复合词和派生词及 语言 组合 关系句法 关系上,语言符号具有高度象似性。

  • On the Application of the Semanteme Analysis to the Syntactic Relation

    浅谈义素分析法在 句法 组合 关系中的应用

  • Reversal of the syntactic relation of two words ( as in ` her beauty 's face ' ) .

    两个单词的颠倒的 句法 关系(如在herbeauty'sface里)。

  • English syntactic ambiguity is caused by unspecified head - modified relation improper ellipsis combinatory coordination and special syntactic functions of some words .

    修饰 关系不明、比较结构的简略、并列成分、某些词的特殊句法功能等常引起英语 句法歧义。

  • If the average uncertainty of the syntactic structures declines apparently the feature type is deemed to have grasped some intrinsic linguistic information in the context that has close relation to the syntactic structure .

    如果加入某个特征类型之后当前 句法结构的不确定性(熵)明显下降,则认为该特征类型抓住了上下文中 影响句法结构的某些主要信息。

  • According to cognitive functional view of the principles about symmetric iconicity this dissertation discusses the two syntactic forms which express symmetric semantic relations & syncretism forms and interlude forms and tentatively establishes the frame of Chinese symmetric relation expressive forms .

    本文主要根据从功能认知角度提出的对称象似原理,探讨了表达对称语义关系的两种 句法 手段&融合手段和穿插手段,初步建立了汉语对称 关系句法表达手段的框架。

  • According to the relation between VP1 and VP2 the semantic structure of this construction is classified into two kinds : one is syntactic semantic relation ;

    在研究语义结构关系中,根据连动结构VP1与VP2关联,将其语义结构关系分为两大类型:句 法语关系和逻辑语义 关系

  • Since the second half of the 20th century the Chinese grammarians have researched thoroughly the syntactic relation of Chinese verb combination .

    关于现代汉语动词 搭配 关系的研究,从20世纪下半叶以来,汉语语法学家已经开始对其进行了深入的探索。

  • Syntactic structural relation is a reflex in language of relations between objects in the world and it is a kind of abstract grammatical meanings .

    句法结构 关系是客观事物之间关系在语言中的反映,它是抽象的语法意义。

  • Syntactic Features of English Journalistic News Texts and the Relation between Syntactical Devices and Orientation Realization

    英语新闻语篇的 句法特征及句法工具与导向实现的 关系

  • The surface layer form of V + N sequence is simple and direct but the Syntactic Relationship and the Semantic Relation Pattern very complicated .

    V+N结构序列的表层形式简洁,但其 深层 句法 结构和语义 关系却颇为复杂。

  • Study on the Syntactic Patterns in Relation to the Positive and Negative Forms of the Shi Structure in Modern Chinese

    现代汉语是字句然否类型联结研究是 字句的然否连用和否然 连用考察