synthetic product

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈprɑdəkt][sinˈθetik ˈprɔdʌkt]


  • The effect of the synthetic product as additive in liquid paraffin on its friction-reducing and antiwear ability was evaluated on a four-ball machine .

    用四球摩擦磨损试验机评价了油溶性γ Fe2O3纳米颗粒作为润滑油添加剂对液体石蜡减摩抗磨作用的影响。

  • And its structure and performance of synthetic product were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy 1H NMR element analysis and chemical analysis and so on . As a result the product of sulfonated castor oil acid which obtained was high sulfonated .

    通过傅立叶红外光谱法、1HNMR、元素分析法、化学分析等鉴定,对合格 产品分析 可知,得到的磺化蓖麻油酸为高度磺化产品。

  • Perillartine is a new synthetic perfume product with high sweetness and low calorific . It is widely used in tobacco food medicine health and other industries .

    紫苏葶是一 高甜度、低热值的 合成香料,广泛用于烟草、食品、医药、卫生等行业。

  • The result indicated that the method based on fuzzy synthetic judge was more scientific and reasonable . Synthetic product T.

    结果表明该优化设计的结果比常规优化设计方法的更科学合理。 作者合成 T。

  • Normally coal gas contains 27 ~ 30 % of CO and cannot be used to make synthetic product . A pressure-changing absorption technology is used to obtain high-purify CO over 95 % .

    煤气中CO含量一般为27%~30%,不能作为原料 合成 产品,用变压吸附方法提取高纯度CO,使之达到95%以上。

  • The optimum synthetic condition is decided by orthogonal experiments and the structure of synthetic product is identified by IR spectrum determination .

    运用正交试验法确定了最佳合成条件,并运用红外光谱对 合成 产物进行了结构鉴定。

  • To some extent the carnival is the synthetic product by mixing polytheism and the Christianity which has been clearly proved in the European cultural history .

    狂欢可谓是多神教和基督教 综合作用的 产物,这在欧洲文化史上都有着清晰的记载。

  • Ethylene decompounded from light hydrocarbon is a base raw material of synthetic organic product which can be used to made hundreds of synthetic material and it is the most output intermediate product in the world .

    从天然气中回收的轻烃分解出来的乙烯是有机 合成 产品的基础原料,可以生产数百种合成材料,是世界上产量最多的化工中间产品。

  • Atom utilization synthetic efficiency and target product efficiency was summarized as the technique index to assess the green degree of chemical synthesis .

    概述了原子利用率、 合成效率和目标 产品效率作为化学合成工艺的绿色评价指标。

  • Natural is the essence of health rather than a high-tech synthetic product .

    天然是健康的本质,而不是高科技的 合成 产品

  • This paper introduces that the technology to synthesis AAM ( AA ) - natural rubber graft polymer has some influence on the graft efficiency of the synthetic product . The author studies the structure by IR spectrum and discusses the adhesion properties and reaction mechanism of the graft polymer .

    本文研究了AAM(AA)-天然橡胶接枝聚合物的合成工艺条件对 合成 产物接枝效率的影响,以红外光谱法考察了合成 产物的结构并研究了该接枝聚合物的粘合性能及其作用机理。

  • According to the analytical results from melting point measurement IR and MS analysis the synthetic product can be identified as 4-ACCA .

    经测定熔点、红外光谱和质谱分析,证实所得到的 产品确实为对氨基 环己烷甲酸。

  • We first put forward the design of a simple synthetic A-share linked product and price the product with the non-arbitrage method of financial engineering .

    首先根提出了与A股挂钩的简单 虚拟 产品的设计,并采用金融工程中的分拆复制和无风险套利方法对其定价。

  • Linen was chemically modified by the synthetic product of polyepichlorohydrin and dimethylamine so as to improve its dye uptake and dyeing behaviour .

    利用聚环氧氯丙烷与二甲胺的 合成 产物对亚麻织物进行化学改性,以提高亚麻织物的上染率,改善其染色性能。

  • Developing an efficient synthetic route to natural product compounds and their analogs is often an essential step in drug development .

    发展一种自然 产物复合物以及类似物的有效 合成途径在药物研制过程中经常是必需的步骤。

  • Solid knowledge and hands-on skills in organic synthesis synthetic methodologies natural product synthesis or medicinal chemistry .

    有机合成, 合成方法学,天然 产物合成或药物化学领域,扎实的基础知识和动手能力。

  • In this paper A synthetic method and the product specification were introduced .

    介绍了 抗氧剂 168 合成方法和 产品质量要求。

  • My Opinion on the Reform of Synthetic Product Quality Inspection Organizations


  • Comparative Study of HPCE and HPLC for the Analysis of Synthetic Product Trifluoroacetyl Primaquine

    三氟乙酰伯氨喹 合成 产品高效毛细管电泳分析与高效液相色谱分析的比较研究

  • RESULTS The synthetic product was proved to be ipriflavone by 1H NMR .

    结果得到的样品经1HNMR波谱分析,证明是 伊普黄酮。

  • From January 16 issuers will have to flag the synthetic nature of the product in all sales and marketing material by use of an asterisk next to the name and the annotation This is a synthetic ETF .

    从1月16日起,在所有的销售文件及推广材料中,发行方均须在 产品名称后加上号,并附注此基金为一只合成ETF,以标明产品的 合成属性。

  • Reducing the design cost of product and enhancing the design grade of product is the key to enhance the synthetic competitiveness of product .

    而降低产品设计成本,提高产品设计水平是提高 产品 综合竞争力的关键所在。

  • Based on the study and analysis of product design synthetic evaluation the index system of synthetic machine product evaluation is established and its synthetic assessment model is proposed .

    在对产品设计综合评价进行分析的基础上,建立了机械 产品 综合评价指标体系,提出了 机械产品的综合评价模型。

  • There exits a desirable cross linking reaction between purified soda lignin and urea-formaldehyde and their synthetic product has a preferable compression strength of sand fixation whereas the carbohydrate in the plant raw material has an unfavorable effect on the modified synthetic urea-formaldehyde sand stabilization material .

    纯化碱木质素与脲醛呈现出良好的交联反应性能,其 合成 产物用于固沙的抗压强度较好,而植物原料中的碳水化合物对脲醛改性合成固沙材料则有不利的作用。

  • Determination of Betaine Content in Synthetic Betaine Product by Colorimetric Method

    比色法测定 合成 甜菜碱的含量

  • This research used homogeneous sedimentation method to synthesis nano-ZnO / muscovite composite with Zn ( NO3 ) 2 urea and muscovite powder . Meanwhile synthetic product was characterized .

    以Zn(NO3)2、尿素和200目酸洗白云母粉为原料,采用化学沉淀法制得纳米 ZnO/白云母复合材料。

  • Analyzing towards the demand of international crushers market the paper indicates that the key that national crusher enters international market lies on synthetic quality of product improving product quality from three aspects that is product design manufacture and service .

    通过对国际市场上破碎机械的需求分析,提出我国破碎机械走向国际市场的关键是 产品 综合质量,从产品设计、制造和服务三方面提高产品质量。

  • The synthetic product was characterized with IR and the influence of initiator BPO toluene and reaction time etc.

    合成 产物进行了IR表征,考察了引发剂PBO、甲苯、反应时间和单体等对接枝率和接枝效率的影响。

  • Research of Web Log Mine Technology Based on Synthetic Resin Product System

    基于 合成树脂 产品系统的web日志挖掘技术的研究