synthetic relationship

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk rɪˈleʃənˌʃɪp][sinˈθetik riˈleiʃənʃip]

[计] 合成关系,综合关系

  • The sub-effectiveness value is combined into the whole equipment system operational effectiveness with Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation method . The core of Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation method consists of three parts : evaluation factor set evaluation set and fuzzy relationship matrix .

    采用模糊 综合评价方法将子效能加权聚合成装备体系效能,其要素包括测评因素集、评判集及因素集与评判集间的模糊 关系矩阵,由此实现步兵分队城市作战效能的定量化评估。

  • In order to resolve problems mentioned above the synthetic technique of UF resin and the relationship of the resin structure and its quality were generally researched on the basis of a large quantity of experiments .

    针对脲醛树脂胶粘剂存在的问题,在大量实验的基础上对脲醛树脂的 合成工艺以及结构与性能的 关系进行了全面的研究。

  • Based on the principle of seismic wave reverse propagation and the relationships of seismic intensity attenuation in different directions form a synthetic relationship with Baoji as the epicenter .

    基于地震波逆向传播原理和不同方向的地震烈度衰减关系,形成以宝鸡市为中心的各个方向的 地震烈度衰减 规律

  • In fuzzy synthetic evaluation and grey cluster evaluation linear weighing method is commonly used for dealing with the relationship of each index .

    在模糊 综合评判和灰色聚类评价法中,各个指标 总是采用单一的线性加权的方法。

  • The geographic science may be renew by using nhe summary science theory which be formed by the convergence of the natural science and the social science and the synthetic integrated method which be formed by the combi-nation of the qualitative and quantitative research methods of man-land relationship .

    运用自然科学与社会科学相汇合而形成的概括科学理论和研究人地 关系的定量与定性相结合的 综合集成法,将会更新地理科学。

  • The use of the synthetic test dust and the relationship of the synthetic test dust and atmospheric dust are introduced .

    介绍了人工尘的用途、 人工尘和大气尘 之间 联系

  • On basis of these two models a synthetic model based on hierarchy and relationship is proposed which plays an important role in assembly analysis .

    基于这两种模型,提出了同时表达层次与 关系 综合模型,为装配分析奠定了基础。

  • The inhibition properties of a series of imidazolines with different hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups against corrosion of A3 steel in synthetic brine saturated with CO_2 were investigated . The relationship between molecular structure and corrosion inhibition property of imidazolines was studied .

    用极化曲线法和静态挂片法评价了不同疏水链和亲水基的系列 咪唑啉在饱和CO2盐水中的缓蚀性能,探讨了咪唑啉分子结构与其缓蚀性能的 关系

  • Biological activities of synthetic compounds are investigated and the relationship between the chemical structure and anti-tumor activity on the basis is discussed .

    合成的新化合物进行抗肿瘤生物活性实验,在此基础上进一步讨论了化合物的结构与抗肿瘤活性之间的 关系

  • As the synthetic reflection of many characteristics ' development in modernization process urbanization indicates that the social structure social relationship and economic relationship has changed deeply . The development of automobile industry has close relation to these changes of macroscopic environment .

    城镇化作为现代化过程中各种特征的 综合反映,表明社会结构、社会 关系和经济关系等宏观环境因素发生了深刻的变化,汽车行业的发展与宏观环境变化紧密相关。


    天麻的药理研究(二) 天麻素及天麻甙元对心脏及小肠的作用

  • Ethylbenzene is an important petrochemical organic chemicals and its down-stream products such as engineering plastics synthetic resin synthetic rubber are important raw materials which have close relationship with construction industry auto industry electron industry and daily necessities .

    乙苯是重要的石油化工大宗有机化学品,其下游产品如工程塑料、合成树脂、 合成橡胶等是建筑、汽车、电子及日用品等行业的重要原材料,用途非常广泛。

  • Then establishing an evaluation model by integrating linear-authority synthetic method with unlinear-authority synthetic method according to the relationship of indices . Finally telling the method application by doing an example .

    进而根据评价指标间的内部 关联,集成线性加权综合法和非线性加权 综合法建立综合评价模型,并通过实例阐述评价方法的应用。

  • Use of synthetic VSP logging data and seismic records to establish log sequence and the relationship between seismic sequence analysis sedimentary environment the establishment of sedimentary facies pattern distribution of depositional systems derived features .

    利用 VSP测井资料及地震 合成记录建立测井层序与地震层序之间的 关系,分析沉积环境,建立沉积相模式,得出沉积体系展布特征。

  • The optimization of channel bandwidth design for the synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) system is studied in this paper by analyzing the relationship between the SAR channel bandwidth and the image quality .

    针对 合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像质量指标与系统通道带宽的 关系,对通道带宽进行优化设计。

  • After comprehensive analysis we can obtain the integrated relativity results from the operation units . Based on the synthetic of operation units the author researches the original layout mode through drawing and illustrates the relationship of operation units ' position and its area .

    基于作业单位间 综合相关性结果,通过绘制作业单位位置 相关图以及面积相关图,得到布置方案原始雏形。

  • The calibration techniques are the premises of the quantitative analysis of synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) data and the quantitative relationship between the measurements and targets can be achieved by calibration .

    校准技术是 合成孔径雷达( syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)数据定量研究的前提,通过校准可以获得测量值和目标特性之间的量化 关系

  • Study on BBA and its synthetic analogues will further explain the M-receptor model and elucidate the structure activity relationship of tropeine alkaloids .

    包甲素及其 合成类似物的研究将可进一步阐明M&受体模型和莨菪烷类生物碱的构效 关系

  • It does not only promote peoples to explore the new synthetic method of the systems but also gradually understand the relationship between crystal internal structure and the magnetic properties .

    这也促进了人们对新的 合成方法的不断探索,也逐渐了解配合物内部结构与磁学性质之间的 关系

  • Using the methods of mathematical statistics do discrete processing for the value of synthetic acceleration by the model establish the relationship between road traffic accident data and discrete values of synthesis of synthetic acceleration in the combination road sections .

    利用数理统计的方法,对该模型计算出的组合路段 合成加速度值做离散化处理,建立合成路段的交通事故数据与合成加速度离散值之间的 关系

  • In order to eliminate the influence of the characters of used wavelet phases we suggest using phase-scanning method to select optimum matched wavelet to make synthetic records on the basis of using time-scanning method to accurately determine the time-distance relationship which can realize optimum seismic-horizons labeling .

    为了消除所用子波相位特性的影响,建议在利用时间法确定准确的时深 关系基础上,利用相位扫描法选择最佳的匹配子波制作 合成记录,即可实现最佳的地震层位标定。

  • Under the same temperature and atmosphere as SiC synthetic reaction various soft coal coke was studied by X-Ray . The micro-crystalline parameter was calculated . Relationship between micro crystalline structure character and activity and SiC synthesis was discussed in detail .

    本文在与 合成SiC相同的温度和气氛条件下对各种烟煤的焦炭进行了X-射线衍射分析,计算了其微晶结构参数,探讨了各种 烟煤微晶结构特点、活性及其对SiC合成的影响。

  • In this paper the technics and synthetic methods of cationic bitumen emulsifiers such as amine amide quarter amine salt etc were introduced . The relationship between the structure and property of emulsifier was discussed .

    介绍了胺类、酰胺类及季胺盐类阳离子沥青乳化剂的 合成方法及工艺,并对其分析方法进行了阐述,讨论了乳化剂的结构与其性能之间的 关系

  • Considering the difficulties of calculation using fuzzy synthetic evaluation method and the relationship among evaluators are ignored a new weight evaluation process using entropy method was established .

    针对模糊 综合评价方法中对多因子赋权时计算繁琐、工作量大、未考虑多个评价对象间 联系等缺陷,提出利用熵权法对多评价目标因子赋权的新思路。

  • A Preliminary Study on the Grey Relational Grade Analysis of Synthetic Performance and Relationship between Characters of Tetraploid Lines in Sugarbeet

    甜菜四倍体品系的 综合表现与性状间 关系的灰色关联度分析