syntax definition

[ˈsɪnˌtæks ˌdɛfəˈnɪʃən][ˈsɪnˌtæks ˌdefiˈniʃən]

[计] 语法定义

  • XDDL implements the syntax definition such as form style and data mapping .

    XDDL实现了上报数据表单样式、数据映射等的 语法 定义

  • The syntax for a method definition looks somewhat interesting as it uses the = operator almost as if it is assigning the method body that follows to the identifier main .

    方法 定义 语法似乎比较有趣,当它使用=操作符时,就像将随后的方法体赋值给main标识符。

  • Syntax definition of role specification certificate and role assignment certificate the flow design and analysis of attribute certificate authorization mechanism and the validation verification of certificate chain .

    1 语法 结构 定义、证书的授权流程设计与分析以及属性证书链的有效性验证等;

  • This provides the ability to simply check the syntax or test execute the SQL statement provided in the view definition .

    这使您可以选中视图 定义中提供的 语法或测试执行SQL语句。

  • The XML-based expression methods of process planning information including DTD syntax definition XML process information query and browse are elaborated and the implementation solution for XML transformation and integration of isomerism process planning information are presented .

    研究了基于XML的工艺信息表达技术,包括DTD 语法 定义、XML工艺信息查询、XML工艺信息浏览等,并给出了异构工艺信息的XML转换与集成的实现框架。

  • In the syntax structure analysis a grammar definition that has been able to cover the majorities of the query sentence patterns in the railroad ticket service domain is designed by analyzing carefully query goal and the query condition in the query sentence .

    句法分析中,通过对查询句中查询目标和查询条件详细的分析,设计了能够覆盖铁路票务领域内大部分查询问句的 语义文法。

  • This paper based on a study and analysis of different definitions of synonymous phenomenon in Russian syntax aims to present a new definition of it .

    在了解和分析以往关于句法同义现象的定义和界定的各种观点的基础上,对 句法同义现象这一概念进行重新 界定

  • To support registration of instances we add additional syntax to their definition .

    为了支持实例的注册,我们在它们的 定义中添加了额外的 语法

  • The thesis approaches the effect of the structural rule of Chinese on the acceptability of the imitation words from different aspects such as syntax stru-cure and semantic structure on the basis of definition of the concept analogous imitation .

    本文在确定类推仿造这一概念 内涵的基础上,从 句法结构、语义结构等方面探讨了汉语结构规律对仿造词的可接受度的作用。