


  • The geological-geophysical field properties of the Huainan synclinorium area and the coal / coal derived gas prospecting analysis

    淮南 向斜 地质-地球物理场特征及煤、煤成气靶 分析

  • Qinhuangdao antiform is formed by folding of the axial plane of the synclinorium with the hinge located at Qinhuangdao .

    秦皇岛背形以秦皇岛&凌源断裂为轴面,由 向斜的轴面褶皱而成,背形转折端在秦皇岛, 相对上翘。

  • There are various mineral resources in Altai synclinorium that is one of the most important copper lead zinc and polymetallic ore zones on south margin of Altai Mountain .

    在阿勒泰 向斜 分布有众多矿产,是阿尔泰山南缘重要的铜、铅、锌及多金属成矿区之一。

  • Hydrocarbon-generating Potential and Petroleum System of Upper Assemblage of Dangyang Synclinorium

    当阳 向斜上组合生烃潜力及其含油气系统

  • The coal bearing strata in Huainan area is situated in the south-east portion of the North China platform a synclinorium with northwest by west .

    淮南地区构造位置处于华北地台东南部,是一 北西西 展布 复式 向斜

  • Traps within footwall of nappe structure belt favorable regions for seeking out the traps distributing mainly within Sangzhi Shimen synclinorium .

    推覆带下盘圈闭,有利勘探区带主要分布在桑植&石门 向斜 之内

  • Relation between Reservoir Mineral Inclusions and Oil-Gas Generation-Capping Migration and Accumulation in the Southern Part of the Lichuan Synclinorium Western Hubei

    鄂西利川 向斜南部储层矿物包体与油气生盖运聚关系

  • Nanshu graphite deposits located at the south side of Qixia synclinorium in Jiaodong uplift exist in Liujiazhuang marble member of Jingqishan formation Jiaodong group of Archaeozic Erathern .

    山东省莱西县南墅石墨矿位于胶东隆起栖霞 背斜的南翼,石墨赋存于太古界胶东群旌旗山组刘家庄大理岩段。

  • Reservoir Pattern Recognition in T_1f_3 in the North of Shizhu Synclinorium

    石柱 向斜北部飞三段储层模式识别