syntactic position

[sɪnˈtæktɪk pəˈzɪʃən][sɪnˈtæktɪk pəˈziʃən]


  • The dissertation discusses buylding from various perspectives such as grammatical character 、 syntactic position 、 semantic features and the function of textual cohesion .

    文章以三个平面理论为核心,从多个角度探讨了不一定的语法性质、 句法 位置、语义特点以及篇章衔接功能。

  • In terms of the relationship between the syntactic position of the predicate and the stating function we think that only nouns with the function of statement can be placed in the position of the predicates .

    从谓语 句法 位置与表述功能的关系出发,我们认为具有陈述义的名词才可以进入谓语 句法位置。

  • The left dislocation construction refers to a syntactic structure in which a constituent is moved to the beginning of a sentence and original position is usually marked by a pronominal element .

    左向移位是 功能 语法中的一种 句法 结构,其中一个成分被移至句首是主 结构分析中的一个分支。

  • They are symmetrical in semantic syntactic position type of writing and the choice in the different sentence . They are not symmetrical in the use frequency and syntax combination .

    第六章讨论了至少和至多的对称与不对称性。两者在语义、 句法 位置、语体、句类选择上具有对称性;在使用频率、句法组合上具有不对称性。

  • The extraction of active adjectives is subject to the influence of their syntactic position the meaning of co-occurring verbs person tense etc. Imperative sentences are the typical context for the extraction .

    句法 位置、同现动词的意义、人称、动态等都影响着形容词能动意义的提取,而提取形容词能动意义的典型语境是祈使句。

  • Syntactic movement : Syntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position .

    句子中的某个成分从它原来所处的位置移至新的 位置就产生 句法移位。

  • Its Syntactic position can be before the subject or after . Its semantics will always point to a point in time .

    句法 位置可以在主语前也可以在主语后。

  • Meanwhile the syntactic position of modal adverbs is also influenced by subjectivity strength semantic representation and inter-subjectivity .

    语气副词的 句法 位置受主观性强弱、语义表达、交互主观性等方面的影响。

  • The semantic role and syntactic position of the verbal argument can influence the expression of references . 4 .

    动词论元的语义角色和 句法 位置对指称表达有影响。

  • When a complex event is mapped onto the syntactic structure the external argument is mapped in the higher position and hence serves as the subject while the argument in the internal event is placed in the post-verbal position .

    当一个复杂事体映射到 句法结构上时,外在论元处于 句法高处从而能够充当主语,而内在事体中的论元则只能出现在动词后的位置。

  • Chapter 5 firstly discusses the factors that restrict the syntactic position of bound components .

    第五章从 语言 类型 视野 探究 汉语 特殊 结构 地位。首先探讨制约粘着成分 实现的因素。

  • First we examine the syntactic position of the group of mood adverbs of ' bijing ' category on this basis we examined them act as adverbial of condition . The other is textual function .

    我们首先考察了毕竟类归结语气副词的 句法 位置,在此基础上我们对毕竟类归结语气副词作状语情况进行了考察;二是语篇功能。

  • Second the syntactic position of buylding .

    其次是不一定的 句法 位置

  • Classify and describe the instrument category which can appear in different syntactic position . The instrument category may appear in three kinds of syntaxes positions : Adverbial position subject position and object position .

    对出现在表层不同 句法 位置上的工具范畴进行分类描写,工具范畴可以出现在三种句法位置上:状语位置、主语位置和宾语位置。

  • Based on syntactic position other demonstrative pronoun can be divided into two categories : nominal and additional .

    旁指代词按照 占据 句法 位置的情况,可以分成体词性的和加词性的两类。

  • Design of a Corpus of the Syntactic Position of Chinese Nominal Phrases

    汉语名物性短语 句法 位置语料库的设计

  • The syntactic variation is reflected in two forms : one is the change of position the other is overlapping .

    句法变异的表现有两种,一是 换位,二是叠置。

  • First it investigates from the syntactic position syntactic collocation the co-existence with other words semantic analysis sentence category selection and pragmatic functions .

    首先, 从句 位置、句法搭配、与其他词语的共现、语义分析、句类选择和语用功能等多方面进行共时考察。

  • Adjectives which occupy a very important position in Chinese vocabulary system possess the main function of serving as attributes and predicates and the syntactic function of adjectives has key position in Chinese grammar research and teaching Chinese as a second language .

    形容词在汉语词类体系中占有十分重要的 地位,形容词的 句法功能在汉语语法研究和对外汉语教学中都非常重要,作定语和作谓语是形容词的主要功能。

  • The change of syntactic position and analogy are the mechanisms of the Cong type prepositions .

    从类介词的语法化机制主要是 句法 位置变化和类推。

  • Scope of negation is described here as the possibility of negation on the VP ( including AP ) elements which reflects its flexibility in syntactic position .

    否定辖域定义为VP(包括AP)成分被否定的可能性,体现了不 句法 位置的灵活性。

  • After detailed analysis and comparison we can conclude that sentence-initial noun phrases have advantages in the syntactic position there is a certain topicality .

    经过详细分析对比,我们得出:句首名词性词语在 句法 位置上占优势,有一定的话题性。

  • Not only syntactic position but also occurrence frequency of the other demonstrative pronoun is different .

    旁指代词不仅 句法 位置上存在着差异,在不同的 句法 位置上出现的频率也不一致。

  • The main factor preventing the English comitative preposition from evolving into a coordinating conjunction is persistence and it is the syntactic position that ultimately prevents the Chinese comitative preposition from developing into a coordinating conjunction in the sentence degree .

    导致英语伴随介词没有演变成并列连词的主要因素是语义滞留原则,导致汉语伴随介词最终不能发展成句级并列连词的原因是 句法 位置的制约。

  • Th-e grammatical meaning of verb-measure phrases entering each syntactic position are different . The grammatical meaning of each verb-measure phrase that enters each syntactic position is same with that of each syntactic position .

    动量短语进入各不同 句法 位置的语法意义不同,表现为进入各不同句法位置的动量短语的语法意义与各句法位置的语法意义趋同。

  • We also try to discuss the motivation and mechanism of grammaticalization and hold that the motivation is internal motivation of language e.g.the change of syntactic position .

    并且试图探讨导致这种语法化的动因和机制,认为“起来”的语法化动因是语言的内部力量,即 句法 位置的改变而引起的。

  • This paper discusses the restrictive factors of the appearance of de in the nominative structure of verbal component + nominative component which involves five factors : word class structure meaning syntactic relationship syntactic position and pragmatic factor .

    本文从词类构成、结构义、句法关系、 句法 位置、语用五个方面考察双音动词作定语时“的”隐显的制约条件。