synthetic zeolite

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk ˈziəˌlaɪt][sinˈθetik ˈzi:əlait]


  • XRD analysis shows that the type granularity and relative content of synthetic zeolite were affected by these factors .

    XRD分析表明:碱 活化条件将直接影响 沸石 型、晶粒尺寸和相对含量。

  • Many complicated and different dynamic behaviors are accompanied in the synthetic process of mordenite zeolite .

    在低硅丝光 沸石水热 合成 过程中存在着丰富的水热晶化动力学行为。

  • The PRM selection of activated carbon synthetic zeolite natural zeolite is included as well as ; comparison of the natural zeolite with different particle size ( 20 ) .

    包括活性炭、 合成 沸石、天然沸石可渗透反应材料的选取;不同粒径(20、40、100目)天然沸石的比较等。

  • The vitric tuff of Linli in Hunan may become a qualified synthetic material of zeolite molecular sieve after it is pretreated adequate1y .

    经适当预处理,湖南临澧玻屑凝灰岩可成为 沸石分子筛的 合成原料。

  • It reviews the progress in the research on kaolin modification by means of heat treatment and chemical process as well as the application of kaolin in synthetic zeolite .

    总结了国内在高岭土热处理改性、化学改性及其在 合成 沸石中应用的研究进展。

  • The positron lifetime spectra have been measured as a function of exposed air pressure for synthetic zeolite 13X and 3A and as a function of calcination temperature for zeolite 10X .

    测量了3A 及13X型 沸石分子 在不同压强空气中的正电子寿命谱,并测量了10X型分子筛在不同温度下焙烧后的寿命谱。

  • The influence of alkali 's activation conditions including baking method alkalinity and NaOH / fly-ash mass ratio on synthetic zeolite was investigated .

    讨论了碱活化粉煤灰的条件,包括焙烧方法、碱灰比和碱度对 合成 产物的影响。

  • A new type of mesoporous aluminosilicate named SAN-01 was synthesized with microcline as raw materials by integrating the synthetic procedures of MCM-41 and 13X zeolite .

    本研究以天然微斜长石为原料,结合介孔分子筛MCM-41与13X 沸石合成工艺,合成了孔壁中含有 13X 沸石基本结构单元 D6R的铝硅酸盐介孔分子筛,命名为SAN-01。

  • Develpment on Methods of Synthetic NaA Zeolite for Detergent

    洗涤剂用NaA 沸石 合成方法探讨

  • Characterization through XRD diffraction analysis we found that SiO2 / Al2O3 is a key factor in impact of synthetic zeolite type and the degree of crystallinity .

    通过XRD衍射表征分析,发现SiO2/Al2O3是影响 合成 分子 类型和结晶度的关键因素。

  • For the sake of understanding the functionary order of simulated nuclide Cs + and Synthetic Zeolite ( ZF ) the sorption equilibrium time and sorption capacity of simulated nuclide Cs + on ZF are studied with the intermittence method .

    为了解模拟核素Cs+与 合成 沸石(ZF)的作用规律,采用间歇法研究了ZF在不同环境条件下(浓度、温度、pH、介质)对模拟核素Cs+的吸附性能及其吸附平衡时间。

  • The synthetic condition of zeolite Y was between them .

    Y 沸石 生成条件介于二者之间。

  • State Changes of Methylamine Molecules in Synthetic Process of Boron-containing CF-2 Zeolite by Solid-phase Transformation

    固相转 合成含硼CF-2 沸石过程中甲胺分子的状态变化

  • New applications of synthetic zeolite

    合成 分子 的新应用

  • The influence of the aging time of guiding agent and the dosage on synthetic zeolite was investigated .

    同时加入导向剂,通过改变导向剂的老化时间和加入量探索对 合成 4A 沸石的影响。

  • The synthetic process principle and conditions of 5 zeolite sieve with bentonite are studied in this paper .

    以四川三台膨润土为原料,成功地 合成沸石 分子筛。

  • Study on the Properties of NH_4 ~ + Ions Exchange of Artificial Synthetic Zeolite P

    人工 合成P 沸石对NH4~+交换特性研究

  • Traditional adsorptive desiccants including active carbon silica gel active aluminium oxide and synthetic zeolite etc adsorb moisture gas for their porous structures and special surface characters .

    传统吸附型干燥剂,包括活性炭、硅胶、活性氧化铝和 合成 沸石等,利用其孔道结构和表面属性发挥吸湿作用。