


  • The quality of a research and the researchers qualification are synthetically manifested in a research report .

    研究报告是研究质量和作者水平的 综合体现。

  • C ~ 3I System Efficiency Evaluation Based on AHP and Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluation Method

    基于AHP和模糊评价法的 C~3I系统效能评估

  • It can synthetically indicate all aspects of city emergency capability in China .

    在城市应急管理工作中,应急能力 评估是基础中的 基础

  • Let 's analyse the causes of our failure synthetically .

    让我们 综合分析我们失败的原因。

  • To enhance the information warfare capability for our tactical army requirements on multi sensors on information battlefield are analyzed synthetically in this paper .

    为提高陆军战术部队信息化作战能力, 综合分析了信息化战场多传感器军事需求问题。

  • Objective To the use of the resources of Iuicium verum synthetically The optimum extraction condition and the stability of red pigment from Iuicium verum were investigated .

    目的为了八角资源的 综合利用,研究八角中红色素的提取最佳条件和稳定性。

  • In this paper multi-scale wavelet decomposition and SUSAN operator are synthetically used in image processing then the locations of feature points are rapidly acquired .

    综合 利用多尺度小波分解和算子的方法,对图像 进行多尺度小波分解和检测边缘、特征的 内外 点,快速准确地获得特征点的位置。

  • The author synthetically analyzed the properties of pavement materials in freeway and classified the Pavement materials .


  • Ground biomass of main shrub is also affected synthetically by soil nutrient soil moisture and topography .

    灌丛地上生物量,也受土壤养分、水分、地形 者共同的影响和作用。

  • The advantage and disadvantage of several inspection technologies are compared and combining method of inspection technology for buried pipelines and its application are analyzing synthetically .

    比较了多种检测技术的优缺点. 综合分析埋地管道检测技术组合方法及其实际应用。

  • In order to analyze the street sighting synthetically and quantificationally this paper advanced the concept of surface layer .

    该文为了 综合地、定量地分析和解读街路景观,提出了“表层”的概念。

  • Resilience Method and Bore Core Method Use Synthetically Measure Intensity of Concrete Probe

    回弹法和钻芯法 综合运用检测混凝土强度探索

  • The technique based on hierarchical partitioning was given which synthetically used spatial partitioning and bounding volume hierarchy .

    提出了基于分层次 分的 快速碰撞检测方法。

  • At last four kinds of ventilation scheme synthetically were compared then pertinent suggestions to the ventilation design of highway tunnel was put forward .

    最后对四种方案 进行综合比较,为公路隧道通风工程的设计提出了合理的建议。

  • Some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically .

    这些毒品有的是从鸦片中得来的,而其他一些则是 合成的。

  • A blue dye obtained from plants or made synthetically .

    一种从植物中获取或人工 合成的蓝色染料。

  • The authors have analyzed synthetically serials of design concepts and put forth the ò environment concept ó of the design concept of products .

    笔者 综合分析了一些设计思潮,提出产品设计的环境理念。

  • It had been approved that the method of AHP was a practical and efficient way to analyze the trade traits of the fruits of tomato synthetically .

    验证了AHP法对于番茄果实商品性状 进行 综合 评价与分析是一种实用、快捷、有效的 层次的 综合评价与分析方法。

  • Model rules on LOD grades of damage texture and grouping are constituted and the fuzzy synthetically evaluation method is used to choose the level of discrete LOD .

    制定模型的层次细节、损伤分级、纹理和分组规则,并采用模糊 综合评判方法确定离散LOD等级。

  • In the paper leaching & rime principle was analysed in-depth also influencing factors were studied synthetically .

    在对浸取结晶机理进行深入分析的同时,也对实验影响因素进行了 综合研究。

  • Through considering synthetically with the whole process of the computer simulation analysis a co-modeling method based analysis process was described in detail .

    通过 综合考虑 运用计算机 进行仿真分析的整个过程,详细介绍了基于分析过程的联合建模的研究思路。

  • The slope stability can be evaluated by synthetically analyzing test data and the reinforcing measures for the weak areas of dam abutment are advised .

    对试验数据的 综合分析,可以评价边坡的稳定性,并针对坝肩的薄弱环节提出加固处理措施建议。

  • On these grounds situation of the forest industrial region can be evaluated respectively and synthetically .

    据此可对森工林区的发展状况做出分项和 综合的评价。

  • The task of this last chapter is to synthetically discuss the logical method in Capital from the point of view of constructing the categorical system .

    这是最后一章。这里的任务,是从构造范畴系统的角度来 综合探讨《资本论》的逻辑方法。

  • Research on the synthetically automatic system and technology for the new wall materials

    面向新型墙材领域的 综合自动化系统和技术研究

  • Objective This article introduced the research about the evaluation synthetically and application of the objective hospitals in the process of annex and purchase of trusteeship .

    目的:介绍在兼并收购或委托管理目标医院时对其竞争力的 综合评价研究和应用范例。

  • This paper disposes and analyses synthetically a series of data of geophysics and geology of Zhuangguan mineral area .

    本文对庄官矿区的地质、地球物理数据进行了 综合的处理和分析。

  • Employing these three core modules synthetically the program flow chart for auto mounting is achieved lastly .


  • The first chapter of this paper synthetically stated the development status in quo character and function of Chinese stock market indicated the meaning of the paper .

    本文第一章 综合 描述了我国股票市场的发展、现状、特征及作用,指出了本文的研究意义。

  • From conception the structural topological relation the component stiffness and strength and the effect of external loads are all considered synthetically .

    在概念上, 综合考虑结构的几何拓扑关系、构件的刚度和强度以及外荷载对结构鲁棒性的影响;