


  • To extract synephrine the percolation processes was selected the extraction steps include wetting powdery FAI dipping the wet powder in hydrochloric acid solution and percolating by using hydrochloric acid solution .

    通过 比较选择渗漉 提取 辛弗林,提取步骤为:枳实 粉润湿,酸液浸泡, 渗漉 以盐酸溶液渗漉。

  • The pharmacological mechanism of antishock Chinese medicine zhishi & effect of n-methyltyramine and synephrine on plasmic and myocardial cyclic nucleotides levels

    枳实有效成份抗休克的作用机制 &N-甲基酪胺和对羟福林对血浆和心肌环核苷酸含量的影响

  • Thin-layer fluorescence scanning method was established for the analysis of synephrine in FAI . Using the method the content of synephrine in FAI sample was determined to be 0.3558 % . 3 .

    建立了枳实中 辛弗林含量测定的薄层荧光扫描法,测得枳实样品中辛弗林含量为0.3558%。

  • Fructus Aurantii Immaturus is only used synephrine as quality control indicator and Fructus Aurantii is used naringin and neohesperidin for quality control indicators in current pharmacopoeia standard .

    现行药典标准对枳实 辛弗林为质控指标,对枳壳以柚皮苷和新橙皮苷为质控指标,并未体现二者在功效上的共性与特性。

  • The chromatographic conditions for synephrine included the mobile phase consisting of methanol-water ( composed of 0.02 % phosphoric acid and 0.1 % sodium dodecyl sulfate ) ( 7-4 ) at the flow rate of 0.6 mL · min-1 and the detection wavelength at 275 nm .


  • It is a natural incident which has no side effect . Now synephrine has been widely applied in medicine food and beverage industry .

    因此 辛弗林广泛应用于医药、食品、饮料等保健行业。

  • Method : HPLC analysis was performed to detect the contents of hesperidin naringin and synephrine .

    方法:HPLC测定黄酮类成分橙皮苷和柚皮苷含量、 生物碱 辛弗林含量, 药典 测定 发油 含量

  • Objective : Methods for determination of the content of synephrine in Fructus Aurantii Immaturus by packed-column supercritical fluid chromatography was established .

    目的:建立填充柱超临界流体色谱法测定枳实中 辛弗林含量的方法。